1,085 reps if you were keeping track (a couple of you were not)

Big props to Build-A-Bear, Banjo, Headroom, Lookout & Chops for their 0345 launch of a 10 mile EC run. A few normal HIM did a regular 3 mile EC run at 0500 0530 - 4 runners - 24 bootcampers - 1 rucker & a dog **Warm-Up **Mosey for some Good Morning, Windmill, Mnt. Climber, Steve Earle **Thang 1 **Doracides- Partner Up for 100 CDD; 200 Squats; 300 LBCs; 400 SSH [Read More]

Herding Cats for COT

Big crowd mulling around outside the gates. One FNG – disclaimer given. Pledge and we are off. Mosey through some parking lots followed by a few traditional warm up exercises. Head to the lot near the shelters for some pickle partner lunge, run, HRM circuits Shelter for 11’s with Dips and Irkins Crimson suggests heading to powerline hill to find Chewie and Bootlegger Run to crosswalk doing 3,6,9, 12…24 monkey humpers at each lightpole [Read More]

Fence Escalators

For the second time in the past two months, YHC needed to carry out my site Q duties at Claymore by stepping in for a last-minute impromptu Q. Frisco had given me a heads up that the VQ he had lined up (no, not Frisco) for today might not show, so there were already some ideas percolating. It’s 0545, and after pledging allegiance at the shovel flag, we’re off for a slow mosey around the circle. [Read More]

Suicide-ish Triple Nickels and Emily Blunts

Some like the saying, ‘another day, another dollar’ or the ever popular in my world, ‘good enough for government work’. In prep for the Back in Black Q this morning and with a still to be determined BRR route on everyone’s mind, I knew we needed hill work. I knew deep down though no one really wanted hill work, but maybe that’s just YHC. I throw on some RATM ‘Bulls on Parade’ for the ride over to Koka Booth VIP lot. [Read More]

I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream for A-Team

Coming off the hill Repeatos, @Imp said it best on the jog back to the Mary lot. “I freaking love that hill. It’s the best part of this entire AO.” I happen to agree. Let’s see how we got there. YHC rolled down Laura Duncan with a little Madonna’s Like a Prayer blastin. There’s a good backstory to why YHC loves that song but that’s for another medium to be sure. [Read More]

Callahan = nudnik

3 for EC: Chipper, Flip Flop, Francois. 1 ran to BO from his house ~3.4 miles: Pierogi Humidity at time of Bootcamp: 91% Dew Point at time of Bootcamp: 74 Tank Tops at time of Bootcamp: 41.6% (weak) At 5:45 sharp YHC orated a perfect F3 and COVID disclaimer…..only to be badgered by Callahan that it was taking too long. Callahan (and it was obvious he woke up on the wrong side of the bed) said “I am ready to workout”! [Read More]

If by that you mean filled with joy...

18 PAX gathered at the most senior of all CARPEX Monday AOs to help YHC commemorate the completion of my 45th orbit. Hotspot expressed his pre-event concerns about the contents of the Q sheet, but said “at least you didn’t bring your stinkin’ speaker.” Oh, you mean the speaker sitting over by the light pole? Yeah. Good thing. For now, the speaker was to belt out some 1975 tunes. Not necessarily hits, but all 1975 releases. [Read More]

Partner up, nevermind

I am still not sure why I signed up for the Q this morning. It sure would have been nice to sleep in. I’m sure several PAX wished I would have slept in (Deuce, you can say it, I won’t be offended). But I didn’t and we all left thankful for the opportunity to do some work and enjoy some fellowship together. Here is what went down: 6:30 - time to get rolling. [Read More]

Snip-pery When Wet

Fifteen PAX made it out Friday morning in the gloom to Slippery When Wet for a Snip-led workout. At 545 AM (and some change), we kicked it off with the Pledge, and off we went. Warm up Warm up run to the Conduent parking lot. Good Mornings Sir Fazio Arm Circles (Forward + Reverse, Small + Large) Side Straddle Hops Calf Stretch (both sides) First » DORA FLORA (DORA’s older sister) Mozy up the stairs to the parking deck, grab a partner, begin the following while running around the corner and back up the stairs: [Read More]

Add title

I couldn’t think of a title so I just kept what was already there. A few of us got after it a bit early for a little EC, and I saw a few guys getting a bit more after the workout. Here’s what happened in between. 0545, No FNGs so off we go for a quick parking lot tour before circling up for some Good Mornings, Windmills and Steve Earles. [Read More]