Circle of Death...

I guess it was more like an oval. I got there early to check out the park and Hermes and Billy were already waiting. 10 Pax showed up and Joe Smith placed the flag. We started off on our first lap as Fluoride rolled in. Warm Up Jog lap 1 and on lap 2 we did butt kicks, high knees, and karaoke. Circle up for 10 x GM and 15 x IW. [Read More]

The Gates of Koka Booth will not prevail against Us.

Date 11/13/17 QIC: Fluoride +6 Awesome Pax I arrived at Koka Booth barely on time to find 6 Pax running in the parking lot. I got out of my car and asked why they were running, and the reply was to keep warm. It was that kind of morning, in the low 40’s and raining, a day when most folks would elect to fartsack, but not the brave men of Carpex. [Read More]

Uphill Both Ways

How long’s FWD been in action? How long has it been since I’ve been there? (last time I posted, Fluoride almost killed me…he’s a BEAST) You mean I’ve never had a chance to Q there? What, it’s Sunday and there’s an open Q slot there (and at Vesper AND at Dante’s Peak)? Fantastic, time to pay a visit to Hermes’ homeland. Spent Sunday evening drawing up my plans, had my Weinke all ready to roll. [Read More]

Salute to our Veterans.

Nice morning. 44 degrees. Crystal clear. Respect Week. The original Cary AO. 26 HIMs. The DZ crew was complete this am with Cally and Large in attendance. Today we observe Veterans Day and at DZ we are fortunate to be the closest AO to Cary’s Veterans Freedom Park. Cally took us there a few years back…so we had to go back. A little Rip Tide Pearl on a String was planned for the 1. [Read More]

Gloom Despair Agony

14 pax. Banjo, CK, Callahan, Chanticleer, Denali, Earhart, Fluoride, Hermetic s, Lite Brite, Ollie, Riptide, Sputnik, Term Paper, missing one, Chop Block? 14 pax and no FNGs for the first morning of real gloom of the season. We huddle, MC, stay warm, MC, count down the minutes, MC, seconds tick by, MC, and we’re off. Head to the bank for 51 to SSH. Recover on the run to the municipal building parking lot for Imperial Walker, Willie Mays Hayes, mountain climber, calf stretches. [Read More]

Flirtin With Respect

November 7th 2017 QIC Fluoride The Pax: Ollie, Sosa, Dice, Oofta, Saban, Kyrie, Lite Brite, Chanticleer, Titanic, Mufasa, WKRP, Term Paper, Whorley, Joe Smith, Hermes, Wonder Bread. It was a perfect morning at Marla Dorrell park as I rolled in for yet another beat down with my fellow pax. As I walked up I noticed Hermes seated in a lawn chair donning a straw hat and reading the paper. He said he was waiting to show me the add for Sprigmoor Retirement home, thought I might be interested. [Read More]

Respect week kick-off

9 PAX for Kryptonite and 1 for Rolling Stone showed up at Koka Booth to kick off Carpex Respect Week. We were greeted by Hermes, playing an old man character by sitting in his patio chair, reading today’s newspaper, and wearing his old-man hat. If you haven’t seen the hat, just look for any of his selfies on GroupMe. Ah, Mondays. You try to start the week off right, but your gastrointestinal system may still be dealing with what you did to it over the weekend. [Read More]

Opposites Attract

13 HIM (FNG Mitchell) got their week started right at Kryptonite this am. 40 degrees. Clear. No wind. Here is what we did: Warm up Circle up for SSH while we wait on Flouride Run to the large parking lot. Line up for SSH, a miscalled Good Morning, IW etc with a few sprints between light poles (~ 50 yards) included. Thangs - All in the Parking Lot Set of 22’s - Hand Release Merkins and Jump Squats. [Read More]


BB YHC hails from Generation X. Gen X?! We tried to name ourselves…colossal failure. Remember when George Costanza tried to name himself, “T-Bone?” Bad idea, “Co Co the Monkey.” Kobe, “The Black Mamba?” Really?! We received a key reminder today at FWD - #Don’tNameYourself. Let’s start that trending… Oh - we also learned about teamwork. EveryTHANG we did today hinged upon working together and cheering on our teammates. We are better together. [Read More]

Lion's Gate

Monday morning. Kryptonite for some men but not for these 11 dudes. No gloves for the real men #carystrong and off we went. COP in the VIP parking lot - SSH, Mountain Climbers, Good Mornings, Merkins, Imperial Walker. Main Event - 3s by 5 Practice the 3s by 5 - 5 Starjumps, 5 Burpees, and 5 Hand release Merkins in the parking lot and then run to the corner of Ederlee Drive and Regency Parkway. [Read More]