Salute to our Veterans.

Nice morning. 44 degrees. Crystal clear. Respect Week. The original Cary AO. 26 HIMs. The DZ crew was complete this am with Cally and Large in attendance. Today we observe Veterans Day and at DZ we are fortunate to be the closest AO to Cary’s Veterans Freedom Park. Cally took us there a few years back…so we had to go back. A little Rip Tide Pearl on a String was planned for the 1. [Read More]

A Respect Week Preview

Admittedly I am jumping the gun on Respect week but I will be out of town and feel deep need to get my “experienced” thoughts included in the week’s activities. If fellow Respects allow, suggest setting goal for workout to provide a beat down that will allow the young-ins to share in our daily ritual of stiffness and aches. 18 in total with buzzer beater arrivals from Loom and Flip-Flop, however, this Friday we had “Wednesday light” with Bartman peeling off to show CK Ruck life and the Large heading out for a solo run due to injury (that’s how Large recovers). [Read More]

Chopping and Running

I knew my trail run race was coming up but I was a bit surprised to find out I signed up to Q the day before it. Oh well, guess its good and I can not kill my legs with 100 squats or something. Oh and then Hello Kitty asked to do the meow mile so it was a good warm up. Meow Mile (2 miles): Hello Kitty, CK, Shut In, Ma Bell, and Chanticleer [Read More]

BOMBS around a Campfire

Ever since it’s gotten so that it stays dark well past 6:30, I haven’t seen many groups venture into the gloom murk pitch blackness that is North Cary Park. To hell with that - this is @F3DangerZone! So I set up a very cute campfire in the field to entertain the troops. After making sure everyone who wanted one had a headlamp, we’re off. [caption id=“attachment_387094” align=“alignnone” width=“960”] Image only slightly not to scale. [Read More]

Crowdsourcing Fail

You may have noticed yesterday that YHC began taking requests for this morning’s workout. And you may have seen a couple of our brethren putting some requests in. What you wouldn’t have seen is almost any of those requestors actually post at A-Team this morning. Instead, they either fartsacked, or Q’d at other sites. To you, fine gentlemen, know that the PAX loquaciously besmirched your name. YHC, on the other hand, just did exactly as he said. [Read More]


Friday mornings are made for Danger Zone, the original Cary AO. 73 degrees, humid, slightly overcast. Nice crowd this morning which formed while I placed the cones on the soccer field. 24 dudes, inlcuding one FNG (more on that later), PigPen and his 2.0…7 year old Boom from Raleigh and Big Bird, Viking and Puck also from Raleigh. One current site Q and two old site Q’s on hand. Caught up PigPen and Boom at the Forge this week when I hung with Chinese Downhill, Half, BigBird, Viking and Puck…promoted CarPex (however not like Hello Kitty and Shut In) and they made the trip to DZ. [Read More]

No Mercy

13 HIM came out to A-Team just 48 hours after the CSAUP Odyssey seeking no mercy, and getting none. Cheddar-Bo showed up to unlock the gate as the PAX were gathering, but YHC made the call to stay where we were. Warm-Up - Mosey over to the parking lot next to the big hill for some SSH, imperial walkers, plank jacks, merkins, and possibly the slowest version of Good Morning in Carpex history. [Read More]

Pre-CSAUP: A stretch, some lunges, and proper hydration

On the eve of the Carpex Odyssey, YHC was left to ponder at what level to push the PAX on this fine October morning. Knowing that a good stretch, and hydration were essential, YHC set out to deliver a well-rounded “beatdown” in hopes that lactic acid would be pushed out of the PAX legs and arms, and that those participating in Saturday’s CSAUP would be well lubricated for the event. And with that, Coach Kitty was on the Q for: [Read More]

Mucho Beasto

I was about a hot minute away Sunday evening from texting Goose to see if he wanted to go to Kryptonite when Hot Spot’s weekly Q summary came in. And guess what? There was my name for A-Team! You see, I knew that. I was just testing y’all to see YOU knew that. Yeah. yeah. As we rolled up to the Park entrance, no cars. That can only mean 5 things: [Read More]

Just Another #BurpeeFriday

Short on time, my apologies, but I want to give credit to those 19 Pax that attended! Warmup: SSH, GM, Sir Fazios, 10 Burpees IC Partner up and together knockout light pole burpees 1 through 5, WWIIs, Plank for instructions. Thang - P1 bear crawl up the business park road hill, P2 10 burpees and tag P1 and both run up the hill. P1 10 burpees, P2 hand release merkins. [Read More]