SNS 4/14/21

35(ish) PAX converged at Bond Park for a pick-your-own-adventure sorta day. Some ran. Some rucked. Some beast-ed. And some did a little bit of all that. But I can only speak to what the bootcampers did. Some other hero will need to fill you in on what happened with the ruckers and runners. 5:44am, YHC hollered at the PAX to find a partner. A dull buzz filled the air as the PAX wondered whether YHC had actually planned a Q *gasp*. [Read More]

Tour de Phoenix

Phoenix has a special place in my heart as it was the site of my first VQ. Had I known that day that it was a 60 min bootcamp, I may have postponed joining Hi-Lighter as it also marked my first 6-pack. What a week that was 2 years ago! Mumble chatter was solid, albeit owned by Tecumseh where we learned a bunch about health insurance. With that 6 others joined YHC for a Tour De Phoenix (Bond Park) and 2 rucked. [Read More]

this is the year

HAPPY OPENING DAY! We made it through another baseball offseason. And through another Q1. And through another gloomy gloomy winter. We got some sprinkles this morning, and I don’t think we cracked 50deg, but it was glorious nonetheless. Here’s what we did… Gather up, and oh snap, Bayonne’s here!! Awesome to see you back, man. 9 others rolled up including 2 via EC. Burt swaps his Dodgers jersey for a tank top, and I don my Matt Harvey jersey for potentially the last time. [Read More]

Told Y'all There'd Be Hills

Preamble Thought I never actually saw it there, I swear Build-A-Bear had put me on the Q sheet for 3/8. But there I was scheduled for 3/1. One of y’all mophos is playing some shenanigans. But you got to get up mighty early in the morning to fool Ma Bell! Play your little games. As YHC enjoyed a refreshing beverage and a cigar, I formulated a plan. A plan that involved hills. [Read More]

We didn't start the fire...

…it was always burning, since the world’s been turning. It’s been 49 weeks since I last “officially” posted at an AO, March 20th 2020, with @Franklin at the helm at Gran Torino. Since that time, it’s been a helluva ride: Well, Covid, Black Lives Matter became a movement instead of just good damn common decency as humans Kim Jong Un died. Then didn’t Kanye West ran for president. Really, that happened. [Read More]

Double Nickles Pickles

Sixteen HIMs showed up at Danger Zone to help YHC celebrate his 55th trip around the sun. A glorious morning, with the temp at 47° according to the Disco Duck-mobile. EC runners come rolling in and after some light mumble chatter it’s time to get started. Warm Up Windmills x 11 IC SSH x 11 IC Sir Fazio/Fazio Sir x 11 each IC Hillbillies x 11 IC Standard Merkins x 11 OMD (shout out to Saban for the reminder of “starting position, move” Thang 1: P-I-C-K-L-E-S At each end of the pickle, do the following, repeating the previous exercises each time: [Read More]

Q School

First, let me start with what we did NOT do. I got a little flustered right at the start as I was introducing myself to Backporch only to realize that it was already 5:45 on the ol’ Garmin. You can’t be tardy to Q School! Let’s Go! So here’s what you missed… a quiz about the formerly most famous Q of them all. Q Nowadays the anonymous Q is probably more famous but for men of a Meh-generation… and of a particularly nerdy disposition… this guy was the man! [Read More]

A Smattering

4 years and a day! Quite a morning today, but first a look back at the last few February 14ths: 2020 // 2019 // 2018 // 2017 (note, way better BB compliance in Raleigh so far in 2021, but it seems like it’s only thanks to Pigpen and Cococrisp. tighten up, this is apparently a lost art) 14 PAX joined me at the flag, were graced with a retrospective about bu_m_ble tea and cheese foam, we checked for FNGs, said the pledge, and were off! [Read More]

Watch out for roots! This is Danger Zone.

Did everyone bring a headlight? Close enough. “Why did Coxswain say to bring headlight when he doesn’t have one on himself?” Que lights clipped onto my waist band like I’m Data in Goonies! Warm Up: Merkins (Yes, we started with merkins!) LBCs Imperial Walkers Good Mornings Side Straddle Hop more Merkins and then we’re off running Thang: Cross the street, not at a crosswalk, but there weren’t any cars coming so it was safe! [Read More]

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.

Been to Claymore a few times lately as YHC was on the IR for a few weeks. Time to step up and lead - and to show that you can get a really great workout without much running. Warm Up Mosey to the circle near the tennis courts following the Pledge. Circle up for SSHs, Sir Fazio arm circles forward and reverse, and Steve Earles. The Thang Mosey to the tennis courts, head to a far corner. [Read More]