We were all headed out for milk and bread to get us through the Blizzard of 2020, but 14 detoured to Back in Black, hopefully the Ms and 2.0s understand. No FNGs present, the pledge was said, with meaning, and we mosey’d to a parking lot for warmups… Warmups: SSH, Merkins, Plank Jacks and Good Morning Partner Catch Me if You Can…5 burpees by partner 1 as partner 2 headed out towards Tryon Road…I hope the PAX each had the pleasure of at least three sets of burpees. [Read More]

Living 3rd

There was a PAX named Box who was also present. This was my third Q and no where near the anxiety. So much more fun. So… With No FNGs present, our great flag flapped to our Pledge and off we went in a slow jog. Mumble chatter was immediate, as expected and got me to thinking about Burp & Merks. Unexpectedly for all we stopped for a few on our way to warmup. [Read More]

Wet n Wild

We welcomed FNG Grant, newly relocated from Birmingham. Many dedicated HIM arrived for my 2nd Q. Glad to help McCants. And as he peacefully remained in the fart sack we grittily said our Pledge to our Flag. Immediately our warm up run began…and so did the chatter…5 burpees with the fellas. Ran to warmup in this warm weather, SSHs, Prisioner um…Sumo Squats, one other and off we went. Still too dry as we continued our run I decided to slow us down for Paint the Lines, backwards mostly, in Cary’s Biggest Parking Lot. [Read More]

A great start

I’ll be the first to admit that I did loose some sleep night before, I did end up rewriting my workout ideas multiple times, I did have some anxiety. And once we got rolling that morning I did suffer a bit from my winke. Mumble chatter was prominent, for certain. But I was warned. Despite all that after all was said and done it sure did feel good. What a great start. [Read More]

50% Respects; 100% HIM

0445 YHC, GTL, and Chipper for a 3.2 EC run 0515 No FNGs, No Disclaimer, No pledge. Mosey across the street to the parking lot. Circle up **Warm Up **Good Mornings, Windmill, SSH, Steve Earle Two groups of 5 for an Indian Run up Regency to yet another parking lot. Stop at the entrance for some Go Gos into the complex. Mosey to the far end of the parking lot [Read More]

nine for nine

Frontblast: It’s Monday afternoon, and I’ve been on this call for 77 minutes. I was a ‘critical component’ of this call, and finally just got called on. They ‘couldn’t hear me’, assessed that I had dropped off and rolled right along. I’m officially off the grid for the next 43 minutes, so guess what - YOU GET A PLANNED Q! Backblast: FNG Check / Disclaimer / Oh wow there’s more than 1 PAX outside of myself [Read More]

Are We Gonna Do This The Whole Time?

Slippery When Wet - home of the EC run as well as where YHC completed week 1 of the 2019 IronPax Challenge. In celebration of how much that sucked the first time, we’re gonna do it again today. Several PAX did some kind of EC run, 2 PAX for EC pull-ups. At 0545, there were 15 gathered round the flag. First exercise, Pledge of Allegiance. Warm Up 2 laps around the pickle with some high knees and karaoke. [Read More]

1-15-20 Point Break BLIMPS

Wordpress sucks. “Separate with commas or hit enter key”, what they mean is: list all the PAX and then we will magically auto-delete some of them so you can re-enter them. Does this happen to anyone else? Is it just me? I fall in that range between Boomer and Millenial so maybe I’m not even supposed be using word press. While I’m on this Soundest of All Pets box, when I hit enter, why does it skip a line and insist on starting a new paragraph? [Read More]

We Have Liftoff

AO Launch Day. YHC was a bit nervous about attendance because there had been zero Slack hype for this event during the lead up. Despite that fact, a lot of folks somehow showed up to be part of the emergence from stealth mode. YHC knew something major was afoot when Ma Bell decided to again venture into “the eastern regions of his former kingdom” for not only the ME but an EC run taboot. [Read More]

A Flock of Seagulls and a Bigger Pickle

When Yoga Mat invokes Flock of Seagulls and Monty Python in the pre-blast everyone knows that the actual workout will never live up. But we’re all here so let’s give it a shot. We have an FNG so a full disclaimer and mission statement are delivered. The Pledge and we’re off. Warmup: Mosey a while and end up in a well lit parking lot within sight of our friends at Crossfit: [Read More]