When: 9/20/2017 QIC: Pet Sounds The PAX: see below As SNS is my 2nd favorite site in F3Carpex (only behind Kryptonite obviously) I took this Q seriously. Worked hours in preparation for these famed 45 minutes to deliver a powerful beatdown that would make even Larry happy. Warm up - lap with around parking lot ending at side of sr ctr. SSH, GoodMorning, MountainClimbers, PlankJacks, Fozio Sir Fozio (Rev), Mozy to gate [Read More]

Rock on, A-team

Strong showing of 14 PAX at A-team on the launch day of another new Carpex AO. I wasn’t sure what kind of attendance to expect after all the hype surrounding the first day of Wolverine, but you can always count on allure of one of Carpex’s original workouts. No hype, no nonsense, not even a Twitter account. Just hard work and clean livin'. Welcome FNG SunPass! Warm Up Progressive warm-up to get us from the locked gates toward the back of ACP 20 Side Straddle Hops, IC 15 Imperial Walkers, IC 10 Windmills, IC 20 Merkins 20 Mountain Climbers, IC Thang 1 [Read More]

Q That Will Live in Infamy

YHC tweeted last night that this would be a Q that will live in infamy. It would prove a portent of things to come. For, in a cosmic coincidence of epic proportions, both site Qs actually showed up at Danger Zone. I mean, when was the last time that happened? Has it ever happened? Did they recognize each other? Also, Sputnik posted for the first time since Chanticleer broke his wrist at BO. [Read More]

What Sore Legs?

After a GroupMe fartsack shaming on Tuesday - the day after the 9/11 stair climbs and only a couple of days removed from the BRR - when only a handful of CarPEX PAX posted, the boys showed up in force; from the looks of it, pert’neer 40 of them. We’ll count-a-rama later. After a round of fist bumps and a doo-rag tying lesson, it was time to roll. Let’s go! [Read More]

Dreamin' of DangerZone

YHC/QIC rolled up to Danger Zone to see 13 men awaiting in the Gloom. True Gloom too: moderately dense fog settling over the men and the shovel flag, and mild cool brisk air. I really needed to consult with one of the site Qs, but alas, there was no sight Q in site. Burt exclaimed he was an old site Q and offered his guidance. I was unsure if he utilized the adjective “old” meaning ‘former’ or ‘age’, but nonetheless I absolutely declined any guidance from Burt. [Read More]

What's a celebration merkin?

With Yogi on the sideline (rest well sweet Prince) the run-and-gun (hold on that run) duo of Hello Kitty and Pierogi were the next men up to lead an All-American beat down at Danger Zone. Warmup: Kitty led the PAX for a warmup lap around the pickle at a noticeably low-slow tempo. Circle up in honor of the 10-year anniversary of the Mighty Mountaineers defeating the #5 ranked Michigan Wolverines IN THE FRIGGIN’ BIG HOUSE, 34-32: [Read More]

"It's Good To Be Alive Today"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjELo3fmS-M Early this morning, before YHC laced up his brand-new sneakers, there was a post on GroupMe from the ‘Man’Tan himself, MaBell. MaBell reminded me of my mom, who always would call/send me a message the morning of someone’s birthday/anniversary: “hey sweetie, call ___________, it’s their birthday today”. Anyhoo, MaBell declared that today, August 30, was the official 4th anniversary of CarPex. He went on to praise some of the OGs of CarPex, and remind us to swell their heads for setting a foundation for what is soon to be 14-15 AOs across Cary-Apex. [Read More]

Loud Ain't Hi Tempo

64 degree, limited humidity, 13 men (6 for 2 lake loops EC) for a little Kryptonite this am. Flag planted, no FNGs. Select a partner. Cape and Boxing Gloves did not last long. We are off. Warm Up Half lap. SSH, MC, LBJJ, Hillbilly, LBJJ, GMs. 10-20x. Quick run over to the big parking lot. Thangs Finish warm up (see above) + 13 burpees OYO. Webbicides. 10 cones. 1 merkin at the first cone up to 10 merkins…increasing Merkins each time in suicide style after running to each of the 9 cones separated by about 15 yards. [Read More]

Flirtin' With a Double Dribble

On Wednesday, August 22nd, the Carpex Fighting Fish PAXetball team meet at Marla Dorrell park, the home of Carpex Court, for an early morning practice. 27 members of the team, YHC included and an FNG from New Jersey (lifelong friend of YHC) met at the hardwood (or pavement), because as YHC’s tweet pointed out, “Hard bodies are made on the hard wood (pavement).” And with that, practice was under way: [Read More]

Big Surprise!

25 PAX denied the fartsack Saturday morning to put in some hard work with their brothers. It was clear, low 70’s, and perfect #schweaty weather. YHC knew he was Q’ing Phoenix the entire week, but when M.Callahan was told of it Thursday evening, the plan needed to be changed. And since it was a surprise for YHC, it would be a surprise for all the PAX. YHC teased the PAX on twitter claiming that a world-class surprise would be revealed the last 15 minutes of the Saturday beatdown. [Read More]