Frigid Circus

It wasn’t raining and there was a sunrise, so mark that as a win in the weather column. However, the PAX kept complaining about “The Cold”. Now, the weed companies, pest companies, and Punxsutawney Phil all assure me that Spring has sprung. My hydrangeas agreed, much to the dismay of their now-wilted buds. Alas, I can’t do anything about that, but I can do something about the shivering PAX. Beaker’s Beginnings (The Warm-up) [Read More]

Just another day at Gran Torino

A lovely, lovely day at Gran Torino. Perfect weather, and an awesome pax! What do I have planned for today? Nothing special. A very simple, yet effective high tempo workout. Just another day at the finiest Hihgh-Tempo bootcamp AO in Northwest Cary. We started with a quick and abbreviated F3 Briefing. No FNG’s today so let’s go! Pledge of Allegiance Follow me for a brief jog and warmup: SSH x 20 20 Regular Merkins OMD Imp Walker x 20 20 Wide grip Merkins OMD 15’ish Good mornings Honestly, the mumblechatter got out of hand here, no clue what the count was 20 Diamond Merkins OMD Follow me to the pullup bars for The Thnag The Thang! [Read More]

Just a little stroll between light poles

Date: 3/4/19 AO: Wolverine QIC: WWW Mosey 2X around the pickle to get the blood flowing. Circle up for warm-up. GM, hamstring stretches, calf stretches with merkins in between, Sir Fazio. Mosey to the stop light on Davis Drive to being our thang. Thang 1: At every light pole for 10 light poles, 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 squats. Hi-Liter asked me after light pole #4 if I thought about the workout. [Read More]

Running in Circles, Picking up Rocks

19 men showed up for some calisthenics at Field of Dreams. What’s there to say?… We did lots of circles around the parking lot. All told, we covered a little over two miles. We also did some creative rock exercises and debated the proper way to do a Dying Cockroach (the Q’s way was correct). And most importantly, we met an FNG. Welcome Kung Pao! The Thang: Mosey up hill [Read More]

Clowning Around the Track in the Gloom

Date: 2/28/2019 QIC: WWW AO: Flying-Circus PAX: Badlands, Beaker, Biner, Ezekiel, Geek Squad, Goose, Kilmer, Lawn Dart, Nature Boy, Silverback, Sky Blue, Trike, WWW, Warm-up: GM (You can’t have a great day without a good morning), hamstring stretches, calf stretches with some CFMs x5 for each leg, Sir Fazios. We mosey top the track for some clowning around. Thang 1: 4 pain stations strategically stationed around the track (backward run btw stations) [Read More]

What the Ruck! A great change of pace, literally! Time is of the essence.

Date: February 15, 2019 QIC: WWW AO: Rolling Stone PAX: Angry Elf, Bartman, Cataracts, Disco Duck, Ezekiel, Geek Squad, Hot Cakes, WWW Rucking is, in my opinion, the best workout for fellowship without losing your breath. Oxygen is essential when working out, so when I do the normal boot camp workout I speak very little because I need my brain to concentrate on one thing … breathing. As you are rucking at a decent pace (walking), you can talk and not gasp for air. [Read More]

If only ONE-FOUR had posted....

Dammit. So nearly perfect. Some days the all the elements align perfectly and the symmetry and perfection of the universe reveals itself. This was nearly one of those days, if only ONE-FOUR had shown up! Today, the day widely known as Valentine’s Day, is notable for three very good reasons. Firstly, sure, there is saint valentine. Martyred for marrying young lovers against the wishes of the Roman emperor, and sentenced to death through beating, torture and then eventually decapitation. [Read More]

Ruck Takeover

Friday, February 1, 2019 - Cary, NC. Those attending what was purported to be a high-tempo bootcamp workout at Gran Torino were shocked and amazed to arrive and discover the site had been taken over by shady characters wearing “military-style” backpacks. Assault backpacks, even. With carrying handles and other menacing features. They did their best to shrug it off and proceed with their running around, while the ruckers got after it. [Read More]

FNGs Abound

The PAX recruiting game showed up strong on this A.M. as we had 3 FNGs make their way into the gloom. The Disclaimer was necessary. As I type this I am just now realizing I forgot to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance. This is a priority and so I recognize now the men and women who go and have gone into harms way to protect the liberties that we as a United States of America hold as unalienable. [Read More]

Triple down celebrations

Feb 5th. 5/2. Fifth of February. So many reasons to celebrate……it’s the 36th day of 2019 (Gregorian calendar), it’s the start of the 4716th Chinese New Year (Year of pig) and it’s also Red Ryder’s M’s birthday, who I believe was turning 21 (approximately). With so much excitement to come, YHC started the customary countdown to the start of the beatdown at 3 minutes…..eventually the clock ticked down and we were ready to go…. [Read More]