Unexpected Hurdles

I’ve posted at a few other AOs, but I’ve mostly been coming out to Wolverine since I live right across the street. I’m definitely still learning the ropes and so when Pivot asked me to VQ I took the chance. I didn’t feel ready at all but I figured I’d better jump at the opportunity otherwise I’d never volunteer to do it. We had 20 PAX in attendance and there were no FNGs. [Read More]

Parking Lot Tour

20 PAX gather in the gloomy and humid morning for a flashback Q for YHC. I have many fond memories of posting and Qing in this great site and was excited to bring some new faces some of my old-school, vanilla beatdown. Disclaimer and pledge done, we head around the parking lot and down the dark path to the street where we oval-up for: Warm Up Good Mornings Sir Fazio [Read More]

Who said you can't go home again?

It was a glorious start to fall and a great day to be out in the gloom. What a better place to start the day than at Field of Dreams. Hard to believe that it has been over 4 years since Ma Bell and YHC started this AO. Today - one of my goals was to prove that you don’t have to always run up the hills to the top parking lot in order to have a proper beat down. [Read More]

Welcome to the US Air Force PT. 2 mins doesn’t seem like a long time.

Date: 8/28/19 PAX: Beaker, Bedpan, Brosef, Buzz Lightyear, Dirty Bomb, Ezekiel, Five Hole, Franklin, Geek Squad, Goose, Gump, Hotty Toddy, Kermit, Kilmer, Mozart, Nature Boy, Pigeon, Shut-In, Sky Blue, Swag, Trike, WWW As I continue my personal challenge to Q at least once a week, coming up with routine has become very interesting. I had several ideas in mind but since next month is the USAF birthday, I thought it would be a great time to introduce the PAX to the USAF PT test. [Read More]

The Beakentineheart Q

It seems like the only way I can Q these days is to jump in when other men need a hand (or sign up for early 2020 - I’m looking at you #AO-Mon-Wolverine). Although with the last kerfuffle of the triple switch Kitty, no, CD, no, Liverpool, no, Beaker Q, I made really darn sure I was taking over for the site and day I thought I was, and still half-expected someone else to start calling out the countdown. [Read More]


this one was rough. all the EC and none of the posts lately did NOT set me up for success today. here we go! FNG Check - got one - Disclaimer, wait for Sosa, start anyways Mosey around the pickle, but hang a U-turn (crash into Goose), pick up Sosa and rollllllll into the park. Pause in the large oval field for SSH // TT // GM // IW. Continue on down the hill and out toward the Black Creek Greenway. [Read More]

U Got Desire So Sell Phantom Street Everyday to the Immigrant Love Mother

There are a few truisms in life: You’re going to die and you have no idea when Make time for your friends and loved ones YHC is only going to post once a year at the following AOs: FC, BH, DP, FWD, SWW This BB is for one of those times. It being the end of summer and with school about to start, when the Q-sheet showed an opening for FC on Thursday, I knew it was now or never. [Read More]

Escalators ... Even going down is brutally tough!

AO: FOD Date: 8/20/19 PAX: 5 Hole, Beaker, Brosef, Callahan, Clementine, The Departed, Deuce, Dirty Bomb, Ezekiel, Geek Squad, Goose, Katniss, Kilmer, Liverpool, Ma Bell, Spit-Shine, Swag, FNG Toothless, Trike, WWW I goal for my Q’s is to ensure the workout is challenging but yet attainable. It took some time to think of what I want to do. What I came up with is an escalator workout. Read on to find out what was in store for the PAX. [Read More]

The Challenge is 100!!!

PAX: Chicken Little, Chipper, Compound W, Drysdale, Free-fall, Goose, Hamm, Hotspot, Honeycomb, Ma Bell, Quick Stop, Repeato, Ringo, Roasters, Saban, Sixteen Steves, Smokey, Willy Wonka, WKRP, WWW Thank goodness that I’m the co-Site Q for A Team (one of the original 5 Carpex AOs) and we have a reminder for who is Q’ing this week and next week. I had a great weekend trip with the M that I almost forgot that I signed up to Q today. [Read More]

No Upper Body for YHC

It’s well known in Carpex how if you want to get on the Q sheet you need to plan ahead. So, that is exactly what YHC did when signing up for various Qs throughout the year. However 22 days ago YHC fell off his bike, was taken to the ER, and messed up his shoulder pretty bad. After having to give up 2 of my Qs since then, it was time to get back out there! [Read More]