Like a Bat out of Hell

This YHC celebrates a 1 year anniversary with a Bells Q right where it all started. Enough about that! My playlist was off this morning not knowing the entire Meatloaf family would make up for a 1/3 of the morning PAX. Once the Meat wagon arrived we began on-time as always. Disclaimer, Pledge and of we went about 6 feet away. Morning Warm-ups included KB Hamstring Stretch, Good Mornings, Sir Fazio counter and clock with some seal claps. [Read More]

It's A Celebration

BIG. DAY. IN. CARPEX! 37 HIMs of all ages, including one FNG gathered at Apex’s finest Friday AO. YHC and WWW have the Q for what was anticipated to be a large, raucous crowd BEGGING for a beatdown. F3’s mission is recited, disclaimer is exclaimed, and allegiance is pledged. Mosey to the big circle for… Warm Up Good mornings, SSHs, Calf Stretches, A few sets of merkins, plank jacks and Steve Earles. [Read More]

Another Trip Completed

Another trip around the sun completed, so I will celebrate my birthday by Q’ing a workout Started on time and after the disclaimer and pledge we mosey’d over to the parking lot by the baseball fields Warm Up 15 SSH 10 Sir Fazio Forward and Backup 15 Imperial Walkers 10 Merkins 10 Good Morning Thang 1 11’s Squats and Hillybillys Thang 2 Dora 123 Time 100 Step ups 200 American Hammers [Read More]

Why Murph

“In an interview, Daniel Murphy said that he was not surprised to learn about his son’s actions. ‘What Maureen and I always worried about was that he would put himself in danger to help someone else, which turned out to be true,’ he said. " If you’re not familiar with the story of Micheal Murphy and his final heroic acts that ultimately cost him his life I invite you click below: https://www. [Read More]

No Words + Plankful

ShutIn let me know that he had to abandon his Q last night. I was prepared with a great beatdown and even pre-blasted a last minute Q change to get PAX interested. But when Yogi arrived, storming in from his EC run, he enthusiastically (is Yogi ever anything except enthusiastic?) asked to take over the Q. We hadn’t seen him at Tortoises in a couple of months and he was more than excited to lead us. [Read More]

Ode to the Site Q

After all the ECs came to a conclusion and the dust cloud of PAX settled in, the disclaimer was given, and we we’re off into the few minutes of gloom we had left… FNG Check… welcome Kevin! Let’s do this. Mosey halfway to the power lines and circle up in the gravel for SSH // IW // SFAC // rSFAC // OC // SC // Merkins Continue through the park stopping in the second parking area for copperhead good mornings. [Read More]

17,884 days down; 1 to go.

What a great morning! We had EC runners & ruckers; ME boot campers, ruckers, stretchers and rehabbers; 2 FNGs; visitor from New Bern; and a wide spectrum of guys who have been with Carpex from its earliest days to those who have been posting for just a few days. As it was stated often today, “Who has it better than us?” On the eve of my 49th birthday, it’s safe to say that I am in the best physical, emotional and mental shape I’ve been, in a long time. [Read More]

Limited Run Spartan Training (#2)

QIC: Parker AO: Tortoises (5/15/19) Yep, Build-a-Bear is still in my head about the grip strength for this Spartan Super in July. Having the Tortoises Q, YHC knew there were plenty of options to work on some upper body and grip strength at the loveliest AO in central Apex on a Wednesday. So let’s get after it! Warm up: Mosey about 500 feet and circle up. Even that was too far for Frisco, of course chanting the standard “I thought this was a limited run AO! [Read More]

Welcome To Camp Frisco

It was a glorious day at Camp Frisco…uh, Bounty Hunters. 56 PAX showed up ready to work. I realized however that Hi-Liter, Pet Sounds, and Red Ryder were probably alone at their sites. After a few rounds of Rock-Paper-Scissors (and two recounts demanded by Cool Beans–TYFYL) 33 PAX were shipped off to other AOs. There would be penalty burpees in store for them, but none of them had contributed to my HIM of the Year campaign PAC so they were quickly dismissed from my thoughts. [Read More]

Sooey's BACK!

Tomorrow marks the 90 day mark from when YHC had L5-S1 spinal fusion. In a way, that went by quick but in a way that seems like forever ago. YHC only ‘missed’ two weeks of F3 during the initial recovery, making it a point to post 3-4 days a week. The PAX really stepped up to keep me company on what was branded as the Sooey Shuffle. Thank you for everyone for all of the support and encouragement during the recovery process! [Read More]