The Lord Provides

The last few weeks at Hell’s Bells has been great as we’ve been pushing 20+ PAX several times. The issue this creates is we are always on the edge of having enough bells, and the site Q’s (Lindy and I) are working on getter more bells (Send Money to Lindy’s Venmo @Joeldangerfield if you can help, $5 goes a long way). Fortunately, the Lord always provides, this time in the form of cinder blocks. [Read More]

Drive Thru Without a Car

YHC fiiiinally getting his first taste of a HFT Q! 18 other pax joined, 2 without sleeves. We heard the disclaimer, pledged our allegiance, ran to warm up, ran to the daycare and partnered up and got a demo of our first exercise, the toddler squat P1 run to bottom of the hill for 5 burpees P2 stay and to AMRAP overhead claps P1 + P2 do 10 Toddler Squats [Read More]

2019 is coming to a close ... Make way for a great and blessed new year 2020

A Team Date: 12/30 PAX: Crimson, Term Paper, Bagels, How How, Chicken Little, Hamm, Sooey, WWW, Hot Spot, Hello Kitty, Two Factor, Compound W, Rooney, Sixteen Steves, Silver Fox, Henny Penny, The Joker No FNG, 67 degrees, slight drizzle, slight wind. Pledge Our Allegiance to Old Glory. Off we go to the warm-up area for GM, daisy pickers, Sir Fazio, hip flexor stretch, calf stretches and Eskimo Merkins. Mosey to power line hill for the thang. [Read More]

Closing out DTP and 2019 with a VQ

With an impending night of debauchery in store for most, an impressive 28 rolled out of bed for a VQ by YHC to close out 2019. I must say, I couldn’t tell at first if I was honored to have that many show up or to pity them for what might be a disaster first Q (probably both). Either way, after going over the F3 mission and core principles with the FNG (nailed it btw), we headed out for what I was hoping to be an “END THE YEAR BEATDOWN. [Read More]

Why? Because We Can

For all of us who are in familiar surroundings, around our families and friends, Christmas can be a time of good food, good times, and celebration. Some of us, YHC included, have been eating way too much good food, and hitting the egg nog with frequency previously seen only when Clark Griswold got his Jelly of the Month club bonus. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to those who are unable to spend Christmas with their families, due to being deployed all over the world. [Read More]

Coming in Hot

Numbers always start declining a bit once the temps dip down, and the last couple weeks have been no exception. However, YHC had pre-blasted that we’d stay warm at Dazed and Confused today, despite a reading of 25 on the Steve. So, at 05:28 there are 16 PAX bouncing around - maybe in anticipation, maybe just trying to stay warm. At 05:29, YHC’s long awaited FNG rolls in on 2 wheels, having already been warned that we don’t tolerate being tardy. [Read More]


Last night, YHC went to bed and told the Mrs. that he would not be working out. It was our anniversary on Wednesday after all. “Nope. I’m going to sleep in,” I said. Unless I was so excited and couldn’t sleep in which case I might go to Insomnia. “But fear not… I will be back by 6. So no worries. Sleep in.” And with that, Tuesday turned into Wednesday and 14 years of marriage came to a close. [Read More]

PAX got educated about PRIDE AND EGO.

AO: HFT Date: 12/19/19 PAX: Bobby Boucher, Cataracts, Crimson, Flenderson, Frisco, Hamm, Henny Penny, Oxtail, QueeQueg, Slappy, Theismann, FNG Shake It, Short Circuit, Shut-In, Traffic Cone, Two Factor, Wahoo, Yahoo, WWW, We did have an FNG so we recited the F3 mission, core values and credo cited. Pledged Our Allegiance to Old Glory and 16 of us head off for the workout and 3 head in the other direction to get in a 5+ miler (Shut In, Slappy, Two Factor). [Read More]

Start of Birthday / 4-yr F3-versary Week; McCants is a Beast who gladly shared the gloom beatdown with YHC

AO: A-Team Date: 12/16/2019 Q: McCants & WWW PAX: Bagels, Banjo, Build-A-Bear, Crimson, Frisco , Hamm, Henny Penny, HGTV, Honeycomb, Hotspot, How How, McCants , Press On , Prodigal , Prom King, Shank, Schlitz, 16 Steves, Short Circuit, Slim Shady, Smokey, Sour Mash, Two Factor, WWW This all started a few months ago when I began planning my Birthday /4-year F3-versary week. As I was in the Q sheet, I noticed McCants had the Q slot for 12/16. [Read More]

Will Q for coffee!

Apex was decorated for Christmas, and YHC thought the PAX would enjoy seeing some of the lights. After moseying through DTA, we stopped at the RR station with the purty Christmas tree, all a-light (see what I did there?). Warm-up Sprinkler Windmill Steve Earle Sir Fazio Bonus Burpees Not to be caught napping, we mosey to our next location. YHC saw a path between buildings that looked okay but turned out to be kinda mucky. [Read More]