Eclipse Phenomena

30 stallions rolled up to Field of Dreams all abuzz about the event of the century yesterday. Of course, I’m referring to the eclipse which evoked all kinds of emotions in humans and weird behavior in animals. What weird things would it cause at FoD? 0545: Pleasantries over. Listen up! Warm-up First exercise is the standard Merkin x 15 IC Jog (mix of regular and backwards) up to upper parking lot by the Thomas Brooks entrance and circle up for [Read More]

Rude Awakening

I was awoken by the 2.1 at 4:38am and after a quick diaper change I decided to look up who had the Q of Dante’s Peak this morning. Boy was I surprised to see that YHC had signed up (likely during another sleepless night). Time to rise to the occasion and make somebody sweat. 27 pax arrived for an early morning tour of Apex nature park. Warm-Up Hold that thought as 5, yes 5 pax arrived late. [Read More]

Traveling “Jack Webs”

The morning weather is perfect and 13 PAX all gather on time for another beatdown. No FNGs so we head out and around the skate park and across the street (wait for the cars and then backwards run). Circle-up behind the building for: Warm Up 10 Good Mornings 15 Side Straddle Hops 10 Cotton Pickers 15 Windmills The Thang Finish warmup and get the PAX into a plank hold line. Q describes the first thang workout, 7s running up one side of the building, performing 6 CDDs, run down the stairs on the other side and perform 1 burpee. [Read More]

Raindrops keep falling on my head

YHC planned for some music to enhance the enjoyment of the beatdown and thankfully the theme from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid was not on the playlist. Since the speaker and phone were already set up on the field, a little/lotta rain wasn’t going to change my plan. No FNGs, but lots of new faces and we were off. Mozy around parking lot and enter first soccer field. Warm-up [Read More]

Step by Step

Life is a series of steps. For the first 25 years or so, you are basically pushed down a series of steps. Elementary school, little league baseball, driver’s license, first job, then usually college or in my case, the military. In the Army, every step of your life is controlled almost 24 x 7. My three years in the 82nd Airborne Division were challenging and fun but when I got out, the day I got out, the minute I signed my last form, I was lost. [Read More]

Return to Hinton Hill

YHC and Parker managed to lock down the premier Carpex AO BH Q for VQ week. With that tremendous responsibility upon us we devised a Co-Q plan to bring the pain and bring the pain we did. YHC sought a return to Hinton Hill, the scene of YHC’s first BH post and beat down. At 5:45 20 men, no FNGs, were off with a brisk mosey to the Baucum Elementary school bus lot for warmup after being questioned by a few skater dudes. [Read More]

Day Dreaming

YHC is glad to be part of VQ week! Thanks to all the PAX that participated in FOD today. I now have a better appreciation for how much the Q has to juggle, not the least of which is catching one’s breathe while talking and exercising.

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Triple Audible - wait, what?

When: 07/27/2017 QIC: Pet Sounds The PAX: Shank, GTL, Michelob, Sour Mash, Sooner, Hot Lips, Mopar, Qque,PBX, Open Out, Sky Blue, Biner,Parker, Crimson, Snouts, Matlock, Kubota, Whitewater (FNG Kubota’s younger brother), Lulu, Swag, Pickles, Petsounds How is it possible? Yes, one audible is acceptable, two questionable, but three? Who let this guy Q? YHC says blame Out Open, he is one of the site Qs. No way should YHC be held accountable for his complete lack of a solid plan. [Read More]

Where in the Hell is Dante's Peak?

I knew there would come a time when I would make the trek over to Apex Nature Boy Park. Home of Carpex’s quiet workout. Only been to DP once and was in trouble early on for being a little loud. 78 degrees, humid as hell, 32 33 Pax rolled in to have some fun, get stronger and learn that, as in life, workouts are best if not in a straight line. [Read More]

Oh, the humanity!

Blue steel flashing, hot lead flying I wonder what it feels like when they’re dying Someday soon it might be my turn. Is it worth the money I earn? And it seems to me this is one helluva way for me to earn that pay The lyrics were coursing through my head all day Thursday as I thought about Qing Bounty Hunter. How could I live up to that? Well, let’s see. [Read More]