Wow, things are changing around here

I had the honor today to Q at the still relatively new Hot for Teacher - just minutes away from where i used to live about 10 years ago. Although I drive by here frequently, I can’t believe the development… oh well - its 530 - off we go. Oh wait - FNG - just for grins - i had Nature Boy do the disclaimer - (well worth it). I do hope that FNG Bobby Boucher does return…. [Read More]

Broga, Some! Ring of Fire, Absolute Yes

Date: 10/9/19 AO: #ao-wed-lionsden PAX: Hermes, PBX, Ramsey, Puddles, Sour Mash, Snots, Red Ryder, Chicken Little, Hamm, Head Room, Qwerty, Smithers, Magoo, Biner, Roasters, Theismann, Pet Sounds, Imp, Rooney, Yahoo, WWW I’m nearing my Q goal for the year and that is to Q one AO time a week. I missed one week and that was because I was on my family vacation. I am at 45 of 52 Q for the year. [Read More]

Some Things Look Better On Paper…

Like clockwork my birthday came again this year. It has happened every year around this time for as long as I can remember. But I am a good sport so I picked up the Q at finest kettlebell workout on a Monday in Carpex at a church parking lot. I had an odd bout of Q nerves and sleeplessness the night before so when I overslept and subsequently rolled into HB one minute before start I knew it was going to be a productive morning. [Read More]

Groundhog Day in October

Monday of this week I was at A-Team and a few PAX brought it up to me that my DP Q was the day before the Odyssey and I should probably “take it easy on’em with the mileage..and the Mary.” Apparently our boy Squatter had put a hurtin’ on them last year at HIS DP Q the day before Odyssey and there was some griping or somethingorother… Being somewhat new to Q’ing, in the back of my head I was thinking “well, what the hell’s left? [Read More]

Always Charge the Hill

Pre-Blast 15 charged the hill at Lion’s Den The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Snake around the parking lot, circle up for: SSH, GM, Calf Stretch ‘Mericans, Victory Burpees The Thang Run to the church entrance, partner up. Partner 1 runs down the hill and across the street continuing to the bottom of the big hill and back up while partner 2 performs 20,30,40 reps of ‘Mericans, LBCs, SSH. [Read More]

Wild Thangs

31 posted at Apex Nature Park this morning. 16 heard YHC had the queue and chickened out of Dante’s Peak and did some sort of Soft Pax challenge or some alternate interval pull up stuff, I wasn’t entirely sure what was going on but I knew we couldn’t do a Murph with Theismann commandeering the pull up bars. Let’s Get Started Disclaimer - I am a professional. . . software engineer so follow at your own risk and modify as necessary Pledge of allegiance Let’s mosey! [Read More]

Bricks and Burpies

My name is Chicken Little and I began F3 on June 5th, 2019 with Banjo as the Q at Lion’s Den. I feel that I was hooked almost immediately, after several other PAX that I’m friends with told me that I needed to come to F3. I was like, “yeah right, who begins to work out at 5:30 anyway?!” And then I remembered that I was fat… and realized that what I WAS doing was not working. [Read More]

Andrew Dice Claymore

Dodecahedron Of Pain I had been really nervous about the day I was going to be asked to lead a workout. More or less hoping I would just blend into the background with the rest of the PAX. Mainly just because Im not usually a person who likes to be the center of attention, which its a literal requirement during a VQ. But when the guys I am close with decided VQ week was going to be when they did it, I decided to get over my nervousness and I signed up. [Read More]

Where's Frisco?

0510 I pull in to parking lot for my Hell’s Bells VQ and the only other PAX is Ryder about to warmup with some pullups. Where’s my Co-Q Frisco? Nowhere in sight. PAX start arriving and Honeycomb brought an FNG, Jake. First exercise was the pledge, and then a quick warm up mosey doing a figure 8 in parking lot. Cue Crimson’s first “This is supposed to be low running” complaint of the morning (only two more to go). [Read More]

Straight Vanilla

14 showed up for a very sticky Thursday morning at Olive Chapel Elementary. 3 for EC runs, 1 for ECP, maybe a couple others I didn’t get sorry if I missed you. And it finally happened, Wake Zone right across the street opened! Let’s Get Started Disclaimer - I am not a professional, F3 has no assets, but our golf tournament apparently has a war chest that you might be able to raid Pledge of allegiance There will be no theme, just running and doing stuff. [Read More]