May the Odds Be Ever in Your Favor

Pre-Blast 12 predators joined YHC at the Lion’sDen. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Run around the church and school lots. Circle up for: GM, WM, CP, SM. The Thangs ONE: hi-tempo lap around the school lot. THREES: up and down the first hill in the school lot, Bear Crawl up the hill for Burpees, run down the hill for LBCs PUTS or Mary while u wait. FIVES: up and down the second hill in the school lot, High Knees up the hill for Star Jumps, Butt-kickers down the hill for Sumo Squat Jumps. [Read More]

May the Odds Be Ever in Your Favour

Pre-Blast 12 predators joined YHC at the Lion’sDen. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Run around the church and school lots. Circle up for: GM, WM, CP, SM. The Thangs ONE: hi-tempo lap around the school lot. THREES: up and down the first hill in the school lot, Bear Crawl up the hill for Burpees, run down the hill for LBCs PUTS or Mary while u wait. FIVES: up and down the second hill in the school lot, High Knees up the hill for Star Jumps, Butt-kickers down the hill for Sumo Squat Jumps. [Read More]

If we run fast it's not really trespassing

YHC & Chanticleer for a 3.4 mile EC run. Hanson for a “I woke up late” solo run. Michelob ran in from The Barkley Marathon. Some knew what they were getting into this morning. Others were caught off guard. All were made stronger. We started right on time by circling up where we stood for some Good Mornings, Windmills, SSH, Plank Jacks. **Thang 1 **Partner Up. Catch me if you can (w/ Jump Lunges and Star Jumps) from the parking lot to the end of Lynch Rd and stop where the No Trespassing signs are posted. [Read More]

As Easy as 1-2-4

It’s a little known secret that when YHC Qs sometimes I transpose numbers or leave out/imply the unimportant ones. It isn’t really an issue though because I am still considered the best Q in Carpex (In fact, Ma Bell has even taken me aside a number of times and offered to pay for me to attend an elite Q school called Camp Gladiator for the next few years.) But there is always room for improvement so YHC thought long and hard about how to deal with all of these ’numbers’. [Read More]

Kotters, Crimson

A lot of chatter the night before about the amount of chatter coming YHC’s way this morning. Had a nice little vanilla workout planned, but the return of our brother Crimson pulled big crowd, and most of them are big talkers. Modify as needed has a new meaning. Warm-Up Mosey over to the church entrance and circle up for side straddle hops, hillbillies (cause we’re in Apex), Sir Fazios and cotton pickers. [Read More]

Hablo un poco de español

Buenos Dias, Hermanos. When it was announced that Liverpool and Water Wings would share their Chimbote, Peru (or is it Chipotle…) story with the Pax at a bread braking and the Q sheet was WIDE FREAKING OPEN for that day, YHC had to jump on it. Knowing we’d have a squad on hand, I was extra excited (hard to believe I know) for this one. With a resounding Yooooooooooooo at 0544, we got ready to roll out. [Read More]

I Pledge Allegiance...

‘Twas a quiet, gloomy morning at Sovereign Grace Church. YHC arrived about 0515, just early enough for some EC stretching and pullups. There were moments it appeared this would be a post of 1 PAX. Alas, soon Hanson rumbled in and others joined. First exercise, the Pledge of…no flag. No pledge. Warm Up Mosey to the front lot for SSHs, Moroccan Night Clubs and Overhead claps. Mosey to the pull-up bars for 10 pull-ups each. [Read More]

I don't need to 'splain myself

I see what you’re trying to do, Cally, and I don’t need to explain the burpee hill race. My crew DOMINATED IT. It sucked, yes. But we did it because: The Q said to do it and you do what the Q says. Good leadership I guess. It sucked. Usually things that suck are hard. We wanted to better ourselves. Back in Black is better than BO. (Don’t ask Term Paper or Jiggly Puff though) The Burpee Hill Race: [Read More]

Fellowship Light Poles w/ Some WW2s

One year ago I showed up at Full Metal Jacket not knowing what to expect. Callahan was the Q that memorable day and the first exercise was a partner-carry with Freebird. There was running on the baseball field, BTTW, and bear crawl 7s on a hill. I never thought I’d last another beatdown, let along a full year. In an effort to make a memorable year anniversary Q, here we go… [Read More]

2nd Annual Bacon Run

With the Tobacco Road Half and Full Marathon approaching, the pax joined for what has quickly become an annual tradition… well at least for this second year in-a-row… a long ATT run followed by top-notch fellowship in the parking lot centered around the all-time champion of breakfast meats, BACON. Distances varied between 5-16 (based on YHC’s count), with the majority of pax locking in on that 10-mile distance. Dang near purrfect with the race coming up in 10 days. [Read More]