It's Gotta be the Shoes

Strava: 17 Pax gathered at Cary’s Koka Booth VIP lot ready for a high tempo beatdown led by YHC (or why else would I be writing the BB?) As the crowd gathered it appeared we’d also have a high tempo mumblechatter kinda morning. And boy did we. 1 FNG, formerly known as “Ken”, now referred to as Snapback was there. He has lived here about a year and was a referral from the Cape Fear boys, where SB used to live. [Read More]

Fern Gully

In recent months, we’ve encountered a herd of fern people (h/t Hermes) from Lifetime Fitness exercising in our parking lot. I thought this morning, we could return the favor… Augmented rolled up with an FNG, so YHC took a crack at delivering the full disclaimer. Pledge of Allegiance, mosey across the street to 8000 Regency for the warm-up. Warm-up (I humbly suggest that Carpex is in a warm-up rut, so I pulled a couple new ideas from the Exicon): [Read More]


11 pax came for the beatdown. 4 for the first time to Claymore. 1 site Q was there (Frisco was not the one.) TCLAPS for Earhart making his way back out after a scare with his digestive system (and praises!) Sometimes you plan a workout and then you get to the site and realize there are 2-3 more tennis courts than you thought there were. Oops! I intended to keeps our bodies moving for 45 mins, and we did, but in doing so maybe we did too many miles. [Read More]

The Freedom Trail July 4th Convergence

@Qwerty, @Red Ryder and YHC met last week to plan the 2019 July 4th Convergence hoping to create something special. Our goal was to keep the PAX together in order to preserve fellowship and maybe a few exercises in-between. The disclaimer was disclaimed, the F3 Mission was delivered and Whitney Houston’s Star Spangled Banner put the PAX in a USA state of mind that included a Fly Over courtesy of Delta. [Read More]

Q-School: Exam Day

It was a good day for a VQ, thanks to the perfect mix of humidity, heckling, helpful encouragement, and reminders from Shut-In that the things he brought up in Q school were better applied than remembered. Despite lots of “you’re starting at SNS?” questions we’re off. Mosey in the unusual direction from the flag, getting started at the ropes course parking lot. After a brief attempt to keep up appearances by suggesting that Build-a-Bear was passing the test in observing my counting woes, we found the correct combination of pauses and cadences to get going. [Read More]

Yeah, I know, another BRR inspired workout

Denali, bless his heart, he means so well, introduced Bagels (owner of Duck Donuts) and Greenbo to all the other pax. That guy has a heart of gold, and a penchant for making good coffee, but more on that later. Thank you for your leadership. Since there are no FNGs, we are off. Mosey to the HCL America parking lot, hopefully we won’t get kicked out, and do a little warmup, various exercises including runners stretch and pigeon pose. [Read More]

Core work at FOD 6-25-19

3 guys did some ECP or something b/c they think South Cary couldnt handle it. I think it started at 5ish. 5:45 - “Disclaimer” was stated, literally. Follow me, the path around the ball fields is closed, like with a fence closed in case you were wondering. Do some penalty burpees for YHC not knowing this. Jog over to the nice soft field and circle up for some warm up stuff. [Read More]

Slippery with the S Word

Warm-up: Over to the front lot for GM, Cotton Pickers, Burt Jacks, Overhead Clap, Seal Clap, Quick Feet… Why is nobody counting?!?!?! YHC dropped an S bomb in front of a few 2.0s. Sorry. 10 Burpees OYO …Quick Feet and Curb Merkins. The Thang: Back to the back-right lot: 5-10-15-20-25-20-15-10-5 Merkins, Squats and LBCs with laps up and down the lot Move the pax to the shelter and partner up 100 LRSU, 200 Dips, 300 Irkens w/ the lot lap Mary: [Read More]

Inverted Sunrise at FwD 06-18-19

YHC is honored to Q this morning at my old stomping grounds. It is good to be back. Chipper, Jiggly Puff and YHC followed Oofta’s lead on a 3ish mile EC run launching at 4:55. It looked like a couple others got in a shorter EC run. Circle up, disclaimer, moment of silence for Warchild. The Warmup: Follow me, jog around the pickle, some Good Mornings, Windmills, Sir Farzio Arm Circles and SSH for good measure. [Read More]

Modify the Modification

Wednesday, June 12, 2019 Vesper Runners and Boot campers headed their separate ways. Bootcampers mosey to Community center for warm up of various exercises and good mornings led by Nature Boy. Mosey to the kiosk. Modified 11s, iffin you can call it that. 10 prom night merkins at the top, 10 dips at Sertoma, Burpees, 1…….11 each time you pass the kiosk Run to top of the Hill, around pole, prom night merkins, back to kiosk, burpees, to Sertoma and around the back end, dips, back to kiosk, and repeat. [Read More]