Exicon DEF

Some of you know I am on a mission to go through the Exicon A-Z over the course of many workouts. Today, 16, took part in Exicon D, E & F. 4 came in strong for IronPAX. Warmup - Duck & weave (probably to never make another showing) 10 Daisy Pickers Thang 1 - Descending Deconstructed Double shot of jackees at each light pole. Perform the deconstructed jackees, decreasing by 1, and run to the back parking lot. [Read More]

Changing of the Guard

The time has come for the guard to change at Wolverine. Bogo and Pivot completed their time at the helm. They did and amazing job, continuing what Hi-Liter and Biner so graciously began two years ago. The workout and transition went something like this. Well, maybe it was a little more American. Maybe not quite that patriotic and brave. More like this. Yes, the workout today was based on the GHHS Color Guard conditioning routines which are set to music. [Read More]

Riptide substitute

As you know, the responsibility of a site Q is to cover when a committed Q can no longer commit…just didn’t think it would happen week 1 as one of the two new site Qs. And where is Sky Blue and Goose? They are nowhere to be found… Welcome FNG Derby! Warm up 20 SSH 10 Good mornings 10 each fazio arm circles forward and backward, seal clap and overhead clap oh…and don’t forget 5 burpees for not counting this morning…except for beaker! [Read More]

Happy Labor Day

8 PAX out this Labor Day Morning to put is some work before the Caring Place 5/10k Run Callahan showed up late so we all joined him in 5 Burpees No FNGS Pledge Warmup Mosey run towards the neighborhood playground and stopped at small parking lot for a warmup Windmills Merkins Good Mornings SSH Indian Run to the playground and did 20 burpees The Thang (2 rounds) Indian Run from playground to Jenks Carpenter Road and back to playground- When back at playground we did 25 pullups/ 50 merkins/ 75 squats waiting on all to finish in plank position Indian run back to starting parking lot for Mary [Read More]

Welcome to the US Air Force PT. 2 mins doesn’t seem like a long time.

Date: 8/28/19 PAX: Beaker, Bedpan, Brosef, Buzz Lightyear, Dirty Bomb, Ezekiel, Five Hole, Franklin, Geek Squad, Goose, Gump, Hotty Toddy, Kermit, Kilmer, Mozart, Nature Boy, Pigeon, Shut-In, Sky Blue, Swag, Trike, WWW As I continue my personal challenge to Q at least once a week, coming up with routine has become very interesting. I had several ideas in mind but since next month is the USAF birthday, I thought it would be a great time to introduce the PAX to the USAF PT test. [Read More]

The Beakentineheart Q

It seems like the only way I can Q these days is to jump in when other men need a hand (or sign up for early 2020 - I’m looking at you #AO-Mon-Wolverine). Although with the last kerfuffle of the triple switch Kitty, no, CD, no, Liverpool, no, Beaker Q, I made really darn sure I was taking over for the site and day I thought I was, and still half-expected someone else to start calling out the countdown. [Read More]

224: Gregorian Style

The PAX at Wolverine celebrated the 224th day of the Gregorian calendar on August 12, 2019. After a quick disclaimer and pledge, we moseyed across Davis Drive and to the middle school parking lot. Several warm-up exercises were completed, including a set of Ernie Davis Heismans (we missed you, Biner). To celebrate the 224th day of 2019, the group enjoyed a Gregorian merkin mile – 4 laps around the track, with 4 sets of 22 merkins at the conclusion of each lap. [Read More]

Escalators ... Even going down is brutally tough!

AO: FOD Date: 8/20/19 PAX: 5 Hole, Beaker, Brosef, Callahan, Clementine, The Departed, Deuce, Dirty Bomb, Ezekiel, Geek Squad, Goose, Katniss, Kilmer, Liverpool, Ma Bell, Spit-Shine, Swag, FNG Toothless, Trike, WWW I goal for my Q’s is to ensure the workout is challenging but yet attainable. It took some time to think of what I want to do. What I came up with is an escalator workout. Read on to find out what was in store for the PAX. [Read More]

Biner Hops

OK, this is getting strange. I don’t Q that often, but the last 4 out of 5, there has been some sort of Carpex 2nd F late nite event the night before my Q (just to be clear, late is def past 10:30 for me). Last night was no exception. After work I get couple texts from some of the Carpex boys, “You want to go see a movie”? 7 p,m. [Read More]