We Have Liftoff

AO Launch Day. YHC was a bit nervous about attendance because there had been zero Slack hype for this event during the lead up. Despite that fact, a lot of folks somehow showed up to be part of the emergence from stealth mode. YHC knew something major was afoot when Ma Bell decided to again venture into “the eastern regions of his former kingdom” for not only the ME but an EC run taboot. [Read More]

The Real Sumo Squat

Pre-Blast 21 for 3.2 miles of pearls on a string at Krypto The Warmup & Thang Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Turn left out of the lot onto Regency. Run up to Enderlee pausing six or so times to knockout ~fifty exercises at each stop. Left on Enderlee. Run down to Regency pausing six or so times to knockout ~fifty exercises at each stop. Run to the parking lot hill pausing six or so times to knockout ~fifty exercises at each stop. [Read More]

Peace at SWW / Crazy sheet abroad

YHC loves his annual (less if it can be avoided) trips to AOs below Route 1 but the Friday ones are doubly special. Once a DZ’er, always a DZ’er after all. But with the holiday-ish week upon us and the 2.0s not yet in school, tis the time to commit to a 20+ minute commute and see how the other half lives. And boy is it a different world down here in Car-ner Springs. [Read More]

#2247 - SWW 12/27/19

4 or 5 for 7800° EC run (including Term Paper completing the full EC run). 10 including YHC for the main event. A formal briefing was conducted at 0545 and we jogged up some stairs to a parking deck (yes, Cauliflower, there is a parking deck magnet that mysteriously draws a Q in). Circle up for a standard Shut-In warm-up with a break for 10 Burpees OYO. The word on the street was that this week’s record of LBCs stood at 480. [Read More]

Is it mumblechatter or grumblechatter?

The grumblechatter was strong at Wolverine this morning, led by Her-‘I can’t get wet’-mes and Frank-‘a mosey can’t last longer than 0.4 miles’-lin. But we persisted. And YHC is grateful to get to improve. **Warm-up: **Jog (or was it a mosey)? over to the school lot Good Mornings; Imperial Walker; Hill Billy; Calf-stretch w/ Merkins; Butt Kicker; High Knees; Karaoke Thang 1: Groups of three for new-max pull-ups. First time through, set your baseline max. [Read More]

Re-evaluating Life Decisions

Early this morning, YHC, Wrench, Flenderson, Two Factor, Jiggly Puff, and some random Maynard participants gather at the Cary Senior Center. For some crazy reason YHC decided to join in on the EC festivities offered by Wrench on Slack last night. We started the morning at 5:30 setting out for a 5 mile loop. 54 minutes and 5.51 miles later YHC arrived back to the senior center for the ME. I was beat and clearly questioning my life decisions at that point. [Read More]

The Morning After

If YHC has one skill when it comes to Qing. One that is greater than all the rest. It has got to be the ability to sign up to Q the morning after late night events. Thursday night football…a major holiday…Christmas Party…you name it, I’m probably Qing it. So of course YHC has the Q on Friday at Slippery When Wet when just hours ago he was stuffing his face with pasta, slingin a few back, and toasting to the new year. [Read More]

5 Years............and Counting

Hit the PAX with a challenge to post at Kryptonite on the Slacks. And a special request to the 8 other Pax that attended my first workout, 7 of the 8 were there (Burt - Q, Wonderbread, Denali, Hotspot, Michelob, Franklin, and MaBell). Surcharge was unable to make it, although I am not sure he received my request. Anyways, 27 total showed up to see if I learned anything in the past 5 years…………. [Read More]

Blair Witch Project, DQ and Merlot - 11/18/19 - Kryptonite

Several guys did an EC run, I think it was Michelob, Squatter, GTL, Denali and Oofta. Hello Kitty and YHC did an EC scouting run. 15 were present at 5:30, a brief disclaimer was disclaimed and follow me.. The Warmup: Jog up Regency Parkway, make a right into the gravel driveway into the woods. Circle up in the power line right of way for some warm-up activities. The Thang: Jog into the woods behind the little cell tower thing and find the trail. [Read More]

Wilt and Copperhead Dora

YHC had a great beatdown planned for Back in Black this week. Unfortunately my good buddy Yoga Mat did most of it during his Respect Week Q last week. Went back to the drawing board and came up with this. Warm-Up Disclaimer and Pledge, then mosey over to the Koka Booth entrance for three rounds of quick feet and irkens, then to the bottom of the hill and circle up for cherry pickers, Steve Earles, arm twirlies, seal claps and copperhead merkins. [Read More]