
As I look around at the pax, I realize there are some new faces to me. Introductions were made to Carvana and Skipper, both here to Ruck. Noticeably missing was Fort Mills’ Dirty Hairy who was recently seen blotting out the sun, sporting his newly minted CARPEX™ Hello Kitty officially licensed gear, and was invited to attend N.W. Carpex’s premier High Tempo bootcamp. 🤐 A highly abbreviated disclaimer was shared….man can Hi-Liter talk, why don’t you lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance? [Read More]

No Mercy Mile

Pro tip: Write your BB as soon possible. This saving them up for the end of the week thing is for the birds. And not that much unlike my struggle to remember what I was doing about 30 hours ago the Exicon provided a doozy of a workout involving the track. I rarely post, or Q for that matter, where there is a running track so I made the most of this opportunity. [Read More]

May the Odds Be Ever in Your Favor

Pre-Blast 12 predators joined YHC at the Lion’sDen. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Run around the church and school lots. Circle up for: GM, WM, CP, SM. The Thangs ONE: hi-tempo lap around the school lot. THREES: up and down the first hill in the school lot, Bear Crawl up the hill for Burpees, run down the hill for LBCs PUTS or Mary while u wait. FIVES: up and down the second hill in the school lot, High Knees up the hill for Star Jumps, Butt-kickers down the hill for Sumo Squat Jumps. [Read More]

May the Odds Be Ever in Your Favour

Pre-Blast 12 predators joined YHC at the Lion’sDen. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Run around the church and school lots. Circle up for: GM, WM, CP, SM. The Thangs ONE: hi-tempo lap around the school lot. THREES: up and down the first hill in the school lot, Bear Crawl up the hill for Burpees, run down the hill for LBCs PUTS or Mary while u wait. FIVES: up and down the second hill in the school lot, High Knees up the hill for Star Jumps, Butt-kickers down the hill for Sumo Squat Jumps. [Read More]

If You Provide Bacon, They Will Come

22 PAX and no FNGs, disclaimer given (poorly), opening Prayer for those having surgery today and we are off. Warm up mosey through Wake Zone parking lot for a change of pace GM x 5 SSH x 8 Burpees x 5 Diamond Merkins x 8 Plankjacks x 5 Plankjacks x 8 (was supposed to be mountain climbers) Form 4 groups for Indian Run to track, stopping at light poles for various Mary exercises, each group chooses their own [Read More]

This is Kryptonite, Right?

Pre-Blast 7 HIM joined YHC at Kryptonite. 1 for an EC run – his name rhymes with smargemouth. 1 for EC Bible reading in the car during the EC run – his name rhymes with shurmeez. Once or twice, the PAX needed to be reminded that Kryptonite is a hi-tempo workout. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag - abbreviated version? Run around the lake. Circle up for: GM; Extended Plank Series: 200 total reps of MC, PJ, DM, WGM; 100 SSH. [Read More]

Murph 5 of 19 in 2019

Pre-Blast 13 HIM for the fifth of 19 Murphs (in 2019) at DP. Stronger backs, stronger hearts in 2019. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at flag. Circle up for OYO Good Mornings. The Thang Do a Murph (to the parking lot circle, back out of the lot, up the hill, down around the circle by the flag, back down to the pond, around the stage, to the pull-up bars). Run reverse course back to the flag. [Read More]

Pre-Blast 15 men grew stronger together physically, relationally, and spiritually at Apex’s premier limited run work out on Wednesday that meets at Sovereign Grace Church, Tortoises. Incredible extended COT with several men sharing about their struggles and victories related to mental health. After a raise of hands, we realized that virtually everyone in the circle had dealt with one or more of the issues we discussed in their life. I especially loved seeing the young guys learning from the older guys who’ve really been through. [Read More]

Stay In It

Pre-Blast 15 men grew stronger together physically, relationally, and spiritually at Apex’s premier limited run work out on Wednesday that meets at Sovereign Grace Church, Tortoises. Incredible extended COT with several men sharing about their struggles and victories related to mental health. After a raise of hands, we realized that virtually everyone in the circle had dealt with one or more of the issues we discussed in their life. I especially loved seeing the young guys learning from the older guys who’ve really been through. [Read More]

The Gronk

This morning, at the finest AO in Northwest Cary on a Thursday morning, 10 pax paid their respects to the Gronk. After 9 years in the NFL, 5 Pro Bowls, 4 First-Team All-Pro seasons, 79 touchdowns (and Gronk spikes) and 3 Super Bowl wins, the Gronk (Rob Gronkowski) announced his retirement from the New England Patriots and the NFL earlier this week. Gronkowski revolutionized the tight end position. Gronk is one of the most recognizable football players in the history of the NFL, with a larger-than-life personality, on-and-off the field. [Read More]