I'm Sorry You Feel That Way

94 degrees at game time. True HIMs battle through, and so after pledging allegiance 9 math-letes braved the streets of downtown Cary for a number-themed extravaganza. Mosey to the circle for… Warmup SSHs, Sir Fazio, Cotton Pickers, Imperial Walkers, Plank Jacks, Merkins on my down AND up, and a few burpees cause I hear it’s a good stretch. Thang 1 Double Nickel down the street. Alternating 5 Monkey Humpers at one light pole, 5 burpees at the next. [Read More]

Get on them hills

YHC needs hills, the Pax accommodated. Here’s what we did:

Here’s who did it:

YHC, Old Maid, Banjo, Carmen San Diego

Here’s who we saw at the end (after doing their own thang):

Ollie and Mojo

Wake up the next morning and YHC and Banjo got back out there for this:

Solid work men. Looking forward to BroGa on Monday morning.


Thank You For Your Leadership

Sometimes jokes get out of hand. Like the way we all say “Thank you for your leadership” whether we’re being sincere or being silly. It was all grins and giggles until Hello Kitty announced that he was going to be on the radio taking part in a serious discussion about school choice in this great state of ours. Shut-in just had to say it. “If you fit in a TYFYL I’ll give you 100 burpees. [Read More]

This anniversary beatdown brought to you by the number 11

Today is my 1-Year F3 Anniversary!!!! First post was a year ago today at Flirtin’ with Disaster. Funny story about that…… Blue Water EH’d me, but due to a mix-up, I posted in Carpex and he posted in South Wake. Joe Smith was was the Q that morning. It was his VQ, and I learned who “Dora” is, and how to get to the “Bridge of Pain.” Sosa and I were both named after COT. [Read More]


Saturday. July 28, 2018 76 degrees, overcast, thunder, lightening 7 Pax gathered in the parking lot at OIB Pier. 3 from CarPex (Burt, CD, Kitty), 1 from the Dash (W-S) (Palin), 1 FNG from Durham (Palin’s FIL; now Mr. White), 1 From PA (Mr Dice Kitty’s Dad….AKA Red Baron) and 1 from Raleigh (Salt Life). Lightening. We passed on the Beach and headed to the carport area under the cool Drift coffee shop. [Read More]

I Was Going To Do That Anyway...

Pre-Blast 34 HIM rocked SNS and Vespers this fine AM. Honored to lead, fellas. Thank you for journeying with YHC. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Disclaimer Mixed Run to the Community Center Paint the Lines (except Kitty) Circle up for: Good Morning, 10 Burbees OYO (because no one was counting), Windmills, SFAC fwd, OH Clap, SFAC bkw, Moroccan Night Clubs, Merkin Series (on my up and down, 1 leg up, etc. [Read More]

Thank you for your high-tempo leadership or Not

Date: July 23, 2018 Weather: 71 degrees, humid, rain over night, heat lightening, dry (just like the bite). Yesterday morning I noticed that the Q for K-Nite was open. Saw this as an opportunity to lead and more importantly to write the three Back Blasts I owed the men before I Q’ed again. Wrapped them up yesterday and planned yet another vanilla workout. 16 Pax answered the bell for another in a long line of vanilla clusters. [Read More]

Kick your shoes off

Saturday, July 21st – another chance for DR dudes to get after it at OIB Pax of 4 arrive at the pier for a 0630 launch. Some thoughts on a straight run, but by the gathering we opted for a solid sand-based beatdown hosted by YHC. On hand for the occasion were YHC, Denali, Dean (from Kernersville) and Salt Life (quickly becoming an OIB reg-U-lar). Here’s where we went, thanks to space tracking: [Read More]

#mccantsweek Day 3 - Thanks, Khakis>crowd requests>ON YOUR LEFT

As we wrapped up COT at FMJ on Tuesday, I let the PAX know I’d be Q’ing SNS Wednesday, and invited to the beatdown. “What do you think McCants will come up with tomorrow, another MURPH?” said one. The PAX fell silent for a moment, pondering, praying, wondering whether they should just Vesper. Then an angelic, velvet smooth voice cut through the blissful peace: “I know exactly what McCants is going to do. [Read More]