The Mile of Pain

YHC just Q’d Wolverine a couple weeks ago and wouldn’t normally pick it up again so quickly, but another PAX needed a favor, and I’m always one to help! It’s getting close to BRR time, and hills are always welcome, right? (RIGHT?!) A plan began to formulate….. 15 Pax met in the gloomiest of Carpex AO’s for a relatively cool, yet predictably humid morning. Perhaps that MONSTER thunderstorm that rolled through at 12:30am had something to do with it…. [Read More]

Boots ta Boot

What a day, what a day! YHC grabbed the Q spot at DP and longing awaited the chance to head west for all 3 F’s with the Apex pax. With YHC’s alarm set for 0430, here goes. Arrive early for EC pull-ups with GTL, Theismann, Rooney and Frisco. Aeorsmith was there as well and Steve Tyler rocked us during our sets. Great work men. The rest of the reg-U-lars arrived and I’m looking at 30 pax for this beat down (has to be the most in Carpex today, right? [Read More]

Harrrrrrd Worrrrrk!

Pre-Blast 28 land lubberrrrs took FOD by storm. A fair amount of chatter to begin. The chatter turned sour quickly. 27 fist bumps at the end. 0 puffy shirts. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Mixed run up the hill to the top lot into extended Paint the Lines Circle up for: Good Mornings, Windmills, SFAC/OHC, Walk-the-Plank Series (with NO RECOVERY BETWEEN): 20 Walk-the-Plankjacks, 20 Main Mast Mountainclimbers, 20 Crabcakes, 20 Side Plank Starfish Crunches, 15 Walk-the-Plankjacks, 15 Main Mast Mountainclimbers, 15 Crabcakes, 20 Side Plank Starfish Crunches, 10 Walk-the-Plankjacks, 10 Main Mast Mountainclimbers, 10 Crabcakes, 20 Side Plank Starfish Crunches, 5 Walk-the-Plankjacks, 5 Main Mast Mountainclimbers, 5 Crabcakes, 20 Side Plank Starfish Crunches. [Read More]

We're not bringin' Sexy Back

Music starts at precisely 540 with Enter Sandman to get the PAX pumped to work hard. 27 strong and we are off about 20 seconds early. Mozy meander through some trails until we get to a good warm up spot. Warm Up Merkins x 20 IC SSH x 15 GM x 10 5 burpees OYO The Thangs 4 groups-ish for a cluster Indian Run to the pickle Partner up for laps around the pickle. [Read More]

Studs are made of 2x4's

I must admit, I had several doubts about this morning. I returned from the other side of the world only a few days ago and am just now getting my circadian rhythm back to Eastern Daylight Time. My sleep has been off, and I haven’t been as energetic as usual. To top that off, in true F3 fashion, I did the F3 ENC CSAUP “The Sasquatch” in Greenville, NC on Saturday. [Read More]

Burpees and Bear Crawls, Oh My!

23 met in the sticky gloom at TB Park. Warm Up Pledge of Allegiance, disclaimer, and 22 men begin what was supposed to be an easy pace Indian run to the front lot. We’ve got an FNG arriving at 5:47 so Sosa makes sure he gets to the warmup circle. The obligatory 10 burpees commence. Your standard fare of SSHs, Good mornings, Sir Fazio and Hill Billies. Thang 1 Partner up, 100 Merkins, 200 Monkey Humpers, 300 Fluttering Supermans [Read More]

Traveling Pearls on a String

When: July 16th, 2018 QIC: Earhart The PAX: Hermes, PBX, Saban, Trike, Biner, Clementine, Pivot, Geek Squad, Angry Elf, Suds, Cheddar Bo YHC Earhart A warm, Monday morning greeted 12 HIM for a rare Earhart Q outside of Hell’s Bells on Mondays. Many new faces to me, imagine that posting somewhere else for a change. We head out around the pickle, with a backwards run down the hill. A quick detour to the curb for some quick feet before finally circling up for: [Read More]

Midsummer's AMRAP + 1

After what looked to be a great evening of 2nd F on a Midsummer’s eve many of the PAX were operating on High Octane fuel. A fuel they would call upon about halfway through the morning as there were digging deep on an AMRAP + 1. 0520 ECP - YHC, WWW, GTL, Red Rider, Frisco continued our quest to get bigger, stronger and faster at the pull-up one repetition at a time. [Read More]

The Oregon Trail

Today we took a trip back to the Elementary School Library to play the classic computer game ‘Oregon Trail’ 16 of us decided to take on the challenge and travel west in search of a better life. We gathered in Independence, MO to warm up and decide if we should be a Farmer (Sprinkler and Cotton Pickers), a Banker (Good Mornings, I’m assuming a banker would say Good Morning), or a Carepenter (Merkins…there is no tie in, but merkins are always good). [Read More]

We came, we exercised, we relocated rocks, we wrote our backblast

It was good to Q at ol’ FOD this morning - had been a while. A strong crowd of 28 gathered - including Kilmer in a Cabriolet (back in my day - only sorority girls drove those)….. hmmm. Oh well - follow me - YHC said softly and started running up the parking lot through the dark path and up the road to the mailbox. Once there, we circled up for GM x18, IW x 14, HB x 12, SF Arm Circles - 10 each way, 10 seal claps and 10 overhead claps. [Read More]