May the 4th Be With You - Almost (Chewie's VQ-ish)

Roughly a week ago YHC approached Kwik Stop and was like, “Hey Dude, want to come-up with a workout and Co-Q? at Tin2Iron?” In which the response that I heard was, “heck yeah” (or something like that…). So here we are. I woke-up at 3 a.m. with some major sciatic pain which helped me remember I forgot to charge the surround sound system for today’s beat down which still died in the middle of the workout and I had to plug the speaker into my vehicle. [Read More]

Plagiarism is the sincerest form of flattery

So it was a week ago that I was reminded of one of my favorite COT traditions, the dipping of the feet in the fountain after Rush Hour. So it inspired me to Q tonight’s edition. Yes, it was a boot camp. It had been a second since I had Q’ed anything other than a ruck, so I thought to myself, what would Frisco do? Some of you might remember, maybe about a year ago, Frisco decided to Q every day for a week. [Read More]

When Sargent Squatter Came to T2I

Seeing Ausfahrt you might think “Wow, that guy is so lazy, he never runs anywhere”. But while lazy may be true for his personal hygene when it comes to working out the guy is tough as nails. Some of the newer guys may not know his story. Not long ago he was riding his motorcycle when he was hit by a truck (I think it was a half-ton truck, too! [Read More]

What is Frisco's name on slack today?

FYI Bartman, this is a 5:45 start AO and not 5:30. FYI Frisco, this is a 5:45 start AO and not 5:46. I apologize for all of the Frisco attention in this one. He attempted to start a brotherly quarrel on Slack between Water Wings and me a day before the workout. Mosey behind the bathroom building to hide from Frisco who showed up late, but he found us anyways. Then continued the mosey to the left lot for warm-ups. [Read More]


Last year I was out of town on my birthday, so this year I planned early and signed up for the Q slot for A-Team months ago. Little did I know how different the world would be over the past few months. I am thankful we are able to get out each morning, support each other, and move our bodies! Here is what went down today: Arrived a bit early, Crimson was complaining that I had him leave a few minutes earlier than normal but it was great to meet the PAX as the arrived. [Read More]

A Walk To Remember

Like most guys whenever Orphan asks me to do something I always ask “Will Garfield be there?” Not because there is anything wrong with Orphan, he’s okay, mostly okay, but Garfield is just cool. I played a lot of sports as a kid (Madden Football, Blades of Steel, Mike Tyson’s Punch Out, and some Duck Hunt to stay well rounded) so that meant I had little time to pursue being cool. [Read More]

A hill 'o beans

Twice as many reps as beans in a can. Introduction For some reason Frisco’s pre-blast was reminiscing about the time he watched Casablanca whilst eating cold baked beans from a tin, washing them down with a cocktail of absinthe and Dr. Pepper. However, interesting fact, the workout I planned had approximately twice as many reps in it as there are beans in a standard can. So, remarkably on point. [Read More]

Second Verse Same as the First

As Pickles always says “Preparation H is key”. So to impress my junior site Q I made sure my weinke was laid out by my keys last night. Driving in to Claymore I felt great, I was back out in the Gloom, I had successfully Q-ed HB yesterday with a modified version of one of my COVID lockdown workouts, and I was heading to the premier limited run AO in Carpex on a Tuesday. [Read More]

A Way Back

Today was my second day back in the Gloom and my first day Q-ing in it. I had stayed strong during the lockdown virtually posting with Traffic Cone 4-5 times a week. The rest of our shield lock fell off or went back to the gloom over time but we held strong until Memorial Day. After a pretty grueling Q before the holiday I decided to take a rest day. And that was when the wheels finally fell off. [Read More]

Inspired By Burt (that is not a typo)

Michelob and YHC for a little EC Posting at Bradford’s Ordinary yesterday I was “inspired” by Burt’s shared cluster Q. To the untrained eye, it may have seemed like he was unprepared but he was, in fact, helping to shape and invigorate. What, I’m not actually sure, but there was definitely shaping and invigorating going on. And it seemed to work. So I borrowed his lackadaisical Qing style and implemented it at DAC. [Read More]