Loud Ain't Hi Tempo

64 degree, limited humidity, 13 men (6 for 2 lake loops EC) for a little Kryptonite this am. Flag planted, no FNGs. Select a partner. Cape and Boxing Gloves did not last long. We are off. Warm Up Half lap. SSH, MC, LBJJ, Hillbilly, LBJJ, GMs. 10-20x. Quick run over to the big parking lot. Thangs Finish warm up (see above) + 13 burpees OYO. Webbicides. 10 cones. 1 merkin at the first cone up to 10 merkins…increasing Merkins each time in suicide style after running to each of the 9 cones separated by about 15 yards. [Read More]

8/24/17 Bear Shoulders

YHC was a little stiff from the long run Trifecta the day before, so 18 crepuscular PAX shouldered the weight of some shoulder work by bear crawling on the shoulder of the road at Bounty Hunters this morning! The warmup: Run around the ball field, circle up in the parking lot for some typical warm up stuff and some moderately random quantities. Made sure to include some Sir Fa(r)zio Arm Circles to get the shoulders warmed up. [Read More]

Lost...in Cary

After a very long hiatus from Carpex F3 posts, Hotspot egged me on by stating that he and Hasslehoff were doing an abbreviated Insomnia, followed by Vesper, and asked if I wanted him to take the Shovel Flag there for me. Smack. So YHC HC’d to the double down. After a brisk (7'45"/mi) 4+ miles, I wrung (is that a word?) out my shirt and knew I was in trouble. Had called the route for Vesper long as James Jackson, the hard way, last night on the Groupme. [Read More]

Flirtin' With a Double Dribble

On Wednesday, August 22nd, the Carpex Fighting Fish PAXetball team meet at Marla Dorrell park, the home of Carpex Court, for an early morning practice. 27 members of the team, YHC included and an FNG from New Jersey (lifelong friend of YHC) met at the hardwood (or pavement), because as YHC’s tweet pointed out, “Hard bodies are made on the hard wood (pavement).” And with that, practice was under way: [Read More]

Off Campus Work

A muggy Friday at the original Cary (before CarPex) AO. It was 77 with nearly 100% humidity. Site Q Large planted the flag and the men began to gather. Welcome Big Bird (my boy), Puck and Viking from 20 somethings from the ITB and as well as Kotter Billy. Great to have Billy back. Loom is also back in the rotation, too…which is awesome. 22 Pax. I decided to showcase a little different location this am…but heading off campus away from the dark trails of North Cary Park. [Read More]

8/7/17 Inflating Snake BLIMPS at Inspiration Point

14 High Impact Men for a high-paced (for YHC) Kryptonite work out this morning! The Warm-up: Mosey just past the tent next to the lake, circle up for some Good Mornings and Imp Walkers. Get into four 3-4 man teams, do the weave/baby indian run around the lake to the stop light. Squat hold to wait on the six. Run to the next parking lot up the road on the right, circle up for some more warm up, I don’t remember what I called here. [Read More]

More Jets than Chargers... sadly

Going into this VQ, I was hoping to achieve Hall of Fame status but at the very least hit #MinimalCompetence. I thank all the PAX family for putting up with the latter while I work towards the former… you aim for the Hall of Fame but you sometimes have to go through the Jets to get there. But that’s beyond the point… in celebration of TCU Alum LaDainian Tomlinson’s upcoming induction into the NFL Hall of Fame, 13 PAX joined me for a VQ beatdown-ish. [Read More]

Over Hill and Dale in Downtown Cary

So a few weeks ago I was complaining giving constructive criticism about an Indian Run we were in the middle of when Term Paper said, “Guess what, VQ week is right around the corner and you can plan an even better workout.” Dazed and confused, YHC finds himself in the gloom, in front of FUMC, Q’ing the Bradford’s Ordinary. A huge THANK YOU for the yoga mats that appeared! At long last, my wail of anguish has been answered and I have a place to lay my weary countenance! [Read More]

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.

On August 2, 2017 Shakin’ not Stirred became Friday (Wednesday) Night Lights with the Carpex Fighting Fish. 29 PAX arrived for practice. Also, the Carpex cross-country team headed out with 5 in toe (sorry Ma Bell) for a Vesper’s conditioning run. First a tip of the coaching visor to Burt for the modify as needed t-shirt and the love for YHC, Hello Kitty. With fire in their bellies Coach Kitty gave a rousing pre-game speech (some got emotional), telling the team that by giving all they had on this day we would be ready to take on Bingville on Friday night. [Read More]

The Rose

Glorious morning at Kryptonite this morning. 11 warriors show up. Stare at each other. Ask who the Q is for the morning and YHC takes the bait. Let’s see what went down: Run around the tiny parking lot and pick up Khakis; COP - SSH, Mountain Climbers, Merkins, Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers; Indian Run over the the parking lot we haven’t been kicked out of yet (#meanstreetsofCary); Partner up - Partner #1 runs to the road/Partner #2 does exercises (Star Jumps, Squats and LBCs) x2; Run to new location - Burpee broad Jump sandwich - Bear Crawl to the first light pole, Burpee Broad Jump to the next light pole and Bear Crawl to the final pole; Suicides - Three light posts. [Read More]