100' from the pool and still drenched

The NC summer is officially here. How does one know? When you’re driving to an AO at 4:43 AM and your wipers are going but it’s not actually raining… it’s humid. And hot. And it was both of those today. [Editor’s note: as I was working on this BB, YHC noted that Cauliflower posted an eerily similar BB at the same time. You can read his masterpiece here: https://f3carpex.com/2020/06/10/summer-in-nc-almost/] EC: Called an EC run. [Read More]

A Hard Rain's A Gonna Fall

The Steve showed a cloudy start to the day, but small chance of rain until later. The Steve was wrong. Nine PAX were at the flag when the clock struck 0530. A very short and poorly delivered disclaimer was given, then we started. Warm Up SSHs, then warm up mosey to Kelly Road Park for Sir Fazio arm circles, Seal claps, Steve Earles, and CF Merkins. Thang 1 Get a partner for a traditional vanilla DORA. [Read More]

Pre long run, Murph-esque Dora with extra stretching and an attempt at F3 art

It feels as though it’s been a little while since YHC has Qed a workout. There was a little stumbling with order of events, but all in all, I think the PAX received a decent beat down. With what was supposed to be the Tobacco Road 1/2 and full marathons scheduled for this Sunday which is now the new and improved OTB TRM, the original plan was adhered to with no lower body exercises while trying to get the training plan’s 2 miles. [Read More]

Switch-A-Hoo Take Two

After Yahoo’s switch-a-hoo (Shut-In coined term) last week I had to return the favor due to him being out of town. Arrived early and hid my mini-van containing cinder blocks in the main area. Started at 0530. Warmup Ran to the main promenade grass area, and warmed up with: - Imperial Walkers - Sir Fazio Fwd - Seal Claps - Sir Fazio Reverse - Merkins Thang 1: Manmakers, Merkins and Swings Partnered up and grabbed cinder blocks from the mini-van. [Read More]

Boy Band Bullpen

Most call it a shield lock - others call it a boy band, but one thing is clear. When your fellow boy band member calls you in from the bullpen due to being placed on the temporary disabled list, you step up. Hamm may appear to be invincible and has often used the motto “You can’t hurt steel,” but he does pull up limp from time to time despite all of that. [Read More]

Triple scoop of Dora-tabata

17 Pax decided to Q shop and ended up at the POGL’s finest downtown AO, Disturbing the Peace this morning. YHC stayed up way too late last night finalizing my plans for the Q today. It was planned out to the minute. No fng’s and not a minute to spare, time for the pain. Quick mosey to the church parking lot to warm up. This was timed. SSH’s, good mornings, sir fazio, calf stretch and runner stretch. [Read More]

1983 GMC Vandura

The AO A-Team has special place in YHCs heart. After all, it was where my first post was in July of 2016 with Banjo as the QIC. That particular day we had 18 men, and all but two are still Carpex regulars. In fact, four of those guys were there today: Banjo, Compound W, Michelob, and Shut-In. YHC rolled up with about 4 minutes to spare. Holy Schnikies!, nowhere to hardly park. [Read More]

Where the f*ck is Biner???

This morning, before we kicked things off, Red Ryder was sharing his feelings with the PAX eagerly awaiting the start of YHC’s beatdown when PBX interrupted with the title exclamation, “Where the F*ck is Biner?” Needless to say, Red Ryder was upset he didn’t get out all his feelings, but everyone’s attention was now solely focused on theories as to what happened to Biner and where he might be? Everyone had their own take on what happened, but eventually it was 0530 and time for the pledge. [Read More]

A is for Anniversary

So the goal this week was to do 6 Qs in 6 days to mark my one year anniversary with F3, which will officially be this Saturday 2/22 (and no, I am not running the Mayhem, not running a Maynard, and not rucking one either). And while my work plans are taking me down to Wilmington later this week, I still had the honor of leading a fine group of men this morning for a ruck-inspired boot camp. [Read More]

Burpees, Bears, and Blocks! Oh my!

For my VQ, I thought it best to combine some of my least and therefore most memorable workouts over my last six months in F3. The two Q’s who I got the most from was Banjo and Wahoo. These two Q’s provided the inspiration for burpees and blocks. In order to increase the alliteration in the title of the workout, I did some digging in the Exicon to find an exercise that combined bear crawls and cinder blocks. [Read More]