50 is the new...

In celebration of YHC turning into a “Respect” — I was joined by 14 others, starting with call for FNG’s, and a very short disclaimer on F3. Turn to the flag for The Pledge Mozy to BB Court for warm up: Side Straddle Hops Sir Fazio Arm Circles Overhead Clap Good Mornings Thang 1: Mozy to the stairs & count off “ 1’s & 2’s” Round 1 1’s run the pickle, down the path and up the stairs while 2’s did merkins. [Read More]

That's No Moon!

9 Pax made it out to the gloom to get their beatdown on for day! YHC got there a little early to set up for the ME, which I knew was gonna suck ever since I found it on the Exicon. (In a good way of course). When the time came the disclaimer was given, the Pledge was recited, and we were on our way to the other parking lot around the corner for the warm up! [Read More]

You got anything better?

Solo EC run to check out the AO Bolton’s 2.0 a(nd FNG) Tripp came out to “join” the “fun.” Mosey to the warm-up **Warm-Up **Good mornings; Windmill; SSH: Steve Earles; Mnt. Climbers; Plank Jack **Thang One **Two groups of 5 Indian Run around the neighborhood. Each time the lead runner gets back to the front of the line, stop and complete 1 rep of 3 exercises. Increase the number of reps each time you stop. [Read More]

BRR Training 2021???

So it’s been a little while since YHC last Qed. Before BRR actually. Apparently I was still in BRR training mode when I devised the plan for today. That, coupled with how sore YHC is from back to back days of Iron Pax and low mileage for this point in the week I guess. Sorry to those that decided to follow me out there today, but hopefully you felt as though you received a proper beat down. [Read More]

VQ 5 Years Later

47 degrees in September…yes please! 21 pax left their warm cozy beds to suffer a bit in the gloom (even 1 high schooler! William “Braveheart” Wallace Marriott IV). So here is how this Beatdown was birthed…YHC VQ’d at FOD back in May of 2015. This past month I’ve been back to FOD a couple times and was excited to see the path around the baseball fields was FINALLY finished! We used to run the mess out of that loop and it got me thinking back to the early days of FOD…which got me to look up my VQ backblast…which got me to copy it for this morning and not have to think of something new! [Read More]


Perfect morning to start at #Whoville. Cool and calm. @Clementine brought the flag and long sleeves. The location brought inspiration for a Candyland theme workout. Started of a little rough. YHC is still new to all of this. No FNGs – I asked and no one claimed to be an FNG – deserved mumble. Pledge. Run to the light – all 50 yards. Warm up and stretching with some reminder on how to play Candyland. [Read More]

Blimps at FOD!

With all the BRR festivities, the Q sheet was looking a little empty a few days ago so YHC decided to grab the open spot at the original West Cary workout location, Thomas Brooks Park. In 2017 there were two Tuesday options. Only two. And the other site (FWD) is basically in south Raleigh so YHC and Crimson were FOD regulars. Today was great weather, the humidity was manageable and a great group of PAX joined together for a wonderful start to the morning. [Read More]


Imma gonna keep this one short. Why? Because the real thing went loooooooong. By a fair amount. Like, Saban setting s#!% on fire long. YHC arrived at FC a bit ahead of time and got some laps around the track in. No Sky Blue so no records were set but it was a nice mosey around the loop. Get back to the flag to see some old faces and some new ones. [Read More]

5 poles, 5 laps, no gloves

13 PAX joined for a whirlwind Andy Hill workout in the moist air. Mumble was low, sweat was high. Warm Up Good morning Squats Imperial walker Daisy picker Thang 1 5 poles Jump squat Monkey Humpers V ups Hillbilly Star jump 5 laps Backward run Lunge walk Shuffle Right Broad jump Shuffle Left Thang 2 2 steps backward - then 5 squats 1 step forward - then 5 LBC Mary [Read More]

Rockin' Double Trouble

12 PAX joined in a balance, coordination & stupidity Q led by YHC. Today’s entire workout was carrying our traveling rocks in combination with exercises which were a blending of two exercises. Sounds fun, doesn’t it? It was. EVERYONE thoroughly enjoyed it!! Warm Up - Top Lot Grab 2 traveling rocks - run while punching Good morning with leg lift SSH / Smurf SSH in cadence Plank Jack / Knee ups in cadence Fazio Squat in cadence Seal clap hillbilly in cadence Lunge with arm raise in cadence Thang 1 - soccer field [Read More]