Bounty Hunter BLIMPS

It was a scorching 57 degrees this morning, perfectly timed for Tank Top Thursday. YHC was the only participant, but appreciated Parker’s good intentions this morning, only to realize that he doesn’t own one. I think he can fix that with some scissors by next week… 11 PAX ready to go, no FNGs, and we’re off. Warm up jog around the track to the far parking lot, wave hello to FiA as we pass. [Read More]

180 degrees is better than 0 degrees...

Cold. Windy. Tuesday. Q showed up early for a little recon. 5:30 and we are off Warmup Standard Half warmup. Couple O Circles around the parking lot. Butt Kickers, Side Shuffles, and High Knees. Circled up for Good mornings16X and Windmills11X. Ok, lets go! Run towards the soccer field, close to the site parking lot. Hang a right on to the greenway…HALT…10 Burpees OYO…keep running through the dark path….HALT….Wide Grip Merkins9X…. [Read More]

Burpee 11's

YHC was originally planning a vanilla workout this morning, but last night WKRP claimed vanilla for himself and Bradford’s Ordinary, so I had to come up with something more flavorful. Here’s what we ended up with. Warm-Up Mosey over to the parking lot between the two fields, uh-oh our FiA sisters are already there, let’s head over to the other end to give them some space. Circle up for side straddle hops x 19 because it’s my 2. [Read More]

St. Nick Delivers

Monday, February 6th the day after the Superbowl/Krispy Kreme weekend. Tough draw day to Q (blame it on MaBell). The combination of queso, wings and hops had the PAX a bit sluggish but we pressed on. Let’s see how it turned out: COP SSH; Good Mornings - You’re welcome Burt; Mountain Climbers; Merkins. Land Wars Run to the big hill and grab a partner; One partner runs up the hill and the other partner runs down the hill (Cone designates the middle); Meet back in the middle for 15 partner hand shake merkins; Run the hill twice or four segments (#mindblow). [Read More]

Take My Breath Away

You know what makes a Q feel good? When that special someone says at the end of the workout, “That might have been the hardest workout I’ve ever done.” It really takes your breath away. Thanks Tubeless. 12 PAX gathered in the “snow"crest parking lot of Salem Park, whose students get to enjoy quite possibly the most ridiculous two hour delay ever, awaiting this so called “Lap of Pain” YHC promised. [Read More]

The Pax Will Not Be Silenced

16 loudmouths gathered at the gates of Apex Skate Park in hopes that their choice of Bounty Hunters (aka the AO not Q’d by Hi-Liter) would provide some welcome relief. Of course, YHC, being a man of the people, took requests. “Not too much running, no burpees, and few Merkins, if you don’t mind McCants.” Really? Well, there you have it. Warmup: High tempo lap around the outside of the soccer field, Freddy Mercury’s until the six shows up, SSH, Lil Man JJ, and, oh, wait, Burt wants to storm the circle since his Hokies won a home game? [Read More]

Agility City: High-Tempo Style

Finally got to Q the AO known as Kryptonite, which is listed on the F3Carpex site as “high tempo”. That being said, it has always been unclear to me what “high tempo” exactly means in a F3 workout. Oh, YHC has been to quite a few of “high tempo” F3 workouts, including Kryptonite and F3 Raleigh’s Whiplash. Yes, the aforementioned “high tempo” workouts are without question more physically straining, but are they really high tempo? [Read More]

It was a Dark and Stormy Morning...

Pre-BB The FMJ Q-Coozies are awesome. Nice work, Shank. To be clear, though, it was NOT for the wet Coozie that YHC partnered with Pet Sounds on this unusually warm and stormy morning in the PEX. YHC enjoys the challenge - to post, let alone Q, in the monsoon conditions that were forecast promised to be a great challenge to overcome. YHC couldn’t pass up the opportunity. BB 9 mariners manned up and made waves with Pet Sounds and YHC at FMJ. [Read More]

"Back in my Day..."

Yes, yes, yes we’ve heard it all before, “up hill… in the snow… both ways…” Whatever! That never happened but I’m going to smile and nod because you’ve earned the right to tell your story the way you want it told. Good for you. This on the other hand did happen and 12 PAX wrote the script, directed, produced, starred and film edited (well that was all Parker) their own version of “Back in my Days of F3! [Read More]

Warm and Fuzzy

That Warm Fuzzy Feeling 01-15-18 QIC. Banjo Kryptonite 11 pax. Banjo, Pet Sounds, Ma Bell, GTL, Chipper, Grease Monkey, Denali, Largemouth, Squatter, Chaticleer, Wonderbread, Jog to the main Koka Booth entrance for warm up. SSH, Imperial Walker, Hand Release Ranger Crunch Merkins [uh, we start in the down position. amiright], windmills, good morning, oyo stretch [those things you do “on your own”]. Two line Indian Run to ABB. Last man completes 5 merkins. [Read More]