Respectable Anniversary

When: November 12, 2019 QIC: Earhart The PAX: Goose, Nature Boy, Franklin, Sky Blue, Dirty Bomb, Spit Valve, Spit Shine, Beaker, Ma Bell, Hi-Liter, Pigeon, Ezekiel, Liverpool, The Commish, Gump, Geek Squad, FNG: Gipper, YHC Earhart 18 PAX gather in the gloomy and drizzly morning for YHCs first Q and post as a respect. I am also celebrating my 4-year anniversary. Welcome FNG: Gipper (brought out by Dirty Bomb). Disclaimer done, we head around the parking lot and down the dark path to the street where we oval-up for: [Read More]

Easy Directions

Warm Up Immediately count off by 3s PAX were then directed to head over to YHCs car where 3 35lb plates were leaning against the curb. Each group grabbed 1 plate. We were about to begin Indian Runs when the only PAX with a further drive to this AO than YHC rolled in HOT! Shout out to UTI from South Wake for making the trek up. 10 Penalty Turkish Getups for the late arrival. [Read More]

Have Rocks, Will Travel

According to The Free Dictionary the idiom “Have ____ , will travel” is used when one has the ability or skill to do something and could do it anywhere. While rock carrying, or in this case indian running with rocks, is not a skill that most of us set out to develop we can use a discipline such as this to develop toughness and belief within ourselves. Today 10 HIMs declared “I have rocks and I can take them anywhere”. [Read More]

Tight, Flowey, and Quick

Pre-Blast 14 speedsters at GT for 4.2ish. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Small Group Indian Run up to M. Pkwy and back through the neighborhood to the roundabout in Preston Village. Circle up for 5 SSH. The First Thang Partner up. Burpee Bear Crawl around the entire circle. P1 Burpee Bear Crawls while P2 runs the same direction around the circle to catch P1. Flap jack. Continue to flap jack until you complete the circle. [Read More]

Lexicon M&M,N,O

14 started in the gloom at Flying Circus. 13 ended. Our brother Swag rolled his ankle during the cross country trek through the mulch. A root took him down. Thanks to Gump for his swift action and emergency driving to get Swag back to his car and on his way home. Nobody dressed up for today - except your Q as a blue M&M for Lexicon MNO…well M&N, no O. [Read More]

One Year - You get a clock!

One year ago I showed up to Apex Nature Park on a Monday and asked some guy named Disco Duck if this was the “workout group.” A couple of days later I’m running laps next to a dude with a monkey taped to his crotch. To try and sum up even just one year of highlights and memories would be a muggo sized feat. The current task at hand is to provide a worthy beatdown to the 32 PAX that chose to grace FOD on a beautiful Tuesday morning. [Read More]

Escargot, my car go

I came across a news story Tuesday that the 2019 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame nominees had been announced. I don’t remember how the news came to catch my attention but catch it it did. Start with the fact that two of my favorite bands were on the list (again) and that I hadn’t even heard of a couple others and I got intrigued. An hour or so later, not only had I created a little Spotify playlist to listen to at home, but an idea for a Q was developing as well. [Read More]

A surprise in every corner

YHC, Michelob and Largemouth for a 4 mile “Hope we don’t get lost and it turns into a 9 mile” EC run. It’s been awhile since I stepped out of the corn stalk onto the Field Of Dreams, so it was nice to be back and see all the smiling faces…and Banjo. No FNGs so off we went. Quick run around the lower parking lots and circled up. **Warm Up [Read More]