Last year I was out of town on my birthday, so this year I planned early and signed up for the Q slot for A-Team months ago. Little did I know how different the world would be over the past few months. I am thankful we are able to get out each morning, support each other, and move our bodies! Here is what went down today: Arrived a bit early, Crimson was complaining that I had him leave a few minutes earlier than normal but it was great to meet the PAX as the arrived. [Read More]

The American Dream

Disclaimer. Mosey to front of school for some warm up thingys: ssh, imperial walkers, calf and runners stretch, good am. Mosey to east side of school; 5 rounds, 10 L/R heel touches at bottom cross walk, up the stairs, 10 diamond merkins at entrance, repeat. 110 yard length of driveway on east side, 6 burpees, run length, 6 burpees, return, repeat for 10 minutes. Mosey to back of school, Billy run [Read More]


When Hanson asked for someone to step up and take his Q this morning YHC gladly accepted the challenge. The first detour was expected since it was well advertised that YHC would be the QIC. The next detour was caused by the locked gates. The site Q’s need to see someone about that since it was starting to be a regular occurrence. The third detour was YHC realized the field was locked. [Read More]

A Hard Rain's A Gonna Fall

The Steve showed a cloudy start to the day, but small chance of rain until later. The Steve was wrong. Nine PAX were at the flag when the clock struck 0530. A very short and poorly delivered disclaimer was given, then we started. Warm Up SSHs, then warm up mosey to Kelly Road Park for Sir Fazio arm circles, Seal claps, Steve Earles, and CF Merkins. Thang 1 Get a partner for a traditional vanilla DORA. [Read More]

Step Up

These are strange times indeed. With the declaration of a global pandemic, due to COVID-19 infection, the world as we know it has changed. And will likely never be the same again. Our schools have closed, travel is quickly coming to a screeching halt, and may of the PAX and M’s who are accustomed to going to a job every day are being asked to work from home. Worse, due to the massive economic impact, some are losing their jobs. [Read More]

Pre long run, Murph-esque Dora with extra stretching and an attempt at F3 art

It feels as though it’s been a little while since YHC has Qed a workout. There was a little stumbling with order of events, but all in all, I think the PAX received a decent beat down. With what was supposed to be the Tobacco Road 1/2 and full marathons scheduled for this Sunday which is now the new and improved OTB TRM, the original plan was adhered to with no lower body exercises while trying to get the training plan’s 2 miles. [Read More]

Edumacation to safely ascend/descend the Escalator and Ladder.

Date: 3/12/20 PAX: Animal, Bobby Boucher, Cataracts, Henny Penny, Ox Tail, Que Queg, Ramsay, Shipper, Slappy, Track Star, Two Factor, Wahoo, WWW It was meant to be. Triple Lindy had the original Q but due to his M’s work schedule change, he had to pull himself out. I saw the opening and jumped right in or Slappy or Cataracts would had to cover. I was honored to take the slot. This helps my quest to Q a minimum of 52 times for 2020. [Read More]

1983 GMC Vandura

The AO A-Team has special place in YHCs heart. After all, it was where my first post was in July of 2016 with Banjo as the QIC. That particular day we had 18 men, and all but two are still Carpex regulars. In fact, four of those guys were there today: Banjo, Compound W, Michelob, and Shut-In. YHC rolled up with about 4 minutes to spare. Holy Schnikies!, nowhere to hardly park. [Read More]

A is for Anniversary

So the goal this week was to do 6 Qs in 6 days to mark my one year anniversary with F3, which will officially be this Saturday 2/22 (and no, I am not running the Mayhem, not running a Maynard, and not rucking one either). And while my work plans are taking me down to Wilmington later this week, I still had the honor of leading a fine group of men this morning for a ruck-inspired boot camp. [Read More]

Burpees, Bears, and Blocks! Oh my!

For my VQ, I thought it best to combine some of my least and therefore most memorable workouts over my last six months in F3. The two Q’s who I got the most from was Banjo and Wahoo. These two Q’s provided the inspiration for burpees and blocks. In order to increase the alliteration in the title of the workout, I did some digging in the Exicon to find an exercise that combined bear crawls and cinder blocks. [Read More]