Military Time

28 strong for a #TeamFOD Q this morning. YHC has now become used to 0530 (and soon to be 0515) workouts that upon arrival there was plenty of time to stretch. Pax started rolling in but, of course, none made an entrance like Burt…yes Burt was at FOD. I think for the first time since we tried to throw Callahan a surprise baby shower, so like what, 2-3 years ago!? Anyways he came in windows down mumblin his chatter BEFORE HE EVEN PARKED HIS CAR! [Read More]

Sometimes Vanilla is the Right Flavor

Ever since I attended my first themed workout, I knew that is the way I wanted to go when I started Q’ing. I believe it was a Hello Kitty Q themed on the college football playoffs, nothing fancy, but it was never the less, inspirational. However, a time comes in every man’s life where he has to embrace change and also that time was Sunday night where he hasn’t come up with a theme and needs to go to bed, hence my first vanilla Q. [Read More]

Virgin Fields

FOD was my first Carpex Post and so is VQ now. A few fist bumps with PAX, Words of encouragement and support, butterflies in the stomach settling down. 31 Strong for this VQ No FNG’s present. Disclaimer is given. After the Pledge of Allegiance Warm-Up Mosey up the pickle, across the street to the shelter parking lot around the back island and circle up for 10 X Side Straddle Hops IC 10 X Windmills IC 10 X Fazio C X 2 IC 10 X Overhead Claps IC 10 X Good morning IC [Read More]

Milk Run

33 Pax gathered to celebrate YHC’s 35th birthday… well actually, they gathered to watch what would happen when Frisco drank a half gallon of milk prior to the beatdown. Banjo joined Frisco in the lactose challenge. Surprisingly, they were able to keep it all down during the workout. Pickles and Parker got in some EC merkins and several pax got in an EC fellowship run with Half. Once the new start time of 0530 rolled around, we were off! [Read More]

Prop-less. Vanilla.

Forget bananas, sprinkles, waffle cones, sauces (chocolate, caramel, or Nutella). Not even whipped cream or a cherry. Just a 2.5 gallon bucket of store-brand vanilla. After Parker needled me yesterday at Wolverine for bringing the sled (“I shouldn’t have been surprised that there was a sled hidden in the dark-er part of the AO, you always use props”…or something like that), I decided today would be just me, the PAX, and the AO. [Read More]

Franklinaversary - 4th edition

On the last Monday in September in 2014, YHC was privileged to be an FNG at an A-Team workout. Today, YHC took the opportunity of his anniversary to repeat his inaugural F3 workout, this time as the Q, just as I did on the last Monday in September 2015, 2016 and 2017. Following the first time I participated in this workout (under the leadership of Denali), I couldn’t raise my arms above my head for 3 days and couldn’t walk properly for 6 days. [Read More]

No Mucking Way!

September 17, 2018 YHC was inspired last weekend. He spent Saturday prior running around in the mud in Denver for an MS charity. Knowing he had to figure plan a workout for the old crew on Wednesday AND that it rained a little bit in the area, inspiration quickly took hold. Not knowing exactly WHAT they were going to do, he definitely knew WHERE it was going to happen. There was even a PSA on the site AO days ahead of time. [Read More]

Ode to Smaug

As a fan of the Lord of the Ring and Hobbit series I just had to run with this when I found it. The Pax showed up strong this morning including a FNG (kinda) Shut In, Parker and YHC got some ECP in early to get the blood flowing. When the bell rang this is how it went down. Disclaimer (because he wanted to be a FNG but really wasn’t. In truth I was a little confused so he got the disclaimer) [Read More]

Slow. DOWN.

Occasionally, I like to sit on my porch and tell the kids (and defecating dogs) to stay off my lawn, to complain about the weather, reminisce about walking to school, upAndy, in the snow, both ways, and to yell at the cars to SLOW DOWN. That was the genesis of this workout. And, like almost any old man story, that is completely false. I actually realized about 1/7th of the way through Ma Bells ridiculous Hindenberg workout at FOD (the OG of Tuesday Carpex AOs) that my form was becoming exceedingly sloppy and rushed. [Read More]

How Not to Win Friends & Influence People

Someone mentioned to me last week that I had the Q this week at FOD. I had not remembered that. It would have been super embarrassing to travel across CarPEX Nation and miss a Q at FOD. I mean, who does that? Anyway, given this is the OG Tuesday AO in CarPEX, I wanted to bring it. Nobody splashed but the level of hatred thrown my way leads YHC to the following conclusion: mission accomplished. [Read More]