Kittens in their mittens

Great title, stole it from Duck’s Slack post. 31 on the Steve, raining and a bunch of junk on the ground after some early December snow. Purrfect. Warm-up: After a quick huddle up to set expectations, we’re off. Mosey into the park, ensure footing is secure, run up the street. Circle up for stuff. The Thang: Get a partner for partner 11’s on the hill. Basically just 11’s but handing with another dude. [Read More]

You Better Hurry Up

You Better Hurry Up….. Many years ago, my grandpa used to say, “You better hurry up”. I never fully understood that phrase until I got older. Now that I’m a respect, I fully understand what Paw Paw was saying. When I look at my kids, my wife, my career, I realize that time is very precious, now more than ever. And if I needed any additional reminders, when speaking with @Frisco on the way back from JoCo, I told him about my bucket list. [Read More]

Miles for Merkins

YHC was excited about Gran Torino since it was announced. Not being a hi-tempo kinda guy, posting at this new hi-tempo workout presents a challenge, the kind of challenge YHC seeks. But leading the workout? That’s enough to make even a grizzled veteran a little anxious. The PAX are expecting a proper and thorough beatdown, so at 05:30 (by the QIC’s watch) we’re off. Warm-Up A quick pledge at the flag, and mosey safely across the street to the tennis park parking lot and circle up for side straddle hops, hillbillies, and the Disco Special, 10 burpees OYO. [Read More]

Did Yoga ask to run?

When: 11/27/2018 QIC: Pet Sounds The PAX: Hermes, Yoga, Ma, Goose, Titanic, LiteBrite, Term Paper, Hello Kitty, WKRP and Pet Sounds #DRP - check 10 HIM made the right decision to get out of the fartsack, and accelerate their F1 Go Time 0530 Warm Up mozy to the grocery parking lot Circle up for SSH, Merkins (wide, reg, diamond) Hill Bills, Imp Walkers Thang One: Mozy to short hill 7s star jumps and Merkins Thang Two: Mozy to Piney Pines Stop along the way for Irkins Mozy down hill Stop along the way for Dirkins Thang Three: Light Pole Burpees ascending Thang Four: Mozy to the Bridge 15x partner pull ups Mary Mozy back to the flag for Mary LBCs, LSFs, J-Lo’s Announcements & Prayer Requests [Read More]


Pre-Blast 12 Him joined YHC for 2.51 miles of, in Term Pappy’s words, 70 reps of lots of stuff. 6 for EC run. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Run to the back of the park - stop for 70 reps each of SSH, Standard Merkin, Squats, LBC. Complete the loop at the back of the park with extended PTL. ****The Thangs Run toward the front of the park. [Read More]

The Daytora 500

Pre-Blast 11 calorie-heavy HIM’s joined YHC for 3.32 miles of the Daytora 500 at Phoenix. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Run the long way out of the east park exit down to the Jersey Mike’s parking lot (1.05 miles) - stop for Good Mornings, Windmills, SFAC, and 100 Standard Merkins on the way. Partner up. The Thang Daytora 500: with your partner, perform 500 St. Merkins, Sumo Squats, LBC. [Read More]

Thankful (especially for FNGs on Thanksgiving)

YHC is thankful for many things; my loving family, a full table this Thanksgiving, and a purpose-driven career. But, above all things, I’m thankful for the blessings of FNGs on Thanksgiving Day. More to come, but first: The annual Thanksgiving Convergence means the men of Carpex descend upon the finest AO in all the land, Bradford’s Ordinary, and this year the weather right-perfect for a proper beatdown. EC run waves launched at 0600 and 0630 (psst, Frisco showed up at 0538 texting YHC, “um when are we starting? [Read More]

Fired up for some Turkey!

Wednesday morning’s are always a high energy affair with Insomnia runners coming in and the Vesper and SNS crowd ready to kill it. Add to that the pre-holiday excitement, temps near freezing and anticipation of Kitty’s upcoming Thanksgiving extravaganza, New Year’s Eve in Times Square had nothing on the 34 gathered at the Senior Center this morning! At the crack of 5:45, the Vesper’s headed out to explore new trails and the SNS crowd got after it. [Read More]

Liverpool Loves Dips

Feeling like the ankle is getting back to full speed, and with the Thanksgiving convergence coming up, YHC knew he needed to shake a little bootcamp beatdown rust off. There is no finer AO on a Monday morning at 0530 on Davis Drive than Wolverine, for said beatdown. Oh, but first HIM of all HIMs Build-a-Bear called a 0455 EC run and YHC felt obliged to join. Grizzly Bear Ollie was there to boot and it was a wonderful 3 mile loop. [Read More]

Carpex Triple down

‘Twas a chilly morning for the first annual Carpex Triple Down featuring a Ruck, F3 Phoenix, and FiA Moneypenny. Then there was also F3 Dads to boot (yes, that’s how you spell it; it’s not ’ta boot’ or ’taboot’ or any other of the bastardized versions I’ve seen afloatin’ around the interwebs). But I digress. YHC rolled in at t0 with some B-52s rocking the ol pickup. A few minutes later (we’ll call it t1) 12ish of us embarked on a cluster ruck (Triple Down Part 1) while a few others embarked on some runs. [Read More]