Rocks, Rocks and more Rocks

Was enjoying chatting up the group when suddenly it was time to go - one burpee OYO i called and then follow me. FIrst Moore came up to me and was very concerned about where we were headed as his FNG had not yet arrived. Dont worry i assured him as we rounded the corner to the back of the parking lot as i had every intention of staying in the exact same parking lot for our warm up. [Read More]

Just a Little Sky-Writin

9 gathered in the 37 degree gloom at Koka Booth. I took the under when the line was set at 10, so big time winning already. Hermes had a SC from a FNG…..but alas it was not meant to be. This particular FNG is looking for a workout program that progressively gets harder. Thankfully he was a no show, because I was hoping to set the bar high. Warm-up. Run to the XL sized parking lot for what seemed like a very random set of jogging, warm up exercises, backwards running, side shuffling, and other stuff. [Read More]

Service Before Self

10 November 2018 – the day before Veterans Day and YHC was ready to lead a bootcamp for the ages to pay honor and tribute to our Nation’s warriors who have worn the uniform to defend freedom at home and abroad. I knew I needed stronger men than myself to lead this epic beatdown, and so I literally called in the Troops. Here’s how it went down, keeping in mind that the pax were well equipped with weight vests and ruck sacks, and 2 men at all times carried a log c/o of our brother Bartman (who was out Rucking his ass off at a tough… what a beast). [Read More]

The 2018 Odyssey: It’s a Journey, Not a Race

In CARPEX, we have a saying “if there’s no Back Blast then either it was a Riptide Q or it didn’t happen”. But the Odyssey did happen (I have the t-shirt to prove it) and so it must to go down into the annals of CARPEX so that someday future generations will read about it and ask themselves “What the #*@(#* were those morons thinking?!?!!” So what the #*@(#* were we thinking? [Read More]

Cadence Count Cluster warm up followed by flawless Thangs

The morning may have gotten off to a rocky start but we finished strong by doing over 2 miles and honoring our beloved Bojangles Warm up 10 Good mornings, followed by 20 or so SSH’s followed by a failed attempt to do imperial walkers in cadence Thang 1 - Moseyed down to the lower parking lot and did Bojangles with Blueberries. 3 laps around the pickle with 5 burpeee’s after lap 1, 10 burpee’s after lap 2 and 15 burpee’s after lap 3. [Read More]

A String of (Back in) Black Pearls

11 HIMs braved the coldest morning this fall morning at the finest Thursday AO in Carpex east of Hwy 64. YHC has a tendancy to make every workout high tempo, so I tried to tone it back a bit this morning. I did fail to brief the FNG before we got started, however I had confidence Bayonne had provided ample discussion during the EH’ing process. 5:15 (Feels so good to type that! [Read More]

Chilly Recovery Jog, Yawn. 10-22-18

13 showed up on time for Kryptonite. It was a bit cool at around 37° on the Tundra thermometer. The Warm-up - Jog to the stoplight for some GMs and some Hill Billies. The Thang - Intervals - Run up Ederlee drive, giving 90+ percent for 2 light poles and then jogging for 1 light pole. Repeat till you get to the stoplight. Yes, the one at Penny Road. Yes, all the way up to Penny Road. [Read More]

No 605 Boys

14 early birds opted for the latest and greatest 0515 AO ever to grace Carpex with its presence! As AC/DC’s “Back in Black” lit up the airwaves of the Kokabooth parking lot pax began arriving in their themed black attire. Forget tanks. “Badass Black” all DAY! The question, “Do we need headlamps?” was presented and quickly laughed off by the 3 co-site Qs. Yes, 3 site Qs. Let’s meet them: Hermes - cofounder of FWD, greek god, and headband wearer. [Read More]


30+ Pax found a way to get to Bond Park Senior Center today between the hours of 0430 and 0545. Some arrived that early for #TheMaynard, others a little later for #Insomnia, and picking up the 6 were those ready for a #Beatdown or a #Vesper run. For those that couldn’t make it a new(ish) F3 Lexicon word was discovered by YHC during a recent 43Feet podcast. Some guys faced certain circumstances; work, family, scheduling, issues and had to fartsack. [Read More]