Re-evaluating Life Decisions

Early this morning, YHC, Wrench, Flenderson, Two Factor, Jiggly Puff, and some random Maynard participants gather at the Cary Senior Center. For some crazy reason YHC decided to join in on the EC festivities offered by Wrench on Slack last night. We started the morning at 5:30 setting out for a 5 mile loop. 54 minutes and 5.51 miles later YHC arrived back to the senior center for the ME. I was beat and clearly questioning my life decisions at that point. [Read More]

Time flies when your in a beatdown.

Date: 12/10/19 PAX: FNG Side Out, Theismann, Traffic Cone, Sixteen Steve’s, Bartman, Wahoo, Yahoo, Imp, How How, Chicken Little, Slim Shady, Bobby Boucher, Deuce, The Commish, Big Red, Hamm, QWERTY, WWW. I had a plan going into DTP. Sometimes, the plan does not always pan out. So, modify as needed. Read on to know what else I had in mind but could not get to. Next time! FNG in the group. [Read More]

Lazy Dora

//********************************** // Includes //********************************** #include <iostream.h> #include <thread.h> /* pull in Recover, OnYourSix, Stretch, Mosey, Burpee, BearCrawl, Merkin, PlankJack, CircleUp, SideStraddleHops, ImperialWalkers, SirFazioArmCircles, SealClaps, OverheadClaps, MorrocanNightClubs, Plank, PartnerUp, LBCs, SixInchHold, Squats, SquatHold, PickleCompleted, OneHundreds, WorldWarIIs, PicklePounders, AmericanHammers, HaveANiceDay, CountPAX */ #include "Exicon.h" using namespace std; using namespace F3; //********************************** // Defines //********************************** #define I_WORKOUT_TIME_SECS (60 * 45) #define I_MAX_NUMBER_OF_PAX 50 //********************************** // Globals //********************************** int giOverallWorkoutTimer_secs = 0; string gsPaxF3Names[I_MAX_NUMBER_OF_PAX]; bool gbFlagFellAndSourMashHadToFixIt = true; bool gbPartnerCaughtUp = false; //********************************** // Function Prototypes //********************************** extern void LoadPaxNames(string sPaxNames[I_MAX_NUMBER_OF_PAX]); void Thread_TrackTotalWorkoutTime(); void CheckForFNGs(); void WarmUpStretches(); void CircleUpExercises(); void LazyDora(); void BearCrawlCatchMeIfYouCan(); void Mary(); //********************************** // Function Definitions //********************************** /********************************** Author: Brian Newberry Date: December 5, 2019 Function Name: main Arguments: None Return: None Description: This function will hold the structure of the workout and will begin at 5:30 AM. [Read More]

The Burpee Mile

0530 and see something you don’t see very often in the POGL (if ever?). Burt and Coney downtown checking out the lights, and the finest Tuesday morning AO in the POGL. After the pledge we moseyed to the Hell’s Bells/Tortoises parking lot for a quick warmup. Warmup Good Mornings Imperial Walkers Sir Fazio Fwd Seal Clap Sir Fazio Reverse Runners stretch 5 Control Freak Merkins Upward Dog stretch Thang 1: Diego with Partner 50 Inverted Rows/Aussie Pullups 100 Merkins 150 Squats Thang 2: The Burpee Mile Ran back across 55 to the the bottom of W Moore St. [Read More]

We’ll Leave the (Car) Light On For You

When I saw Slappy’s note go out requesting someone pick up Lion’s Den for him I was ecstatic. He had said he was feeling sick but would still Q if no one took it. That sounded like a recipe for some sloppy Slappy merlot and I wanted a second row seat for it. Then Slappy DM-ed me a personal photo of mine I had uploaded to GroupMe back when I thought it was a just private storage site (Thanks a lot, Sub! [Read More]

Enough rollin' in my 5.0 ...

Ah, Thanksgiving. Family, food, football. And, if you are like me and my family, lots and lots of travel. With brothers and sisters spread out across the U.S. (and abroad) hosting Thanksgiving at home is a once-every-few-years affair. The rest of the time, it means a flight or a drive. This year, it was drive. And since no one wants to travel 800 miles only to turn around and head back 48 hours later, we saved the return till the last moment. [Read More]

Cinder Block Pyramids

I wanted to make this one brutal so I scoured through F3 Greenwood’s IronPAX challenges and merged a few of them together to come up with this. While I was at my work/geek convention (i.e. KubeCon) in San Diego I ran through this workout at the hotel with a 30lb kettlebell (the heaviest one they had unfortunately). In short, it sucked, but do-able. So I grabbed all of the cinder blocks and two spare KB from Hell’s Bells the night before. [Read More]

Revenge Tour Kick Off

No need to get into details, but the last time YHC posted at DTP he almost left in an ambulance. Some guy probably once said “you can break my body, but you can’t break my spirit.” That guy was also probably concussed. But whatever. Let’s call it a mantra and get this revenge tour kicked off. No FNGs so we go to the Pledge. Warmup: Mosey around to the other side of the church and circle up: [Read More]

And recover. ( thanks Shut-in)

We are four days in to the week and this is my third Q. I’m not sure how some of you Q for an entire week, my brain hurts from coming up with the workouts almost as much as my legs do from doing the workout. Anyways, always happy to wake up super early to lead the Pax. Here goes my third Q. No fng’s so said the pledge and mosey around the pickle. [Read More]

Race Ya!

23 of the finest pax in all of Carpex-sub-region-Apex-Wednesday-bootcamper-regulars gathered in the gloom this morning for a non preblasted beatdown by YHC. Pax pulled in with minutes to spare, EC runners caught their breath, and has 0530 hit we dished out the disclaimer, raised our hands to our hearts for our country, set our Stravas, and took off towards the school. A long lap around the Bus Carpool loop and to the church courtyard for warmup: [Read More]