Loom Rings The Bells

It was 1955, Oh, I mean 2015 when YHC did his VQ, has it been that long? YHC thought it was not that far back.. oh well, 14 PAX were treated to a body and soul workout, PAX was kind and hardly any mumble chatter related to all the Q’ing errors… YHC will try to remember it is ‘regular’ NOT ‘recover’; so on, encouragement and support all around Start at the Shelter - Disclaimer – Pledge of Allegiance – [Read More]

And Here's To You Mrs. Johnson

While planning my first Q at Hot For Teacher, I thought back to my school days. I don’t remember most of my teachers, but I remember Mrs. Johnson. She was a mean old witch who pushed her students hard and didn’t tolerate any nonsense. I hated her back then, but now I wish my own 2.0 could have a teacher just like her. With that inspiration, here’s what we did. [Read More]

Better Late Than Never

Eighteen PAX gathered this swampy moonlit morning at Carpex’s original limited-run AO, Tortoises. With the Dark of All Helmets fan club gathering happening over at SNS, YHC was very pleased with the turnout. Disco Duck and Frisco were already doing some EC, alternating intervals runs and pull-ups. YHC started to caution them that they might regret that later, but decided they would find out soon enough. No FNGs, but practice makes perfect, so let’s run through the disclaimer anyway. [Read More]

A-Team 5-year Anniversary 7-15-19

28 HIMs showed up to celebrate 5-years of wonderful workouts on Mondays! They were led by 108 years of experience on a classic tour of the site. Warm-Up WWW started the process with the standard disclaimer. There were no FNGs. We pledged allegiance to Old Glory and took off for a short run. WWW led us in GM, Abe Vigodas, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Seal Claps, Eskimo Merkins (they are not cool), hamstring stretch, and runner’s stretch. [Read More]

This was a Gross morning

Most of you would agree that the humidity this morning was absolutely gross, which fit in perfectly with my plan for the morning. You see, today marked my 144th day since I started with F3, something that I randomly figured out while planning this workout yesterday. So it was only fitting that the workout be inspired by a “dozen dozen” or 144. After a nice EC ruck with Repeato which left us completely soaked with sweat, we waited for the crowd to gather. [Read More]

Welcome to the Worst. Hobby. Ever.

It was a lonely morning as YHC rolled up to Green Hope Elementary at 0505 hoping to have someone there to spot me on my quest to improve pullups. Finding none, YHC attempted some pullups, managed to eek out one, and did some dead arm hangs to work on getting better. Since I had some extra time to spare, I searched for and found the extra special Pain Stick that Banjo had hidden away (for reference, it is located on the North side of the North entrance to the parking lot, stowed away behind a green utility box). [Read More]

We're playing basketball, we're playing basketball.

Date: 7/2/2019 PAX: Aristocrat, Cataracts, Frisco, My Cousin Vinny, Pickles, Press On, Willy Wonka, WWW Claymore is one of those AO that provides many options for a workout. As I listened to 43 feet the day prior with CSPAN speaking to Billy Bob from the F3 Columbia region. Billy Bob is the Nantan of the region. He was brought on to the pod-call-in to talk about lessons learned about being a Nantan of a region. [Read More]

Hells Bells - Vegas Style

PAX: Yeti, Crimson, Earhart, Hotty Totty, The Joker, Disco Duck, Intimidator, Billy, Snooze, Triple Lindy, Frisco, Quiver, Meat Loaf, Monkey Nutt QIC: Monkey Nut The thang: After warming up with a little run and some IST’s, Windmill we got to the fun. While flipping cards, each one represented a different exercise. Hearts were squats, diamonds where diamond merkins, spades were KB swings and clubs were curls. Jokers were wild (literally), each one someone took us somewhere different and different amount of running. [Read More]

Start spreading the news

Sixteen go-getters decided that the prospect of a 60-minute Bartman Q was somehow more attractive than the spectre of 90 minutes of Banjo, and I don’t blame them. So as not to disappoint, we gathered up, gave what was judged to be a minimally viable disclaimer, and headed to the community center parking lot, with some fortunate restraint shown by ToC’s BFT-wielding CheddarBo. We warmed up. SSH, GM, you know, the popular favorites. [Read More]

Like the first day of school

Like the first day of school, YHC set out clothes, made sure the flag was ready and playlist was primed for the soft launch of HOT FOR THE TEACHER. During my first Q (Hell’s Bells) in October 2018, I created a kick-ass playlist that included everybody’s favorite “Hot for The Teacher” by Van Halen. At one point @discoduck leaned over and said “ This would make a great name for an AO” When we scouted the new Thursday site and first decided on a starting point in the Publix parking lot, HFT was not one of the choices. [Read More]