Give Me Liberty or Death!

With all the spirit and having experienced the 1776 beatdown personally, I felt one more inspirational workout was due to the PAX. With everyone there on a hot and muggy morning, we head out running out and back, circling around the Nan-tan for the first group of exercises and: Warm Up 10 Good Mornings 20 Imperial Walkers 20 Variable Side Straddle Hops 15 Elevated Heel Raises 15 Mountain Climbers 15 Elevated Heel Raises [Read More]

HSP Circuit Fun and More

Lucky 13 PAX showed up at Hunter Street Park on a beautiful 60-degree June morning for my first Q since milestone birthday week a few months ago. We were all about to confirm that the 0.5-mile loop around this AO lends itself pretty well to a nice little running circuit with a few pain stations. 0545 approaches, none of the prolific mumblechatterers in attendance (probably at BO with Burt), quick check for FNGs (none), and a brief announcement that there will be no awkward partner exercises today… and off we go. [Read More]

It is all about the trip

25 PAX showed for my first Q in a while. YHC is used to being avoided and “Q Shopped” with all the new AOs and multiple options per day. Before this, it was just fartsacking. Nothing new……… I was delighted to see 48 eyeballs, at least 18 which I have never seen. With my boy McCants wrecking folks over at FWD, YHC was not to be outdone. Warm-up - Jog uphill, all the way to the top parking lot. [Read More]

You NEED me to tell that joke!

A large crowd gathered in the drizzly gloom. It was as if God was crying over the tragic death of our F3 Lexington brother, Cheech. At 0545, we gathered around the shovel flag and bowed our heads for a moment of silent prayer in his remembrance. Then - as I’m sure Cheech would have wanted - off we went. To the back, past Cheddar Bo shed, around the cul-de-sac, and back toward the shovel flag to the opening in the fence to the football fields. [Read More]

Sooey's Birthday Party

29 PAX from Carpex and South Wake joined me to celebrate my birthday at Bounty Hunters! This was my first Q and I’ve been thinking about how to deliver a solid showing for my 38th birthday. We welcomed one FNG (Parker) and provided him with the standard disclosures. After giving my 1 minute warning we were off at 5:45 sharp, or so I thought! We had a visit from the Apex PD that got us off to a slow start. [Read More]

Wheelbarrows of fun

This a story about when 21 men went to a park. Not just any park, the best park in CARPEX. It all started the night before, when PBX encouraged everyone to roll up, roll up for a Magical Mystery Tour…’s what happened: Warm Up: 545 - Warm up run to near soccer pitches and oval up for 15 Good Mornings; 20 Cotton Pickers; 20 mountain climber; 20 plank jacks; 20 Hillbillies The Thangs Mosey to Soccer fields - starting at near goal line - and Partner off - size and speed matter Wheelbarrow to half way line & flapjack; Squats until everyone back then repeat-o Wheelbarrow-o; People's chair until all back Bear Crawl to 18 yd line; Run to half way; Bear Crawl to far 18 yd line; Run to goalline; Plankhold at far end of pitch Crawl Bear to 18 yd line; Backward Run to halfway; Crawl Bear to 18yd line; Backward Run to goalline; lbc's until everyone done BTTW - until everyone done & recover with run to lower crosswalk. [Read More]

Little Bit of Running, a Lot of Work

YHC was NOT going to miss this one! After last week’s brain fart, I put a plan together OYO in my head and set the alarm early. The first one to arrive, I decided to explore a little bit. What’s this hill back here? Hmmm, Omaha! New plan. 6 more PAX showed up, including the long lost WWW. After a bit of catching up, we jogged over at 0530 to the front parking lot for some paint the lines and quick feet before circling up for: [Read More]

Baseball Bear Crawling

22 Stallions showed up for some fine work this morning. We tried to run to the fancy ball fields, they were locked. We circled up did some warmup, ran to the upper parking lot, did some bear crawl and crawl bear inchworming, then we split up in 4 teams and did some merkins, squats, burpees and sumo-squats at the corners (bases), running, bw running, crawl bearing and bear crawling between bases. [Read More]

Good Enough

YHC garnered an early spot on the BH Q sign up just hours after the Red Carpet event and still had to wait till today. Despite homestead proximity, YHC was nevertheless reduced to recon mode looking for those undiscovered nuggets of pain. As the Q, YHC is not a fan of the typical and ordinary but rather that ever exclusive diamond in the rough [though some may see it more as a hidden but disturbed rattler that, well, should be left undisturbed]. [Read More]

CARPEx Murph 2017

This year marked the second time CARPEx held its own Memorial Day Murph, and its first as an official region. Last year at this time, the CARPEx/CAPEx naming discussion was still heated. If YHC recalled, Term Paper even had a shirt made up with CAPEx on one side and CARPeX on the other. Ah, those were the days. Apparently they are lost to history, as when the Backblast was searched for, it couldn’t be located on the site for a hyperlink. [Read More]