Writing Workout Checks My Body Can Cash

I have been doing F3 for almost three years so how hard could it be to put together a workout? I have a sack of patio pavers looking for something to do which makes a great prop for a limited run workout. What could go wrong? Well, perhaps a 6 month hiatus from posting should have given me a clue that the workout I put together was ambitious. While I didn’t want to sit around a drum circle and share our feelings, maybe we didn’t have to do this. [Read More]

Everyone Has A Plan Until They Get Punched In the Mouth

The title of this BB is a quote from Mike Tyson and it sums up my Q experience this morning quite well. In Carpex we have contingency options for just about every fartsack excuse. Weight concerns? We have limited and no-run AOs. Injured? There are a ton of PAX willing to show up early for EC so they can walk with you during the ME for some 2nd F. M upset about something dumb you said this week? [Read More]

Fence Escalators

For the second time in the past two months, YHC needed to carry out my site Q duties at Claymore by stepping in for a last-minute impromptu Q. Frisco had given me a heads up that the VQ he had lined up (no, not Frisco) for today might not show, so there were already some ideas percolating. It’s 0545, and after pledging allegiance at the shovel flag, we’re off for a slow mosey around the circle. [Read More]

Yesterday's mission, today!

Last week I was in a COP with Repeato, and somehow Chumbawumba’s earworm Tubthumping came up. He said “oh yeah, you can do burpees to that song.” It inspired me to cook up a Q where we did the three musically-synced workouts that immediately come to mind. I figured my birthday Q would be a good time to debut this. I was a little aggressive on the “filler material” yesterday, and we only got one song in, much to Hotspot’s disappointment. [Read More]

Something About Mary

I haven’t been posting very consistently over the past 6 months but I have been doing the 2020 Core Challenge on an almost daily basis since the beginning of February. Therefore I thought it was appropriate to do a fair bit of core work for this (3rd) Anniversary Q. Also, considering the fact that due to the nature of my work, I’m holding a squat position for a good part of the day I wanted to incorporate some squat work as well. [Read More]

No excuses

This week has been crazy. I am a day late in writing my backblast. Monday I found out one of my work friends died over the weekend. My volunteer work has picked up. Deadlines in my day job. And yet Crimson brought up the fact that Tortoises didn’t have a Q and I felt compelled to put my name on this Q sheet. I did not really plan the workout. I did not have the time to do it. [Read More]

When Sargent Squatter Came to DZ

When I saw that Hello Kitty had to give up his Q spot at Danger Zone I jumped at the opportunity. It is a very exclusive spot and the application process is quite tough. I had been rejected twice, but if I pretended to be Hello Kitty someone would figure it out when the sun started to come up. But if I pretended to be Hello Kitty pretending to be me everyone would just think it was a great disguise. [Read More]


Date: 7/21/20 PAX: Chipper, EarharT, Frisco, Kwik Stop, Pickles, Press On, Tang, WWW As I was trying to decide what workout routine to create, I went to my favorite place to research … the good old exicon. I wanted exercises to push the limits for a solid WOD. As 0545 hit, I was anxious to get rolling. F3 mission, core principles, and credo recited and our Pledge of Allegiance to Old Glory it was time to get down to business. [Read More]


Since this is my one year anniversary backblast I’ll start with some of the mushy stuff. It will probably be longer then the Muggo but shorter then a Callahan Christmas speech. So over a year ago my M was at a continuing education class and some guys she knew from Raleigh were talking about F3. One of them who had only gone to one workout and quit was complaining about how early it started and how many push-ups they had to do. [Read More]


In the interest of full disclosure I have to admit that I had totally forgotten that I signed up to Q A-Team. Originally I had this planned for my rest day of the 1-Year Anniversary Q Week, but guess I signed up at some point so who needs rest days anyway. So in coming up for a workout I thought of some of the good ones I’ve been to at A-Team over the last year and realized they were a lot of different spots so why not try to tour the whole area. [Read More]