Hell in the Cell

Friday the 13th and with Wrestlemania in our rear-view mirror and Nature Boy on site with an FNG ta boot, it’s time to get the boys some time in the newly structured cells at Dante’s Peak. 25…oh wait… here comes Sky Blue… 26 for a Friday beat down. Warm-up: Mosey from the flag to the circle Good mornings x6 13 Penalty Burpees for SB showing up late Good morning x7 SSH (Nature Boy style) x 13 Merkins x13 Mountian Climbers x13 Mosey to one of the big fields, not encased by a YUGE fence, thus “The Cell” Thang 1: [Read More]

Hidden Hills of Apex

Temps in the mid 40s. A perfect day for a strong group of 21 PAX to log a few miles and eat some hills for breakfast. Good to see Yoda make the trip from Raleigh again, and his guy Curry. This was YHC’s 2-week delayed birthday Q, after being sick with the flu on my actual birthday. Thanks to Burt for the beer lesson and for bringing me the gift of various of Anheuser Busch products (you know, because Michelob). [Read More]

Good Friday at DP with Power of 3

A great morning for a special Good Friday workout at Dante’s! After some early morning recon (the soccer fields are OPEN) and some EC with Disco Duck, we gather around the flag for a pledge and then a mosey up the hill to the right. YHC mixed in butt kickers, high knees, backwards runs, and even some bear crawling. We make it to the basketball court and circle up for: [Read More]

Keep Pushing

I don’t know what’s going on with the weather this week. It’s spring, but it’s snowing. The weatherman says it’s one temperature, the thermometer in my car says it’s another temperature, and while I’m standing there waiting for the clock to tick 5:45 it feels colder than either of them. One FNG, disclaimer is given, let’s get the blood moving and warm these boys up. Warm-Up Mosey over to the end of the parking lot and circle up for side straddle hops, imperial walkers, Sir Fazios both ways, plank jacks and merkins (morning, Ma Bell! [Read More]

The first one's free.

An early morning HIDA alert from YHC, Disco Duck, Water Wings and Snots for meeting in the FMJ Gloom a little early to knock out 100 Burpees. Why? Why not, I guess. Being that we’re team players… we saved a few for our F3 Brothers. The PAX arrive, it’s a 10-count to start, great to see Grease Monke…wait… where’s he going? Half, did he arrive safe and sound? OK, a 9-count for a H-E-L-L-O K-I-T-T-Y Q at the premier FREE Tuesday morning bootcamp in the 27523 zip code (more on the FREE part later). [Read More]

March Madness

Apparently it’s March already. February, you always cheat me out of 2-3 days. So time to get those NCAA pools going. But before that starts, let’s celebrate in the rainy gloom at Hunter Street Park. PERFECT weather. Warm Up JigglyPuff posts the flag, and we start with the Pledge of Allegiance. Mosey to a suitable parking lot for some warm up. Along the way we get in some butt-kickers, high knees, and side shuffles. [Read More]


Great temps, 14 PAX, no lights, no FNGs but still give the disclaimer and we are off Warm up mozy SSH x20 IW x15 GM x10 Fazio routine Merkins, Plankjacks, MC x 15 Thang Catch me if you can with HR merkins to parking lot entrance Lindsays (aka 40s) on the hill with merkins at the top and squats at the bottom. Start with 30/10, decrease/increase by 5 until you get to 10/30 [Read More]

40 mins of Welcome to Hunter Street Skate Park

Date: 2/22/2018 Location: Bounty Hunters QIC: Parker PAX: 13 13 Pax gathered in the 63 deg downright balmy gloom on a late Feb morning for a promised reintroduction to the wonder that is Hunter Street Skate Park. Since GTL and YHC took over site Q duties at BH a couple weeks ago YHC feels obligated to make sure the Pax are aware of all the options here. I mean, it really has a lot to offer. [Read More]

2nd Time Around

Shank put out the APB for a Q on Sunday night. YHC perused the work calendar for a moment, and heeded the call. I was set for my 2nd ever Q on Thursday at BO, but in retrospect I’m glad it came a couple of days early. Monday, being President’s Day, provided the rare opportunity to double dip for an AO survey and an outing with my 2.0. The last few weeks have been bittersweet on that front - my M is 36 and a half weeks along with our 2. [Read More]

Partner Up...and Size Does Matter

When: February 16th, 2018 QIC: Earhart The PAX: Crimson, Red Ryder, Chappy, Wonderland, Hotspot, Snots, Imp, Highlighter, Water Wings, Parker, GTL, Term Paper, Pickles, BOGO, PBX, Biner, Blue-n-Out, Blueprint, Chum, Matlock, Chipper, Monkey Nut, Crabby (FNG), YHC Earhart YHC comes in, five minutes to spare, with a great spring morning. How can you not want to come out in the gloom when it is partly cloudy and 65 degrees? Well, it appeared I was not the only one who felt that way because 23 fellow HIM posted as well. [Read More]