More than just a workout (Carpex Convergence)

Truth be told, YHC is feeling some pressure on this BB. But, in the words of a sage Carpex veteran: “Keep it vanilla and Q to the site.” - Carman Liuzzo, 57, Burt Wednesday, June 20th, will go down as an EPIC day in Carpex history. The menu looked like this: 0430 - 0500 HIMs launching for the 10.7 mile Maynard loop (14 by YHC’s count) 0505 HIMs launching for Insomnia, YHC on the route Q 0545 HIMs gather for SNS + Tortoises + Vesper convergence at Bond Park 0630 COT with 77 strong, followed by 2nd/3rd F fellowship and Chinese Downhill sharing this powerful and emotional story. [Read More]

Field of Crab Soccer

YHC sets out for Q 2-of-10, and it’s to FOD we go. Upon arrival, take a solo trip to the field to drop off some stuff. Pax arrive, we’ve got a visitor from New York, Green Card, and he brought an FNG, ta boot. Disclaimers delivered and YHC properly heckled by Franklin and we’re off. Warmup: Over to the other lot for high knees and a butt-kickers lap Good morning, SSH, Mnt Climbers, Merkins, Sir Fazio (both ways), 10 burpees for Disco Thang 1: [Read More]

The Finest World Cup Launch in NW Cary on a Thursday Morning......

For once, YHC wasn’t in for the EC run to or at the finest AO in NW Cary on a Thursday morning. No, YHC had some important Q-prep to be done before the launch of another Flying Circus episode. There were some early birds out…and by early I mean beginning at an hour that has 4 at the start…..Ma Bell, Beaker, Old Maid and Michelob all took off early for merkin miles around the finest track in NW Cary on a Thursday morning. [Read More]

Listen Up....I don't hear Pet Sounds

Date: June 13, 2018 Weather: Humid, 83 degrees, cloudy 40 Pax total, including 17 for Vespers. What a group! 5:45. No Pet Sounds (he did make Refinery). Burt takes the Q. Warm up: Mosey to the gate, head to other side of the gate for a standard warm up including 20 burpees, SSH, Merkins, Cotton Pickers, Good Mornings and Little Baby Jumping Jacks. Sprints up the hill (about 40 yards) with a prisoner run back down the hill. [Read More]

They lock the baseball fields when it rains

It was your typical Wednesday Morning Buffet. Several arrived early for a little Insomnia appetizer. The Ruckers and the Vespers all grabbed their food to go, and the rest of the SNS crowd dined heavily on Turkish Get Ups, Bropees and Absolution. With some Twerkins for dessert. And although we didn’t start with a Good Morning (sorry Nature Boy) we did end with a Have a Nice day. And a new word was created. [Read More]

Memorial Day Tribute

On a day set aside to remember those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice 57 HIMs made a statement of gratitude, respect and admiration for the fallen by way of sweat, tears and even a little blood. First things First: 10 brave HIMs participated in an EC Murph at 0600. Pierogi, Hermes, Oofta, Ollie, Banjo, Old Maid, Squatter, Captain Kirk, Joe Smith, Tecumseh, WWW, Sky Blue and Michelob. Excellent work gentlemen! [Read More]

Run. Reflect. Get after it. Run some more.

With YHC prepping for a weekend away, and a late open Q at DZ (given some shifting Q’s), I jumped at the chance to Q at Northern Cary’s premiere AO on a Friday. Oh, what’s that Pet Sounds, you want to co-Q? Cool. Oh wait, it’s 0544… no Pet… nevermind. Never-the-less, 12 patriots showed up and these boys were looking fast AF in their red shirts. With that, we’re off and headed towards the Veteran’s Memorial (about 1 mile away). [Read More]

3 is the magic number

Historians, F3 Founders, Hip Hop Band De La Soul and of course Schoolhouse Rock all agree that 3 is a magic number. Three is a magic number. Yes it is, it’s a magic number. Somewhere in ancient mystic trinity, You get three as a magic number. The past and the present and the future. Faith and Hope and Charity. The heart and the brain and the body, Give you three as a magic number [Read More]

A weinke necessary workout.

Well my streak of finishing on-time this week ends with 1. However I appreciated the fact that this group of HIM never once mentioned the time or seemed to care we were a few minutes over. I guess they were just having too much “fun.” I thought about starting this BB with all the things Franklin, Banjo and Hi-Liter had issues with during my Q, and all the helpful suggestions and comments they shared. [Read More]

The Hills have Ayes

19 HIMs took on the challenge at the versatility that is A Team. We started with the Pledge, then the disclaimer for our lone FNG, and circled up for a bit of: SSH Good mornings Hill Billies Cotton Pickers Sir Fazio 10 burpees because BURPEES!!! Thang 1 Mosey from the parking lot, stop by the picnic area for some quick Dips and L/R step ups x 15. Continue mosey to bottom of Hill 1. [Read More]