Triple Nickle Hillz

A gorgeous morning in Cary!!! 60 degrees and 91% humidity after weeks of 80 degrees and 97%+ humidity! With tour-de-Carpex month, the aim was to keep it challenging, but to also not scare off any infrequent Kryptonite visitors in the hopes they come back to this AO! There’s lots of running, sure, but it isn’t JUST about running! YHC was very pleased to see a solid stream of cars rolling into the AO as we got closer to M-Minute. [Read More]

More than just a workout (Carpex Convergence)

Truth be told, YHC is feeling some pressure on this BB. But, in the words of a sage Carpex veteran: “Keep it vanilla and Q to the site.” - Carman Liuzzo, 57, Burt Wednesday, June 20th, will go down as an EPIC day in Carpex history. The menu looked like this: 0430 - 0500 HIMs launching for the 10.7 mile Maynard loop (14 by YHC’s count) 0505 HIMs launching for Insomnia, YHC on the route Q 0545 HIMs gather for SNS + Tortoises + Vesper convergence at Bond Park 0630 COT with 77 strong, followed by 2nd/3rd F fellowship and Chinese Downhill sharing this powerful and emotional story. [Read More]

One for the record books

Kicking off a possible 10-pack of Q’s this week. 10 meet in the lot. Regency Parkway Loop #1: Stop for SSH, Mountain Climbers, Merkins Run Stop for Merkins Run Stop for Merkins and Squats Run Stop for Monkey Humpers Run Stop for Dips and Incline Merkins Run Recover. Regency Parkway Loop #2: Split the pax in half, head in oppo directions and meet in the middle. Back to the lot. Recover. [Read More]

Who Do We Appreciate?

Burt shows up with his big box speaker and plays the soothing sounds of the Rick Dees classic Disco Duck while we wait for all the PAX to arrive. The clocks strikes 05:30, play time is over, time to get to work. Warm-Up Mosey over to the Global Knowledge parking lot and take a lap, then circle up for side straddle hops, mountain climbers, standard merkins and plank jacks. The Thang [Read More]

An unofficial 4.2 miles; an Oofta sighting; and an unplanned shortcut

So my week-long Birthday Q (which by the way I thought was a thing) got off to a bumpy start. Great workout, plenty of miles, saw some new sites, just bad time management. Apparently there is no wiggle room with the 6:15 finish time. But I appreciate the PAX keeping me honest. Oh, and I told you to bring your gloves @Pet Sounds. Warm-Up Knowing time was going to be my biggest challenge, we circled up right there in the parking lot at exactly 5:30 for: Imperial Walker, SSH, Finkle Leg Swings, Hillbilly, Bobby Hurley [Read More]

You never forget your first time

…that’s kind of true, but when in doubt just reference the backblast. On May 10th, 2017 a dude named Dice showed up to SNS on the invite of his buddy Jamie. It was weird because all the guys were calling him “Repeato,” never the less, on a brisk (to me at the time) 54 degree morning I logged my first Carpex beatdown at the hands of a one “Earhart.” Hello Kitty was born and I’ve mildly gravitated to F3 activities… [Read More]


Here’s some maths knowledge for y’all - and why on Earth we would do anything as stupid (completely, utterly…?) as incorporate a Fibonacci sequence into a workout. For those of you who have been at this awhile, you may have experienced the Nautilus, a workout that starts at the center of something and spirals outward. A nautilus is a natural embodiment of the Golden Ratio, a mathematical expression that refers to the ratio of two addends to their sum and each other. [Read More]

Apparently a cadence count over 4 confuses people.

Some might say it was this PAX’s Kryptonite. (see what I did there?) Warm Up Windmill, Imperial Walker, Steve Earle, SSH Thang 1 Circled up in a nice patch of grass for Absolution. This is an 8 count cadence. Starting in plank position to a groiner, down to chill cut, plank jack, then back up. Trying to keep the PAX together on this one seemed to be a challenge. Not to mention no one was counting except me, so I’m not even sure how many we did. [Read More]


Thursday Morning. Showed up early to setup the Ciabatta (more to come on that) stations and scope out the site. PAX are assembling around the flag as the Raleigh Clown Car pulls in. Yoda flung open the door and you could tell he was already in High MC Gear. Quick announcement from the Q and we are off. Warm-Up Fellowship pace jog around the track. Buttkickers, High Knees, Side Shuffles included. [Read More]

Needle-scratch Moment

I’ve Q’d enough times (though not as much lately) that I’m not usually nervous beforehand. I was nervous today, anticipating the reaction of the PAX at what I had in store. Still, I had it on good authority that it was a worthy idea. Huh. Two minutes to go, FNG present, big PAX turnout, and aforementioned Good Authority nowhere to be seen. Well, let’s make the most of it. Warm-up Jog to Community Center lot. [Read More]