1/24/18 - TheMaynard and some clean feet

Well there were about 8 or 9 HC’s on the Slack channel for the pre-blasts. Turns out we had 23 run the 10.7 miles for The Maynard or as our Nantan apparently wants to call it: The May May. We also had 1 legendary servant leader: Shut-in volunteering to wash our feet, I mean serve as our course manager/swag waggon/emotional support/cooler retriever/safety official/cheerleader/mentor/and all around High Impact Man! If you are not sharpened by his Iron then you are doing it wrong. [Read More]

I don't think Interstellar is a 311 song...

The title will make sense, eventually… There was chatter of a TTTuesday, so YHC broke out his middle school basketball jersey. Hmmmmm, fits well. Me thinks we wore them baggie… or was I beefy… either way. 18 wide-eyed pax showed up for a rain beatdown w/ 3 FNG’s taboot. After a quick disclaimer, we’re off. Warm up: Mosey to the upper lot Good mornings SSH Ma Bell Merkins (Ma Bell not present) Sir Fazio fronty and backy Merkins again, why the heck not Hold it… Mountain Climbers I’m stealing this from Texas Ranger, to the parking spaces for a rolling 4-pack (as called by the PAX) of Curb Merkins, Mountain Climbers, Plank Jacks, and Quick Feet (x10 each) Thang 1: [Read More]

Phoenix Rising From The Arctic

Rising from days of snow and arctic air the 20 HIM at Phoenix this morning ended their week on the lofty heights of another Carpex beatdown. Here’s how it went: Warm-up: No FNG’s so no disclaimer and we were off jogging from the starting flag up the road to the next parking lot. Then, circled up for some SSH (IC), Imperial Walkers, Good Mornings, and Sir Fazio Arm Circles forward, then backward. [Read More]

School makeup day - CARPEx Dad style

After barely one day of schooling since sometime in the fall, the 2.0s came out in force this morning for a makeup day care of Dr. Pierogi. And, as any good substitute teacher, I had a vague idea of a lesson plan in mind. Yup, that’s right. This was going to be another classic Pierogi Q… except this time I had grand hopes of keeping the troops motivated with the promise of snacks and Gatorade! [Read More]

Thirsty Thursday Pub Crawl

Gentlemen, let me introduce you to the digital emotional headlock. The Twitters were damn near frozen last week, but alas YHC and Riptide were able to talk FNG Ted into making his debut at BO (nickname to come in NMS). With that YHC set out to introduce him to Carpex’s flagship AO with a tour of the local watering holes. So a pub crawl it is. Warm-up: Mosey to the bank to take out some cash for our pub crawl After Coney dropped the ball (we did some good mornings), McCants stepped up to the “how much money do we need to go out drinking” with a healthy “$60, aye! [Read More]


Ab-stract: existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence. Fear and Trepidation- Gotta admit it fellas, SNS is like the Holy Grail (okay, wrong AO, that’s Flying Circus) of Carpex workouts (sorry DZ) to me. So much going on here on Wednesday mornings, that over the last 2.5 years YHC has been constantly growing more and more nervous about the possibility of ever Q’ing this site. [Read More]

Shuttyversary Day 3: Gettin' After It

YHC and a crew of 7 hit up a little EC Phoenix run to kick the morning off. A 1 mile down / 1 mile back run. Upon return to Phoenix there was a new face amongst the crowd. Apparently 1 HIM-in-training saw YHC’s call to action on Facebook to join some men in the outdoors and the cold for a 0630 workout! Welcome FNG Butterscotch! Disclaimer was applied and we lapped the parking lot and ran out to the intersection for our #ShutInStandard Warmup. [Read More]

Pure 12s

This morning kicked off YHC’s 3 year anniversary Q3. 11 pax, 1.1 inches of snow, and 22 eyes rolled by Ms at 0500. So yeah…On 1/5/2015 at A-Team a young buck took to the gloom. The workout was tough, one guy talked A LOT, one had great hair, one had a doorag, and one had a dog with 3 legs. There were 14 pax in total (Nabisco never BB’d all the names) and 2 FNGs (RIP fng Speedo, you came like 3 times never to be seen again…). [Read More]

Best Work Out of the Year (so far)

YHC pulled into the parking lot at Apex Community Park bracing for the cold, but as soon as I got out of the car my heart was warmed by the sight of so many of my brothers, smiling and excited to get after it despite the bitter temperature. Warm-Up Mosey over to the gravel parking lot at the top of The Hill and circle up for Side straddle hops x 20 [Read More]

Merkin Mile and Special Ops at FMJ

YHC will hit the road on Friday not to return until New Year’s Eve, so with that, one more chance to Q a beatdown and to FMJ for the work. Sgt. Kitty reporting for duty (he said duty). A group of HIMtastic men joined for some EC at 0505. Ma Bell, Parker, Snots, Water Wings and Old Maid, you were there. Tclaps for ensuring we checked the correct mileage to and fro the track. [Read More]