It's not what you might think

21 PAX arrived at Phoenix expecting a Wrench Q, unaware of the backroom dealings that had transpired in which YHC took the Q. Exclamations of joy and thanksgiving erupted from the crowd upon hearing the news that for the next 60 minutes they’d be treated to a heaping dose of YHC’s shenanigans. One FNG, so in addition to a thorough briefing from Earhart, a quick disclaimer was offered and the 23 of us headed out. [Read More]


We had a couple of visitors from out of town this morning, Monk from F3 The Capital (and before that Gastonia), and Red Baron from wherever Living Legends come from. Warm-Up Disclaimer and Pledge, mosey around the parking lot and grab some curb for three rounds of quick feet and curb irkens, then to the top of the deck and circle up for cherry pickers, arm twirlies, seal claps, hillbillies and a round of Good Mornings expertly led by Crimson. [Read More]

Who ordered the vanilla cone?

As one of the site Q’s of this AO and a huge kettlebell advocate for working out, I took my time in coming up with a somewhat complex workout for today. Mumblechatter was high today as the Pax were trying to learn many new exercises introduced for the first time today. Let’s get started! Warm-up- Mosey around the pickle and circle up for some extremely slow Good Mornings, SSH’s, seal claps, and calf stretches. [Read More]

Freedom Rings even when you're Dazed and Confused

Date: 11/15/19 As I was trying to develop the workout, all I can think about is honoring all our Veterans this week and it’s RESPECT week. I always like to do something different in my workouts. It’s fun to scour the Exicon for new exercises. So, I dug deep into the list and brought out some stuff I’ve never heard about. Read on to know what we did: F3-adminstrivia done. No FNGs. [Read More]

Double Your Pleasure with Double 7s Doubled

Two years ago I was introduced to F3 and it has become one of the top 10 most impactful relationships on my life to include all people and organizations I have been a part of. You HIM have encouraged and spurred me on to be more in all three Fs than I could have ever imagined becoming. It is with a heart of gratitude that I embark on this week of 7 Qs as I hope to give back to those who have given to me and encourage those who are just beginning their f3 journey. [Read More]

Wow 2 yrs!

So for my 2 year anniversary I decided to take a different path than what I had originally planned. No grand theme, no week long pre blast with silly photo shops. Just show up with the pax and put together a nice little bootcamp. 10 of us gathered for the first sub 40 degree morning to date. I’ll be honest, I was a little cold. Get started with the pledge, but no disclaimer, eventually I’ll get this Q stuff straight. [Read More]

Final Q in the POGL

15 PAX gathered in the POGL for YHC’s final Q in Apex. Two still to go next week in Cary before I ship up to Raleigh. This was also YHC’s second time ever Qing a limited run workout. After a painful outing at Rush Hour last night, I knew this was going to be a challenge! No FNGs. Disclaimer. Pledge. Warm Up Walk over to the parking lot immediately adjacent to the flag and circle up for the following exercises: [Read More]

Morticia Addams, Wonder Bras, and Depends

A beautiful autumn morning, perfect for an F3 workout. YHC rolls in to Annie Jones Park to find Quikstop walking up and down the stairs holding a rucksack over his head. Frisco was supposed to join him for an EC run, but we didn’t see him. I wondered why the lot was so empty, and asked if Claymore starts at 05:30 or 05:45. Turns out it’s the latter, and I’m not the first Q to make that mistake recently. [Read More]

Gobblin' Tabatas

0530 with one PAX who will remain nameless skating in just in time. YHC reminded everyone this is a weighted workout so be careful with form, and don’t hurt yourself. Started with a parking lot mosey followed by the pledge of allegiance. Warmup: Good Mornings Imperial Walkers Sir Fazio Fwd Seal Clap Sir Fazio Reverse Runners stretch Pigeon Stretch 10 standard merkins 5 McKenzie Merkins (Upward Dog) Thang 1: Kettle Bell Tabatas 15 count of KB swings immediately followed by KB merkins x 4 10 count KB squat and press followed by mountain climbers x 4 8 count KB curls followed by tricep extensions x 4 Thang 2: Battle Rope Team Crawls and Circle of Death Split into Two Groups - Transition once everyone has done burpees on the Yahoo Gobble. [Read More]

The Smell of Math in the Morning

18 posted (Banjo and Sub EC’d starting at 4:45) at the quietest F3 AO in all of Carpex. If it wasn’t for those noisy yoga ladies, we’d really have a nice time. But Sour Mash refuses to do his Site Q job and chase them away. . . Let’s Get Started Disclaimer - Modify as needed, we will not leave you behind, but we will reinvigorate your male leadership. Pledge of allegiance Let’s mosey! [Read More]