
Date: June 22, 2018 Weather: 110 degrees, humid, clear 11 Pax gathered at the original Carpex AO. Warm Up: Mosey to bottom of the pickle. Circle up for standard warm up of SSH, GMs, Cotton Pickers, Hell if I knows, merkins, plank jacks. Thang: Dealers Choice Pearls on a String. Head to the fork in the trail. One pax calls a move and we do said move 15x, then we run a bit and then another pax calls a move we do said move 15x plus the first pax’s move 15x…. [Read More]

More than just a workout (Carpex Convergence)

Truth be told, YHC is feeling some pressure on this BB. But, in the words of a sage Carpex veteran: “Keep it vanilla and Q to the site.” - Carman Liuzzo, 57, Burt Wednesday, June 20th, will go down as an EPIC day in Carpex history. The menu looked like this: 0430 - 0500 HIMs launching for the 10.7 mile Maynard loop (14 by YHC’s count) 0505 HIMs launching for Insomnia, YHC on the route Q 0545 HIMs gather for SNS + Tortoises + Vesper convergence at Bond Park 0630 COT with 77 strong, followed by 2nd/3rd F fellowship and Chinese Downhill sharing this powerful and emotional story. [Read More]

Highway to the Construction Zone

I had a route all set and ready to go. YHC tends to leave the park for a roundabout journey as of late, so I was excited to walk it down, what with all the greenway closures in the area. I pulled up Strava just to review last week’s workout… and Rip beat me to the punch. And it was a more ambitious version of what I had scoped out on Google Maps, so here you go trash can, have a plan! [Read More]

what happened to a low key AO?

What the heck, Darn near 30 pax at FOD! PROBLEMACTIC - Addition by Division? May be time… Nonetheless was an epic morning so let’s get after it! Go Time 0545 Jog down across to other parking lot around the pickle and back past the flag SSH x 25 (IC) Merkins x 15 (IC) Peter Parker x 15 (IC) Plank Jacks x 20 (IC) Parker Peter x10 (IC) The Thang: Partner up Partner 1 BTTW, Partner 2 LBC Repeato 3x Bear Crawl, Crawl Bear, and sideways crawl to past the flag The Thang Duo: Partner back up with same partner for Rocks and Squats Partner 1 rocks to failure, Partner two run 3 yards do squats/return Curls, Press, Skulls, Row Repeato 2x The Thang Tre: Same Partner Pull ups 5x each Repeato 2x Mary J Lo x20 (IC) LBC x20 (IC) Announcements [Read More]

Imperial Death March, DZ style

15 stormtroopers marched on Danger Zone this morning, destroying the rebel alliance…otherwise known as our shoulders. In concelebration of May the Fourth, YHC spun up a beatdown complete with Star Wars flavored fun. Under a bright moon and the glow of light sabers, we welcomed an FNG, Pete, and dutifully recited the disclaimer. And then the fun began… Of course, the first warmup move of any respectable May the Fourth workout has to be…Imperial Walkers. [Read More]

Phoenix 4/28/18 -- 2010's

24 PAX came out for this workout that arose for the ashes like the AO’s namesake. Cary’s Spring Days limited access to all the places YHC wanted to use. After the Warm-ups, everything else was an improvisation. We jogged off to our usual warm-up spot which was now named the Purple Parking Lot. Nicki Minaj, Rihanna, and Beyonce among others started out with us. Unfortunately, the Respects in the group were not impressed. [Read More]

Let's Glow Climb Some Hills

22 brightly clad HIM gathered. Very light drizzle. No FNGs but disclaimer still given and we are off. Warm Up Parking lot lap SSH x 15 IW x 10 GM x 10 Burtjacks x 10 The Thangs Mozy down the trail to field loop. Partners run in opp direction, 20, 15, 10, 5 partner clap merkins when you meet up 3 sets of 12 IC each chest, legs, core exercise [Read More]

Flirting with Disaster 4/24/18 Day 2 -- The '70's

The week of Smokey continues with the music of the 1970’s. Joining us on this rainy workout were Aerosmith, Kansas, Stevie Wonder, Ram Jam, and many more. The songs inspired both singing (well, you could call it singing) and chanting from the PAX. It was an experience though only 8 of us braved the weather to enjoy it. We started with a brief run to the front circle for warm ups. [Read More]

Phoenix 2 Year Anniversary

Phoenix was my first Q site, I hope years later I did a slight better job. Nice cool morning and off we went at 6:30 Slow jog towards rock pile, few warm ups then we wrapped a rock and did some rock work, balls to the wall and peoples chair. Then we did some light pole work, and did a hill climb. Next was the Fry Daddy repeato of parking lot laps. [Read More]

Tabata Tango

To celebrate the 420 holiday, I decided to forget it was 420 and not incorporate it into my Q. Darnit, missed opportunity. Instead, I laid out an ambitious plan to traverse the DZ soccer fields in a modified 4-corners, tabata style. But alas, the Town of Cary department of parks and recreation had other plans when they launched the sprinkler system to aptly moisten the pitch. You can imagine my dismay when I showed up nice and early for setup, fully equipped with cones and headlamp (more on that later). [Read More]