The Road Less Traveled...backwards

It was several weeks ago at Full Metal Jacket when some Q (I’ll just say Hi Liter or Riptide to cover my bets) called 7’s and in a very respectful and diplomatic way, Callahan screamed out from the PAX that we’re doing them wrong. He continued that 7’s were not just shorter versions of 11. He then grabbed his ball and went home. Being a good person, I wanted to make sure he was ok so I reached out to him and asked him what he meant and how could I make things right. [Read More]

Water Wings Week Part Tres

11/7/18 We had a blast doing pull-ups, monkey humpers, rock your bodies, fast feet, curb hops and Australian mountain climbers. Most complained, but all delighted in the punishment.

Bear Crawls, Burpees and Boppits

Week two at Claymore, the best lit limited running AO in all of Carpex, and the parking lot is filling up fast. Can YHC handle a big crowd? Let’s find out. Warm-Up Mosey up the parking lot and around the island then circle up. Count off, 17 PAX. YHC is fair and kind, only 10 burpees OYO. Continue the warm-up with side straddle hops, imperial walkers, copperhead merkins, mountain climbers, copperhead squats, then pick up the other 7 burpees OYO. [Read More]

Water Wings Week Begins

YHC couldn’t have asked for a more glorious morning to Water Wings Week than what God blessed us with this morning. Water falling from the sky pretty much the whole morning to keep the sweat at bay. We moseyed to the usual warm-up parking lot for some SSH, Merkins, Calf stretches and Good Mornings. Next, Mosey to the far parking lot to find a rock. We setup in the parking circle for the thang. [Read More]

My Birthday Q @ DP

When: November 2nd, 2018 QIC: Earhart The PAX: Parker, Ausfarht, Sooey, Grinch, Crimson, Two-factor, Ninjago, Blue-n-out, Theismann, Snots, Water Wings, Sooner, Bogo, Disco Duck, Frisco, YHC Earhart 15 HIM including my 2.0 Ninjago join me on my special day for a Dante’s beatdown. T-claps to Pivot for letting me take his anniversary spot for my day. The weather is perfect, under 70 degrees with a cooling mist in the breeze. [Read More]

No Kilts, No Problem

A brisk fall morning greeted the 13 PAX who came out to check out Carpex’s newest Tuesday morning AO. No one was sporting a kilt, and YHC detected a sense of relief from the PAX on that fact. The Joker and Repeato both were able to walk in from their Scottish Hills homes, Repeato doing so with a ruck sack on his back. Some lively chatter as everyone waited to see what YHC had in store for them. [Read More]

DRP - Decisions

#DRP Proverbs 25:28 - Like a city whose walls are broken through is a man who lacks self control We each made the conscience decision to take the Red Pill - resolving to do what is hard and true, over what is easy. Each day we make 1000s of decisions, some of which set the course for our lives. Your first decision today was not easy, its raining, its cold, but you knew that through this effort you would be incrementally more than you were yesterday. [Read More]

The return of an old favorite

I pulled in to Tortoise Wednesday morning - excited to lead the men who are always slow and controlled with purpose. It has been a long time for me since I had visited tortoises but was excited to be back. There was a collection of normal activity as we gathered to begin the workout- some folks doing EC pullups and Frisco doing something stupid (apparently he lost another bet that required him to wear a weighted vest during the workout). [Read More]

A String of (Back in) Black Pearls

11 HIMs braved the coldest morning this fall morning at the finest Thursday AO in Carpex east of Hwy 64. YHC has a tendancy to make every workout high tempo, so I tried to tone it back a bit this morning. I did fail to brief the FNG before we got started, however I had confidence Bayonne had provided ample discussion during the EH’ing process. 5:15 (Feels so good to type that! [Read More]

The Cheddar Beast

Excited and a tad nervous for VQ week and my VQ at A-Team. Call me obsessive compulsive but I made two scouting trips to the AO, one in the daytime and one 30 minutes before go time, just to make certain that what I saw in the daylight still worked in the gloom. Good news…it did. No FNG’s but just for practice (you talk’n ‘bout practice) gave the disclaimer speech and off we went with a goal of seeing the familiar parking lots in a little different light. [Read More]