The CarPEX Declaration Celebration

In honor of this Carpex’ declaration of independence this year from F3 Raleigh, we hijacked the nation’s birthday…no this was about America. And Independence. And Revolution. And Democracy. And Old Glory. And rockets red glare. And Freedom. And moon shots. And heroes. And Bald Eagles. And the Greatest Got Dang country in the world! And it all started in 1776. So 35 of Carpex’ and 2 of F3 Raleigh’s finest did this. [Read More]

The Pax Shilted Themselves

15 PAX showed up for the third installment of YHC’s Q week. Rumors of Sharknado swirled (pun intended), but an audible was called, and a beatdown then delivered. The McCants Warmup: Jog, backwards run and bear crawl around the pickle, Derkins, Dips, Urkins, walking balls to the wall, lunges, walking balls to the wall, gorilla walks Thang: 11s on the field with burpees and CCDs, Suicides with recovery on People’s Chair and Balls to the Wall [Read More]

Animal Kingdom

13 PAX circled up on a perfect morning. Sun was shining, shovelflag was planted, and the PAX were ready. (disclaimer: this workout happened 7 days ago. My memory is very rusty, so what follows is probably only about 70% accurate) WARM UP Jog over to Booty Sea for Good Mornings, SSH, Merkins, Imperial Walkers, then jog to the Taipai 101 lot for… THE THANG Two groups, one bear crawls to the end of the lot, second group squat hold. [Read More]

47 is a wonderful number

As soon as the pax started grumbling about the time, circle up I yelled - What here? Now? Blah, blah blah. YHC quickly established who was in charge First exercise Good mornings, x 4, Followed by Good mornings x 7 SSH - x47, Sir Fazio 15, 16 reverse and 16 overhead (yes Ma Bell 15+16+16 does equal 47) Run through wooded trail (usually too dark but it is nearly the lightest day of the year), to the bottom of the stairs - platform [Read More]

Little Frisbee Toss Anyone?

Insomnia included YHC, Wonder Bread, Large Mouth, and Shut In for a nice 4 mile loop. Next Up SNS - Warm up jog where I learned we had an FNG. Whoops. Flip Flop wanted to stop things right there but we went on. Warmup Side Straddle Hop 20 IC **Late disclaimer by Flip Flop - nice work Good Mornings 10 IC Willie Mays Hayes 10 IC Imperial Walkers 15 IC Plank Jacks 10 IC Merkins 10 IC The Thang [Read More]

Another Soggy Tuesday

Something about Tuesdays this year…wet has been the rule of thumb…At least when YHC has posted in the am rather than the ever popular PM Rush Hour. No matter though, as 20 hard cores were there when YHC showed to do some work. Some new faces taboot. The inflow continues and that is a good thing. Pet Sounds let YHC know it was time and with that we ran up the hill to the top parking lot on left. [Read More]

No Larry This Go Around

Shut In was afraid of what happened last time YHC led the horses at A-Team. The Pax tried some new exercises and were better for it…were they a bit creative? Sure. Edgy? Perhaps. Did you get to know your fellow man a bit better? You bet your damned ass….(hmmm, interesting choice of words). Anyhow, Shut In didn’t want any more of what could come but his worry was unwarranted. No sir, this day was not to feature Mary’s brother that lives in Key West, Larry. [Read More]

Follow My Cadence

After my long commute from Apex up to DZ, I was greeted by 13 PAX ready for a good workout. Burt had saved up 6 days of mumble chatter and was in high form and brought a lot of fun this fine morning. Permit running in last minute, off we go around the “pickle” for one lap and circle up at the entrance for: Warm Up 10 Good Mornings 20 Side Straddle Hops [Read More]

Guns, Bras, Rocks, Johnny Cash

The threat of rain didn’t keep too many away today. Parking lot filled and at 5:45 sharp (or thereabouts since YHC didnt have a timepiece today) we were off towards the front entrance of the park. Tight pax running 2x2 on the sidewalk headed up the High House hill to the 2nd entrance where we circled up for warm up. GM x20, IW x20, SSH x20, Sir Fazio - 10 each way [Read More]

Beat the Funk

YHC has to attest that he went to bed not knowing how the morning would roll. Coming off a week long work-vacation where he had no time for rest (the 3 year construction project will not end), YHC was broken and tired, add in there just in a bad mood. At 5:30am we were off with little shared by YHC, the only thing in the back of his mind was to beat the funk out! [Read More]