Ferris Bueller's Day Off

As we all search for the meaning of life and our purpose and all that serious stuff, sometimes, it’s nice to just have a little fun. Ferris knows this for sure…so let’s have some fun on our day off. We start the day with the pledge and a quick warm up jog to the neighborhood clubhouse parking lot for the warm-up. Let’s start the day by saying Good Morning to Ferris and then meet some of our other favorites. [Read More]

Esau’s Mirror

Pre-Blast 23 Bootcampers and Rucker’s for a record-breaking day at GT. EC runners and ECP as well. 13 Rucker’s. 4.36 mi for the boot camp (by @Chanticleer’s Garmin) The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Small Group Indian Run around the soccer field and up up to Preston Circle, lap the circle to complete a 1 mile warm up. Circle up for: 10 GM, 10 Windmills, 25 Mt. Climbers - hold for 25 Merkins - hold for 20 Plankjacks - hold for 20 Merkins, 25 SSH. [Read More]

Running off with The Circus

People go to the circus for myriad reasons: entertainment, witness the odd and curious, be stunned by magic, or savor a jalapeno-stuffed deep-fried twinkie burger. However, when it comes to The Flying Circus, only the stoutest of men dare show up to test their mettle within the Big Top. 14 PAX couldn’t resist The Circus’s allure, ignored the temps (they were so small that ignoring was easy), and performed incredible feats with the human body (I am mostly certain each PAX used his own). [Read More]

And then there was rain...

So it rained. No, I mean it really rained. 10 waterproof HIDA’s, including both site Q’s and the shovel flag turned out for a swimming lesson and freshen up in the gloom. Beaker (or Biner, whatever) won the prize for most nonchalant warm up and was clearly more than up to whatever volume of water fell from the sky. As we circled up, the pax reached a consensus that the worlds weather apps were espousing lies - as to a man everyone was expecting a balmy 62 degrees yet it felt more like mid-30’s. [Read More]

Supercharged, modified and sliding at FOD

A nice morning at FOD. 27 PAX made there way to west Cary to celebrate Liverpool turning 50 and earning the title of RESPECT. Just because he is now with us in the 50’s doesn’t mean he gets an easy workout. All came ready to have some fun and be challenged. Warm up Pledge Run to back of lot 1 - 5 Good mornings Run to back of lot 2 - 10 Imperial Walker with a squat in between Run to back of lot 3 - 112 Supercharged SSH (4 rounds of descending SSH. [Read More]

A new Dora, was it 24 or 22?

Great morning a Wolverine – excellent group of high impact men! All familiar faces - no FNG to to brief…. The Warm-up: Start with the pledge, mosey around the pickle to basketball court & circle up Good mornings, windmills (tough to count for some reason!), SSH, calf stretches with merkins, air chair with chinooks The Thang! Mosey south along the running trail to the big parking lot. Fast feet, bear crawl, curb dips, crab back…. [Read More]

Accidental Tribute

When planning this workout I thought about picking a theme or even sky writing but nothing came to me. So I picked a route and some exercises and went with it. Jog to the front of the school and completing a figure 8 with the loops. Warm Up - SSH, Good Mornings, Merkins, and Plank Jacks. Thang 1 - Partner up for laps around the figure 8 route. Alternating 8 burpees, 8 partner merkins when you see your partner. [Read More]

Ninety Two Percent

This was YHC’s first time out Qing Gran Torino. After studying the mess out of Google Maps the plan was set. YHC drove to up a few minutes before the normal 10min early mark YHC tries to hit, checked out the parking lot and saw the gates needed to get to where we were going today were locked soooo, change of plans! Warm Up Run the pickle? Loop? Bus circle? Do we have a name for it yet? [Read More]

The Legend of 44

15 HIMs joined me for my VQ on a cold, dark morning at the finest AO on a Thursday morning in NW Cary. After months of PAX asking if I owned a fruit stand, if my last name was Darling or if I accidentally forgot my F3 name (and received a girl’s name), today I shared the origins of Clementine, as well as a brief history on the Legend of 44 at Syracuse University (go Orange! [Read More]


It was cold. The morning started at 0500 for an EC run by 3 of the aforementioned best. When YHC showed up at 0505 for EC pull-ups, they were long gone, and it was just me and Bob Seger for pull-ups and Merkins. Dumpster Fire showed up just in time for the two of us to get some quality 2nd F time in and go for a ½ mile warm-up run. [Read More]