Snip'n with Disaster

Twenty PAX (I missed a few names above…) made it out to FWD for a VQ to be remembered. As a recent graduate of HQS (Hermes Q School), I felt mentally and emotionally prepared for the twists and turns that could spring upon a Q on a Tuesday morning in the FWD gloom. Kicked it off on-time with the Pledge and off we went. Class Picture Warm up Jog the hill up and around to the Lowes Food parking lot: [Read More]

Quiver's 2nd Year Anny - Heat 2 Q-School Theme

YHC (your humble correspondent) volunteered to take the overflow Q (leader) spot to maintain property Corn Teen (redneck for quarantine) protocol for Quiver’s 2-year anniversary Q. About 6 or 7 did an EC (extra credit) run. 16 were standing around more than 6-feet apart at 0545. Quiver led a Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and we split up into 2 groups: The rookies and the legends. The rookies follow me. [Read More]

Dusting the rust off

Well, F3 Carpex is back open, which is great! YHC has been posting fairly regularly throughout the past couple of months, but the one thing he hasn’t done is Q. Well, with the limit of gatherings to 10 people or less, when 20 people showed up for Hello Kitty’s 3 year Annie Very Sorry Q, the pax needed to be divided. Instead of letting Hermes Q his 73rd workout over the past 2 months, YHC stepped up and took the lead. [Read More]

5-4-20 A-team Re-Launch Group 1

The Gloom Belongs to Us! 10 Pax showed up to re-launch A-team. YHC had the Q. Standard F3 disclaimer was recited, new disclaimers given to stay 6 feet apart and pax were instructed to be especially cautious of other any non-F3 people we may happen upon sharing our gloom. – The warm up: jog to the parking lot by the power lines, get in a big circle for some Good Mornings, Hill Billy’s, SSH, Merkins, Moutain Climbers, Sir Fazio Arm Circles and Circles Arm Fazio Sir. [Read More]

It's called WWI. Look it up!

This Guy! (instead of YHC. What do you think Denali?) for an EC 3.5 mile run with now 53-year-old Michelob, Denali, Largemouth, Chanticleer, and Grandpa Banjo Hey, look there’s Hermes, Francois, and Hi-Liter. Let’s work out. Mosey to larger parking lot Warm-Up Good Morning, Windmill, SSH, Calf Stretch Thang One Located a nice size hill, ordered extra headwind and called out 11’s with L/R Jump Lunges at the bottom and Squats at the top. [Read More]

Under The Wire

“THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. [Read More]

Shooting Bricks at SWW

It was a rainy Friday the 13th but 17 PAX showed up for the only March Madness in town. Started off with the pledge and circle up for Warm ups Good Mornings (13) SSH (13) HillBillies (13) Diamond Merkins (13) One Legged Homer to Marge (13 each leg) Runners stretch (13 count each leg) Hermes not able count past 10 in Roman numerals Thang 1 Partner Murphish Dora 50 Pull Ups 100 Merkins 150 Bobby Hurleys Takes turns running around pickle Thang 2 [Read More]

Hundreds on Hundreds

Twas a beautiful morning at FWD as 18 pax gathered for a beatdown. YHC has made it a goal to Q a lot more this year, so this was the first of several more to come! So, after the disclaimer and the F3 mission statement was given to our FNG, we recited the Pledge of Allegiance and were off. Warmup: After running around to the far part of the parking lot, we circled up for: [Read More]

Switch-A-Hoo Take Two

After Yahoo’s switch-a-hoo (Shut-In coined term) last week I had to return the favor due to him being out of town. Arrived early and hid my mini-van containing cinder blocks in the main area. Started at 0530. Warmup Ran to the main promenade grass area, and warmed up with: - Imperial Walkers - Sir Fazio Fwd - Seal Claps - Sir Fazio Reverse - Merkins Thang 1: Manmakers, Merkins and Swings Partnered up and grabbed cinder blocks from the mini-van. [Read More]

The Island Hopping Switchahoo

Wahoo got a little over zealous training for the BRR and hurt his foot. He asked that I swap Q’s for Point Break with him (3/4 for 3/11). Since it was about time to shave my winter beard, I decided there was no need to update the Q sheet. I borrowed Wahoo’s shirt with “Wahoo’s Fish Tacos” on it and showed up. I really liked a rock suicide workout that Term Paper did a few weeks ago. [Read More]