Tighten Up

Lots of mumble chatter on social media this week about parts of Carpex that we needed to tighten up. Somebody’s gotta do it, might as well be YHC. Warm-Up Mosey over to the bank and circle up for side straddle hops, imperial walkers, copperhead squats, plank jacks and copperhead merkins. The Thang Mosey down to the library and partner up. Partner one will take a lap around the library parking lot while partner two alternates ten reps of two exercises. [Read More]

What do they call it when you dedicate part of a Q to a guy who doesn't show up?

In jest only, as McCants was called to remain on the home front, but YHC did set out to dedicate a portion of the beatdown to the one and only, PJ “McCants” Puryear. On what is the calendar date of YHC’s 1-year F3 Carpex Anniversary, I had to grab the Q spot at Carpex’s premier AO in downtown Cary on a Thursday morning. 22 are here, 20 for the beat-down and 2 with sacks of rice on their shoulders. [Read More]

You never forget your first time

…that’s kind of true, but when in doubt just reference the backblast. On May 10th, 2017 a dude named Dice showed up to SNS on the invite of his buddy Jamie. It was weird because all the guys were calling him “Repeato,” never the less, on a brisk (to me at the time) 54 degree morning I logged my first Carpex beatdown at the hands of a one “Earhart.” Hello Kitty was born and I’ve mildly gravitated to F3 activities… [Read More]

AND Back in the Saddle

Whew, it’s been a while! YHC did have one random Hells Bells Q during my extended stay on the IR but today’s Q definitely puts me back in the saddle. There was a great crowd of 17 pax to welcome YHC back in and a nice cool breeze ta boot. Back in January listening to the F3 podcast it was suggested that all of our workouts start with the disclaimer. Everytime. [Read More]

Drain the SWAMP

YHC is on the road this week for a conference in DC, so with that I had to put out the Hello Kitty bat signal to stir up interest for a Carpex inspired beatdown in the District. With an F3 Arlington (launching soon) bro in toe and thanks to a long distance EH from Half, Pax of 3 set out for a workout at DuPont Circle’s fountain with YHC as the QIC for an off-the-books good time. [Read More]

Shoulder Shredder

When: 05/01/2018 QIC: Pet Sounds The PAX: Term Paper, Smokey, Hermes, Chanticleer, BuildaBear, Byou, Hello Kitty, WKRP, Sosa, Large Mouth, WaterWings, and Yoga Mat and Pet Sounds WOW - I have not Q’d in a long time… Lucky YHC had support for days from the PAX. Hello Kitty booster seat sighting was a plus during warmup. With the Moon setting and Sun rising we were off! Warm up - Short run to the another parking lot, SSH x25, Merkinsx25, Peter Parkersx15, Good Morningx15, mozy down the Greenway stop along the way for Offset Merkinsx15 [Read More]

Meow Miles at Krypto

YHC logged onto Google street view to check the logistics for the Regency loop before Q’ing Krypto for the first time (don’t worry, I’ve posted here more than twice). A solid group of 11 Pax arrived in the Gloom, some “complaining” that the 42 degrees needed to be a touch warmer. Don’t fret, my pet, we’ll warm up. No disclaimer, and we’re off onto the Regency Loop which included: Warm ups in the first lot (quick feet sorta stuff… high tempo) And then we just ran and stopped along the way for stuff including merkins, squats, planks, dips, etc. [Read More]

A-Team 4/23/18: Day 1 -- The 1960'S

The week of Smokey begins with the music of the 1960’s. Aretha Franklin, The Beach Boys, Johnny Cash, Jimi Hendrix, and many more joined us in the gloom for a sand bag work out. We started with a brief run up to the parking lot for warm ups. Apparently, YHC was filled with Q-drenaline and Hot Spot had to catch up with him on the run to let him know he had left everyone else behind. [Read More]

Phoenix 2 Year Anniversary

Phoenix was my first Q site, I hope years later I did a slight better job. Nice cool morning and off we went at 6:30 Slow jog towards rock pile, few warm ups then we wrapped a rock and did some rock work, balls to the wall and peoples chair. Then we did some light pole work, and did a hill climb. Next was the Fry Daddy repeato of parking lot laps. [Read More]

Broken Wing

It was another fine Friday morning. Today, Hello Kitty joined regulars Michelob, Squatter, and YHC for the 2.5 mile EC run into DP. We were greeted by an additional 13 men before we began the main event. YHC reminded the PAX that his right wing was still not 100%, so we’d be exercising our running shoes. Warmup Mosey toward the Back 20 SSH 20 GM 20 Hillbillies 20 Pikes 20 Hackey Sacks 20 King David TT Burpee Count Off (17) [Read More]