Leg Day at Back in Black

Where did this cold weather come from????? I much prefer the 47-55 degree band and look forward to getting back there! Several Pax know I somewhat regularly hit the gym after F3, and today was supposed to be leg day in the gym. My original plan was to hit F3, then go lift. Unfortunately, I’m slammed with all-day meetings and did not finish my presentation yesterday, so I need the time to do that. [Read More]

Carpex Challenge 2018 is in the Books

Congrats to the 36 that participated in this year’s challenge. In the end, very few completed all 3 Fs, and in fact, not many were able to post at every AO in 2018. Perhaps I made it too difficult this year, or maybe I didn’t do a good enough job marketing the challenge. But I think it’s more likely a statement of our growth. In the end, it was successful, because I know that it made some number of PAX push themselves a bit more and get out of their comfort zone. [Read More]


Phoenix, January 5, 2019 Pax: 1-4, Angry Elf, Banjo, Bluewater, Callahan, Clementine, Earhart, Everready, Frisco, Gap Year, Hello Kitty, Hermès, Jiggly Puff, Lite Brite, Ninjago, Ollie, Pierogi, Pigeon, Pivot, Smokey, Snots, Term Paper, Texas Ranger, Theismann, Traffic Cone, Water Wings, Yoga Mat Today was to be Karma Chamelion’s virgin Q, Karma has busted his knee and will be out indefinitely. Prior to starting, YHC invited all pax to consider joining in on the Healing Transitions weekly Saturday 0800 run at Umstead, Harrison entrance. [Read More]

A Q-versary Murph

Last night during dinner I was explaining to my 2.0s what the workout for the next morning was going to be and why. As I read to them the heroic account of Micheal P Murphy and his ensuing death I became immediately convicted of why I called the Murph for a workout. While physically it is quite a challenge, my hope is as we endeavor to complete such a feat that we are taking a moment to remember the all the great men and women who risk their lives everyday in defense of the United States of America. [Read More]

Shortest backblast Top 10

The numbers were low, yet very vocal during this relatively mild morning. We did log around 4.2 miles total! (#neckstrain) Also, I have no idea how to change a date on wordpress, so for the record, this back blast is from December 1st. Thang: Hill 7’s by kiosk (Burpees and CDD) Flood wall by pond partner 1 rock the body, partner two run the levee loop (3 rounds) Finish with a run around the pond for the whole pax, stopping periodically to do Imperial walkers and catch the six. [Read More]


My M had a hair appointment after the babies’ bedtime last night… which offered the perfect opportunity to knock out some laundry and catch up on podcasts. Last week’s call that was on the F3 Nation podcast featured Olive’s testimony. As I was listening to that, I saw Pet Sounds’ call for a Q-sub. Having navigated that course last week - and having vision cast from a recorded phone conference - I quickly saw a plan come together. [Read More]

21s for Double Down

Our bros in Louisville put a call out to the Nation this week. To post on Tuesday, wear black, and get a pax picture holding up Ace of Spades to show support for Double Down, who is starting his fight against cancer. For me, it’s cool to see his name is Double Down, which we probably all know is a betting strategy in Blackjack. Cancer can be a game of blackjack sometimes. [Read More]

Dude Solutions

Although it was the earliest AO on the schedule for the day, the forecast said it was not the coldest at the start. So we had that going for us. And a quick shout out to Hermes who was so concerned that I was lost as I drove past the parking lot to scout out a location, that he walked up the hill to the road to make sure I made it back safe and on-time. [Read More]

Did Yoga ask to run?

When: 11/27/2018 QIC: Pet Sounds The PAX: Hermes, Yoga, Ma, Goose, Titanic, LiteBrite, Term Paper, Hello Kitty, WKRP and Pet Sounds #DRP - check 10 HIM made the right decision to get out of the fartsack, and accelerate their F1 Go Time 0530 Warm Up mozy to the grocery parking lot Circle up for SSH, Merkins (wide, reg, diamond) Hill Bills, Imp Walkers Thang One: Mozy to short hill 7s star jumps and Merkins Thang Two: Mozy to Piney Pines Stop along the way for Irkins Mozy down hill Stop along the way for Dirkins Thang Three: Light Pole Burpees ascending Thang Four: Mozy to the Bridge 15x partner pull ups Mary Mozy back to the flag for Mary LBCs, LSFs, J-Lo’s Announcements & Prayer Requests [Read More]


YHC arrived a few minutes early to see what condition the conditions were in. Hopes for spending at least part of the beatdown in the amphitheater were dashed, it was lit up but there were workers preparing it for an upcoming event. Not sure how much that mattered because the greenway around Symphony Lake was covered in water. Hermes says that can happen after five days of continuous rain. Looks like we’re gonna get wet. [Read More]