Meet the Pivots

Twas another splendid Tuesday morning in at Field of Dreams. YHC was ready to go after a brisk run to the AO with BOGO, Squatter, and Michelob. We gathered, I recited some form of a disclaimer. Debate ensued on whether we should state the fact that it is a disclaimer, or if we should simply disclaim. Quick mosey around the parking lot and we all join the pivot family circle of trust for warmups. [Read More]

Low Mileage but High Burn

No CARPEx PAX were surprised this morning when YHC made the announcement that today was going to be a low-mileage day. At least not those with access to (and the time to check) Slack. But nevertheless, after both a disclaimer and a reminder that F3 is about building better men and better leaders, there was an opportunity for the gazelles in the audience to make their way to A-team. Finding that none took the opportunity, “play” was hit on the ol’ bluetooth enabled noise box and we proceeded to enjoy some camaraderie while getting a bit of a sweat on. [Read More]

Rolling Stone goes for a stroll...well sort of...

Gentlemen. Was a great morning for a ruck. After the pledge and once the HIMs decided to do 10 burpees OYO, we left… Warm up Moseyed through the parking lot 10 good mornings 10 cotton pickers 10 squats 10 merkins Thang 1 Moseyed over to the hill Seven Start with 1 monkey humpers Double time up the hill 6 merkins double time down the hill 2, 5 - 3, 4 - etc… Thang 2 Moseyed through neighborhood and path to track in back of school At every turn, we performed a different exercise to 15 Curls - presses Triceps - rows Merkins Squats Walking with ruck overhead You get the idea… Just when you thought we were finished, we lunge walked the straightaway before the pavilion. [Read More]

Imperfect 10

YHC, some time back (before GT opened), posted at the site pre-opening, after running a 10k there from home, with plans to run home from there. Somewhere in the middle (okay, real close to the beginning), the tank was already empty. Q was calling some pretty high tempo stuff, and asked for pax to call an exercise upon arriving to the carpool dropoff spot. YHC was called upon, and called a 10-count to catch breath. [Read More]


YHC rolled into Thomas Brooks park a little early to knock out some EC pull-ups. It’s not much of a thing here, but eventually several PAX joined in once they realized that pull-ups can be done at the shelter by the soccer fields. Good news, we’ll be back here eventually. With pull-ups done and the time drawing nigh, we joined the PAX circling up in the normal FOD starting spot. One issue - no flag. [Read More]

Twas a starry night in the gloom which was ideal to bring on some Thunderstruck!

Date: 3/18/2019 QIC: WWW AO: A Team PAX: 15 For some reason, Sky Q forgot to turn on the heater. Albeit being a crisp / brisk morning, it was a blessing to be out there leading the PAX in the workout. Sooey graced us with his presence to get his walk in. Sooey is da Man because he did not wait long to get back out in the gloom. There is always one or two PAX that would not mind taking a walk with him. [Read More]

Circus is in town

A beautiful morning at the finest AO in NW Cary. Welcome to the Circus. Ringmaster Geek Squad led the day’s events. 15 showed up on time. Unfortunately Nature Boy was late. After the pledge, we were penalized with 5 burpees to allow Nature Boy into the Circus. At ring 1: Warm Up 5 Good mornings 5 Wolverines OYO 5 Windmills 10 ea Fazio arm circle forward, reverse I 10 Merkins At ring 2: Thang 1 Mosey to track 25 Merkins Lunge walk curve 25 jump squats Backward run straight 25 mountain climbers (L/R = 1) side shuffle curve 25 Hello Dolly Repeato At ring 3: Thang 2 Mosey to stairs Divided into two groups Group 1 [Read More]

Crikey, Nothing Like a Pre-Brekky Beatdown!

Nature Boy and Hi-Liter posing after the beatdown. It was an anxious crowd (or maybe an anxious Q for his first full beatdown Q) at Field of Dreams this morning, excited to see what was in store down in the gloom. Warm Up: Pledge of Allegiance….respect the stars and stripes! Quick mosey to the first lot, pick up the 6, circle up with side straddle hop, and your standard merkin Mosey uphill to the next parking lot, once again get the 6, side straddle hop, and wide grip merkins One more fast mosey to the last parking lot for more side straddle hop, and the diamond merkin. [Read More]

Hablo un poco de español

Buenos Dias, Hermanos. When it was announced that Liverpool and Water Wings would share their Chimbote, Peru (or is it Chipotle…) story with the Pax at a bread braking and the Q sheet was WIDE FREAKING OPEN for that day, YHC had to jump on it. Knowing we’d have a squad on hand, I was extra excited (hard to believe I know) for this one. With a resounding Yooooooooooooo at 0544, we got ready to roll out. [Read More]

Rolling Stone turned into a bootcamp Ruck

Beautiful Friday morning for a Ruck. I was looking forward to leading today’s Ruck and building in more exercises into the walk. I think we accomplished since I feeling it this morning. Thanks fellas for allowing me to lead you… Warm up Good mornings - 6 Windmill (not turbines) - 6 Seal clap - 10 Fazio arm circles (forward) - 10 Fazio arm circles (backward) - 10 Merkins - 10 Recover, we then walked to the hill… Thang 1 - A seven Double time uphill - do merkins Double time downhill - do squats Recover, we then walked back to the parking lot… Thang 2 - A five Rucks off and hold overhead Walk to pickle - do curls Walk back to other pickle - do WWII Recover, Rucks back on, we then walked back to circle… Thang 3 - Plank shuffle merkin Plank position on parking space line Side shuffle in plank position to next parking line - do 1 merkin Shuffle to next parking line - 2 merkins Repeato until 5 merkins are completed Recover, we then walked to the pavilion… Thang 4 - Dips, Urkins, StepUps Dips - 10 Urkins - 10 SetUps - 10 Repeato with 5 count Recover, we then walked to playground… Thang 5 - Dead arm hang If it weren’t enough, we ended with a minute long dead arm hang Mary Rucks off Hello Dolly - 10 WWII - 10 Box Cutter - 10 Superman hold - 1 min Have a nice day! [Read More]