
Warm-Up Mosey up to the front of the school and circle up for imperial walkers, arm circles, daisy pickers, copperhead merkins and copperhead squats. The Thang Mosey around the school to the bus parking lot and count off 1s and 2s. One group BTTW while the other does 20 merkins, repeato with peoples chair and squats, then a lap around the buses. Repeato with 15 and 10 counts. Mosey over to the back parking lot for island sprints, with 10 monkey humpers and 10 dry docks every time you return to the first island. [Read More]

More miles please?

With the weather being a pleasant 48f this AM, 17 of Carpex’s finest came out in the gloom. Some appeared eager and did an EC, others didn’t. I am not one to judge, rather my purpose this morning was to Q. Let’s do this. Starting with: Pledge of allegiance Mozy to parking lot for warmups consisting of: Good mornings Seal claps Overhead claps Sir fazio arm circles Side stradle hops Mozy to top of trail path Thang 1: 7’s Plank Jacks & Sumo Squats Mozy past lake to parking lot [Read More]

Records are meant to be broken

As YHC has not attending a workout at Claymore more than a handful of times, he along with One Direction forgot its a 5:45 start. That being said a few warm up laps around parking lot killed the extra time. Beginning at 5:45, I a call for FNGS was made with no reply. With no flag in site.. we mozy’d pickle as then a site-q arrived with a flag. Stopped for pledge and then continued to other parking lot for warmups [Read More]

Gloom over Claymore

After being teased a bit with amazing spring weather, today was a day to test the PAX. Frankly we all failed as Carpex sites were poorly attended this cool rainy morning. Comfort won today hopefully lessons were learned… we’ll see. Here’s what went down for the stalwarts at Claymore today who decided to accelerate: Welcome, Mission of F3, & Pledge of Allegiance, begin warm-up with mosey to tennis courts. Classic warm-up, good mornings, windmills, fazios/overheads/seals (gonna work shoulders today), merkins, mountain climbers… lap around the courts to thang 1: [Read More]


Every year on the Ides of March, YHC has the distinct honor to celebrate the anniversary of his first F3 post. Today on the 6th installment I was honored once again to do so with my F3 Carpex brothers. We gathered outside the open gates* of Apex Community Park, home of A-Team, and noted the peak spring gloom, having endured a full 26 hours of Daylight Savings Time. 3/4ths of the ShieldRuck was on hand, one in a Cubs jersey #oversight. [Read More]

Disco beat me to it. So did Flip.

Sunday night planning my Monday morning A-Team Q, I noted on the map that Laurel Park Elementary is super close by. I’ve been with CARPEx for almost 6 years and have never been to Laurel Park. “Time for a first,” thinks I. Meet up with Flip Flop and Two Factor for an EC run. Head into the park as per usual but after running the regular long lollipop, Flip takes out of the park and to the right. [Read More]

A Smattering

4 years and a day! Quite a morning today, but first a look back at the last few February 14ths: 2020 // 2019 // 2018 // 2017 (note, way better BB compliance in Raleigh so far in 2021, but it seems like it’s only thanks to Pigpen and Cococrisp. tighten up, this is apparently a lost art) 14 PAX joined me at the flag, were graced with a retrospective about bu_m_ble tea and cheese foam, we checked for FNGs, said the pledge, and were off! [Read More]

Old School

A perfect 10 showed up on the coldest morning of the year. Warm-Up Mosey to the bottom lot for warm-up, including Sir Fazio arm circles, done Clockwork style, and a few burpees to calm the chatter. The Thang Mosey across the street to the little hill for sevens, burpees at the bottom, bear crawl up, jump squats at the top, mosey back down. Mosey back across the street to the picnic tables for Dora. [Read More]

That's Ten Enough

We had 18 PAX gather this morning at Tortoises to celebrate my 4 year F3 anniversary. I’m not sure if many of them were there to support me or if it was the fact that is was pouring rain yesterday and its going to be chilly with light snow tomorrow. 45 degrees with heavy mumblechatter. With 5:30 approaching, we started with the Pledge. Its a great way to start the day, and an even better way to get everyones attention. [Read More]

2 Live Crew

Two year anniversary. Wonderful group today. YHC went for a long-ish run yesterday, so today was a Parker-style ME shred. Warm-Up (for some reason I always call “have a nice days” instead of “good mornings” - I make this strange mistake every time - will tighten up). Thing 1: Rock Circuit x3 (oblique sit-ups, single-leg deadlifts, mountain climbers) Thing 2: Rock Circuit x3 (goblet squat, jump squat, pushup, shoulder tap) [Read More]