Dora proves she is ready to move past 1,2,3

For the first time, the site Qs at Flying Circus decided that someone other than themselves might be worthy to Q at their new site. It is indeed, a beautiful site, complete with two schools, one elementary and one middle school. A crowd gathered on a crisp cool morning (including a few newcomers complianing about the commute - (we dont want hear it Grinch, Termpappy and Kitty). We know how big Carpex is. [Read More]

Rock! Rock! (Till You Drop)

16 Rock Stars came out on a crisp Friday morning to get stronger. Warm-Up Hustle around the pickle to the basketball courts and circle up for side straddle hops, imperical walkers, Sir Fazio arm twirlies (both ways), standard merkins and plank jacks. The Thang Hustle across the soggy soccer field to the rock pile and choose a travelling rock. Oops, Ford dropped his rock, everybody gets 10 penalty burpees OYO. [Read More]

#MeowMile and #MerkinMonday

YHC pulled up to your neighborhood Food Lion with windshield whippers a’whipping thinking, “this could suck.” But, alas the rain broke and a top-notch Monday was underway. The #MeowMile was converted to the #DiscoDash as a pair of feathered felines headed towards the premiere AO in Apex on a Monday at 0545. After a lovely stroll to the gate, YHC and the Duckman were met by 10 additional Lions, and with Ma-Bell amongst the PAX the promise of #MerkinMonday would hold true. [Read More]

Try Not to Poop Yourself

As #RespectWeek winds down, there was one last Friday flurry of RESPECT Qs before the finale tomorrow at Phoenix. YHC had actually signed up for this Q before the concept began, so it was fate. And I knew I had to bring it, when I saw 22 pairs of eager eyes staring at me from the gloom - well, 21, ‘cause Freebird came in on 2 wheels as we were saying the Pledge of Allegiance. [Read More]

Almost respectable...

… at least working hard to become so. YHC was proud to be counted among the sixteen PAX who braved the gloom to post at Wolverine today. Thanks to the end of daylight saving time, we could see each other reasonably well. I must say, the PAX were looking quite spiffy in the early morning light. (Strike that as awkward :) Warmed-up in the parking lot by painting a few lines, then: [Read More]

Four-Alarm Fire

BB 20 PAX stamped their passports and journeyed ALL THE WAY to DP on a misty, unseasonably-warm morning. YHC kept hearing something about it being a “first Friday,” and therefore cause for an “easier” workout! Yeah, right. Let the beatdown begin. The Warmup - Pledge of Allegiance at the Shovel Flag - Jog to the end of the parking lot, painting the lines along the way, run past the “field closed” sign onto the field, circle up. [Read More]

put that mumble chatter aside and commit to something

November 1st, 2017 One goal, and only one goal- stop the mumble chatter. Is that really a good goal, or is that a selfish request? Either way, I am the Q and took on the challenge. Luckily we had a FNG (welcome Tubeless and thanks Wrangler for bringing him out) which would inspire Burt to get warmed up. What really got Burt going was seeing the duct tape holding my shoes together. [Read More]

Silly Walks Rule!

Flying Circus AO Launch on 10/26/2017 15 PAX were warmle welcomed to what is rapidly being acknowledged as the finest Thursday AO in Northwest Cary. “Damn that’s a nice shovel flag!” Fine, fine weather. Goose dropped his gloves in the driveway back at the house…thanks Biner for saving me! YHC with the Q: (Proper) Warm-Up Lap around the parking lot and to the top of the steps to the track SSH, Imperial Walkers, Hill Billys, King David Kicks, Windmill, Slow Count Merkins, Slow Count Squats [Read More]

Burpee 100

Banjo, Biner, Bogo, Disco Duck, Goose, Hi-Liter, Ma Bell, Parker, PBX, Pickles, Snots, Water Wings 12 PAX, no FNG’s, 3 headlamps, 4 assorted neon shirts, we’re off. Indian Run to Davis Drive M.S. Warm-up SSH, Imperial Walker. Sir Fazio arm circles. Mountain climbers. Plank Jack’s. Merkins. Calf stretch. Low plank hold. Pigeon stretch. Recover Mosey to track Burpee 100 Timer set at 1 minute repeat. Run 100 yards AMRAP burpees till time, keep a talley [Read More]

Hey, There's Callie

Gloomy and humid after a much-needed rain the night before, 13 gathered in the semi-darkness of Thomas Brooks Park full of optimism and talk of seeing light at he end of the tunnel. Little did they know, that was an on-coming train - The Pain Train. With The Rolling Stone making its first appearance at FOD, 4 walked off into the gloom with sand bags and metal plates on their backs, while 9 did this: [Read More]