Shutty's Ladder

YHC had an amazing beatdown planned for the tennis courts of Claymore this morning, but overnight rains left the courts way too slippery. So instead the boys of Carpex got this. Warm-Up Mosey around the pickle to the rock pile and circle up for Imperial Walkers, Sir Fazios, cherry pickers, and the opposite of copperhead merkins (name TBD). The Thang Grab a travelling rock from the rock pile for travelling rock sevens. [Read More]

2 Years & Counting

15 HIM joined YHC in my 2nd Anniversary of F3 Starting with disclaimer and pledge We plant, grow and serve these groups to Warm Up with Mozy to parking lot. good mornings side straddle hops Sir Fazio Arm Circles / reverse Imperial Walkers Thang 1: Mozy to small field for 7’s group 1: wolverines + star jumps group 2: Mountain climbers + squats Thang 2: Mozy to track - Catch me if you can [Read More]

Quest for 8 Q Challenge ... Day 2 #2 Claymore

Date: 12/15/2020 PAX: Cataracts, Chewie, EarharT, Frisco, Happy Gilmore, Intimidator, Kwik Stop, Mama’s Boy, Pickles, Red Ryder, Reentry, Roasters, Suck Up, WWW Day 2.1 of the quest. I noticed that as I’m preparing the workout, it is not that easy. I always try to make multiple workouts different so it keeps the PAX guessing. But I do have my favorite routines and the thang I have planned can be modified in so many different ways that it is not boring. [Read More]

1,000 Yard Stare

When Tang came to me for advice about starting an evening workout I thought he was joking. F3 is a morning thing. We workout in the gloom because…well, I mean have you ever seen Kwik Stop in the light of day? Exactly! But I knew respects like Biner and Ma Bell were usually being put down by their nurses in the evening so maybe knowing those types would be out would bring in more PAX. [Read More]

Fashion faux pas

Small but stunningly strong set of swain swung into Scots Mill around six. A pair of NC State hoodies got out of their cars. Matching. Embarrassing. It’s 5:46, time to get going. SSH start. Frisco rolls up. Casually. SSHs continue. Frisco leisurely unfurls the flag. SSHs continue. The shovel is planted. SSHs continue. Shovel flag is assembled, with care. SSHs continue. Frisco joins the SSHs. SSH halt. Thang: Get a rock from the heavy rock pile. [Read More]

Always On Time

13 men and 1 dog showed up to a flagless Claymore, but pledge allegiance to an imaginary flag and got to work. Warm-Up Mosey to the left side of the lot and circle up for various warm-up exercises, including imperial walkers (because we’re in Cary) and excluding hillbillies (because we’re not in Apex). Explain Wildcard, every time Crimson says “Wildcard!” we do five burpees. The Thang Mosey over to the tennis courts, count off 1s and 2s. [Read More]

Truly This Is the Way

So I have this reoccuring nightmare where I wake up and Term Paper is–wait, Smokey told me not to use real names–so where “John Marriott” is–wait, Smokey said I can’t benefit from any therapy until my check clears. We’ll get back to the nightmare later. Suffice it to say that whenever I run into “John Marriot” at a workout I make sure I am not dreaming by pinching him. In my nightmare, “John” has a high pitched voice and sounds like a smurf getting their tail pulled when you pinch them. [Read More]

Pickles without Pickles

Note: I put the usual Parker jokes in the beginning of the BB. Anything over 20 words he typically skips. Going way too fast or tapping out after just a few reps has been a problem for a while I hear. OK now we can get down to business. (Note: I’ll put the Pierogi jokes at the end because I believe his issue is false advertising of the merchandise and never being able to close the sale. [Read More]

BRR Training 2021???

So it’s been a little while since YHC last Qed. Before BRR actually. Apparently I was still in BRR training mode when I devised the plan for today. That, coupled with how sore YHC is from back to back days of Iron Pax and low mileage for this point in the week I guess. Sorry to those that decided to follow me out there today, but hopefully you felt as though you received a proper beat down. [Read More]

Birthday Month

It was a chilly morning when I rolled into the site sometimes known as ATeam, sometimes known as Dazed and Confused, and today known as Maskers of the Universe. I noted two things immediately. First, I was late. Second, I was Q which meant everyone else was actually too early since the Q is never wrong. “5:30 start,” Meatloaf said. He was scanning the landscape for holes full of mud since one had attacked him the last time the Maskers posted at this site. [Read More]