Quest for 8 Q Challenge ... Day 4 #5 Tin2Iron Tire is the Pacer

Date: 12/17/2020 PAX: Ausfahrt, Disco Duck, Hello Kitty, Intimidator, Pet Sounds, Ramsay, Reentry, Roasters, WWW I arrived at the AO early to get prepped. Coffee started and equipment out. As it gets closer to time, I noticed two runners making their way to the AO (Hello Kitty and Ramsay). They wanted their mileage. Hello Kitty mentions that Pet Sounds was supposed to run in as well. 0530 on the clock and no Pet Sounds. [Read More]

Playing The Classic Hits

Back to Tortoise, where it all started. At the church formerly known as Sovereign Grace, YHC runs the 1.8 miles in early to get some pull-ups. Very soon, PAX started to arrive and gather ‘round the flag. It’s a cold, sleevy morning in the POGL. Even Ma Bell has the pythons covered for this 27 degree workout. First exercise, Pledge of Allegiance. Warm Up Lap around the parking lot, circle up for SSHs, Sir Fazio arm circles, Steve Earles, a single Good Morning led by Crimson, Grundle stretch and calf stretch. [Read More]

little bit of the POGL Goodness

Pledge Mozy to church circle up for warm up (SSH IC, Imp Walker IC, Merkins, Mtn Climbers, Plank Jacks) Thing 1 grab yourself a softball/melon sized rock circle back up and drop it quick mozy around the church Circle Up & Squat Hold for the six Plank hold 1 arm reverse fly with rock Plank hold Skaira with rock held high Circle Up & Squat Hold for the six Standing Rock raise side [Read More]

Is That Your Pickle? (or are you just happy to see me???)

Respect week. The GREATEST WEEK OF THE YEAR in carpex f3. The excitement was palpable at Salem Pond Park on Tuesday, November 17, 2020. Several did an EC run, there were 2 for EC Shred and 2 more for EC pull-ups. After Hermes finished reading the obituaries, we got all 24!!! guys to start out with the Pledge. There was a little mini-disclaimer beforehand, but it was likely not heard due to the intense MC centering around bad old people jokes. [Read More]

Breaks at the ½ mile. We need to hit 4!

Opening a quick Pledge of Allegiance and then off for a ½ mile run **Warm-up **Circled up at Dude Solutions and did 20 Side Straddle hops, 20 Hill Billies 5 Good mornings. The Thang We ran another ½ mile then did 25 American Hammers, proceeded to run another ½ mile and did some Low slow Flutters. Another ½ mile and ended up at SWW. We circled ups and did a few exercises and then headed the long way back to koko booth to hit 4 miles. [Read More]

Relax / Recover / 🤷🏻‍♂️

I was lucky enough to be able secure the highly coveted Q for Apex’s new 45 Min AO: Off the Rails – wanting to align the workout with the site name I didn’t want to spend too much time planning. Here’s what we did: With 6 Pax at the flag we said the pledge and then mosey’d along the trail out behind the baseball field to a nice grassy opening I had spotted along a little EC. [Read More]

Great job naming the "bridge," Tang...we've only called it that for always

I like this AO site…there’s a reason it hosts 3 of CARPEX’s workouts every week. I posted a bit early to scout the site for my ideas, said farewell to the EC bubbas and headed into the Gloom of Apex Community Park. I had originally planned on the Dora encompassing the loop from the pavilion all the way around the utility access trail and back through the parking lots (approx. . [Read More]

"Grundel to the Ground"

Well its both hard to believe its only been a year and hard to believe a year has gone by. Having been while since I’ve Q’d, I decided to pick up Dante’s Peak for my F3 Anniversary. I arrived a little early to sort out and finalize my plans with a short EC around the site getting in a few pull-ups and scaring something that sounded larger than it should have been in the woods by the amphitheater (or did it scare me? [Read More]

Back in the Saddle

I’ve been trying to decide when i was ready to Q again and noticed a BO opening so figure that would be a great opp to get back in the saddle again. Solid group of 19 gathered in the parking lot ready to do some work. Burt recites the abbreviated version of the F3 mission and we are off. Mozy to random parking lot near the train tracks for a brief warm with no merkins, but with a on point Nature Boy Good Morning call. [Read More]

Heaven is a Halfpipe

This backblast is a little late coming as it is from my birthday Q on 8/20, but as you get older you tend to forget things. Any way, as most are aware it’s BRR season and another HIM suggested those of us running the BRR should be sure to take all the open Q slots for BRR inspired workouts. Well, one of my typical training routes goes right through HFT and from the light at Olive Chapel and Kelly Road to Kelly at Beaver Creek Commons appeared to be the perfect “halfpipe” if you will. [Read More]